PSO2 Station #25 Recap

Warning! This post is updating in real time!
Please take note as the information below is subject to change.

November 3rd Recap

Phantom Class

  • The debate is now over! It's Rod / Rifle / Katana

White Rappy Suit Mini

  • Coming This Christmas! on Ice!

Ceres Series

  • Can be obtained from Drops or through the Exchange.
  • You can upgrade it through Zieg to get the Zara Series
  • Potential:
    • Power Up
    • Power Rises Based on # of hits
    • When power reaches MAX a barrier is formed.
    • This barrier grants the effect of Super Armor.
    • Barrier disappears if your attacks don't hit within a certain time.
    • When you have Zara, you'll also get a Damage Reduction effect.
  • Ceres Series: S1 (S-Class Slot) & Doom Break (Factor)
  • Zara Series: S1 ~ S3 (S-Class Slots) & Doom Break II (Factor)
  • Zara Series can be obtained from drops too.

Elzelion Trigger

  • Get 1 From Partnya's CO.
  • Triggers will drop from Elzelion and other mid-bosses.

Elzelion's Roar

  • It's possible to evade this with Step / Guarding

XH Free Fields

  • XH Maps will be adjusted to make it easier to go around in circles.
  • Dark Empe Rappy Will Show Up.
  • Expect Boost Events that increase Elzelion's Spawn Rate.


  • Coming to XH Free Field from Lv 85 "Hunar" enemy types.

★14 Eggs

  • Viola and Synchro are coming in November
  • Redran will be later. (December?)

Parfait and ★14 Egg Recycling

  • They have plans to implement this, but they cannot say when.

Phantasic Live Costumes

  • Expected to come Spring of Next Year

Forever Loner (Endless Quest Title)

  • Only 1 person has Forever Loner currently.
  • They are a (GuFi)

Re Folmelgia Adjustments (December)

  • Plan to do readjustments in December
  • They're reducing the PP consumption during rush phase.
  • Improving its turning ability
  • Adding invincibility frames at the start

2018 Fall Survey Stuff

This section is in regards to the recent survey.

What Do Players Want In The Future?

  • Players want new PAs to all weapons.
  • They Want More Type-Zero Technics
  • They want to use both (Type-Zero and Normal) PAs / Techs
  • They want improvements to Simple Compound Technics
  • They want adjustments that focus on something refreshing rather than just power.
  • They want Hunters strengthened a bit more.
  • They want a new class.

What do Players Want for Quests In The Future?

  • They want EQs with efficient EXP
  • They want to play permanent quests that aren't bound by time limits nor only available during specific times.
  • They want unique behaviors/motions when the Devs use existing enemies. (Ex: Zeta Guranz' beam in VR Defense)
  • They want buffed versions of bosses before EP3
  • They want new quest types.
  • They want increased rare drop rates.
  • They want changes in movement for Buffed Raids and Rematch Bosses, and not just HP and ATK increases.

More to be added.


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IDOLA Phantasy Star Saga Set For November Release

Today Popona cheerfully announced that IDOLA Phantasy Star Saga is set to begin service in November. The game is Phantasy Star's return to a turn based RPG that plans to release on Android and iOS devices!


IDOLA is set in a world of two major competing forces where each character is affiliated with either [Law] or [Chaos]. Some characters, however, belong to neither side, and are classified as [Neutral] participants.

Starting the game up for the first time will allow you to input your name and birthday. The birthday you enter will decide the main protagonist's element. You can change your name as you play the game, but you will not be permitted to alter the birthday.


You can confirm the status of your party prior to heading out into battle. From here, the livestreamers began their first [Free Quest], which happened to consume 15 Drive points.


These enemies might look familiar to those who've played PSO2. Standing in the back is the red [Rocked Bear] with two [Lugulfs] in front of it. Typically at the beginning of battle, each character only has access to basic attacks, indicated by the orange icons. These attacks will grow stronger as the battle progresses due to the increase in elemental values when various actions occur.


Characters will gain access to new attacks once their element reaches certain values. These new attacks are known as [Skills] that apply various effects on the enemy or your character. Skills in red icons usually perform powerful attacks that apply a particular effect. Skills with blue icons generally provide some sort of effect without an attack. For example, the blue icon [Shifta-Deband] increases both ATK and DEF on an ally.

Once a particular skill is used, the icon will grey out and go into cooldown for a number of turns.


Reverse Rush is yet another form of attack that switches out the current party with another in the opposite faction. Activating this action will unleash an all-out attack by members of the opposite party. Reverse Rush can also grant an effect that either reduces the enemies' defenses or reduces the amount of damage your characters would receive.


Once a character's element reaches a high enough value, their elemental icon will transform into a crest. This allows you to activate their [Elemental Blast]. This special move unleashes an action packed attack sequence that ends up consuming a certain amount of the element's value. Each Elemental Blast has its own effect. For example, Jasper's [Twin Blade] reduces his own speed after he finishes the attack, while Madock's [Steal Life] recovers HP after he completes the attack.


Once you've completed a quest, you'll be presented with a screen that displays the item drops and Meseta you've earned. You may also receive additional rewards if you achieve certain conditions in battle, such as winning without any incapacitations, or using elemental blasts a certain amount of times.

The next screen displays each character's results with two bars underneath. These indicate their progress towards leveling up and their bond level. Characters will earn hearts as you keep filling their bond gauge. This ties into the Fate Divergence system explained previously on this site.


Beasts Are Back?

IDOLA brings forth the revival of "Beasts" after their long absence! This time they're known as the [Lycans] who dwell alongside a mountainous region.



New Characters

Anna Marie (CV: Sayaka Ohara)

  • Stella's mother and former head of the Aries Knights.


Popo Pudding (CV: Miyuki Kobori)

  • When she puts on her glasses, she switches to tactical mode, and her personality changes.


Phuramy (CV: Eri Kitamura)

  • The administrator of the Aries Knights who hails from a different world


The Imperial Army

Sigmund (CV: Rikiya Koyama)

  • Rosalinde's father and ruler of the Leoria Empire!
  • A warrior who carries the lineage of the Idolan Leo.


Erwin (CV: Kōki Uchiyama)

  • A man of superior wisdom who's the Crown Prince of the Empire!
  • He possesses excellent skills in protection and healing.


Gustav (CV: Kōsuke Toriumi)

  • The Second Prince in line of the Empire.
  • He excels in martial prowess and is a master of the bow.


Gerda (CV: Ami Koshimizu)

  • The First Princess who specializes in strategy and intrigue.
  • She has her sights set on Rosalinde's life.


Correction: Release Date Is Set For Sometime in November

PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Limited Time! Support Item Selection

Limited Time! Support Item Selection
(Until 11.7.2018)

Attribute Changers


Special Ability Affixers


Special Ability Affixers

  • 特殊能力(打撃&PP/3) ║ Add Ability (Power & PP/3)
    • Grace Power グレース・パワー =S-ATK+50 & PP+5
  • 特殊能力(射撃&PP/3) ║ Add Ability (Shoot & PP/3)
    • Grace Shoot グレース・シュート = R-ATK+50 & PP+5
  • 特殊能力(法撃&PP/3) ║ Add Ability (Tech & PP/3)
    • Grace Technic グレース・テクニック = T-ATK+50 & PP+5
  • 特殊能力(HP&PP/3) ║ Add Ability (HP & PP/3)
    • Grace Stamina グレース・スタミナ = HP+80 & PP+5
  • 特殊能力保護(5枠以下) ║ Ability Protection (5s or Lower)
    • Applicable to Affixing Lists of 5 Slots or Below
    • This Item is untradeable.


Grinding Items

  • 属性強化+10% ║ +10% Attribute Enhance
  • 強化リスク軽減(完全) ║ Grind Risk Reducer (Full)
  • 強化大成功(100%) ║ Great Grind Success (100%)


Mag Devices

  • フードデバイス/打撃 ║ Food Device / S-ATK
  • フードデバイス/射撃 ║ Food Device / R-ATK
  • フードデバイス/法撃 ║ Food Device / T-ATK
  • フードデバイス/技量 ║ Food Device / DEX
  • マグ支援枠拡張デバイス ║ Mag Support Slot Expansion Device