PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Bravery Hunter

Bravery Hunter
(Until 12.5.2018)



ハッピーガーネット[Ou] | Happy Garnet [Ou]


ハッピーガーネット[Ba] | Happy Garnet [Ba]
ハッピーガーネット海[Ba] | Happy Garnet Sea [Ba]
ハッピーガーネット月[Ba] | Happy Garnet Moon [Ba]
ハッピーガーネット雅[Ba] | Happy Garnet Elegant [Ba]
ハッピーガーネット雪[Ba] | Happy Garnet Snow [Ba]
ハッピーガーネット影[Ba] | Happy Garnet Shadow [Ba]


ハッピーガーネット[In] | Happy Garnet [In]
ハッピーガーネット海[In] | Happy Garnet Sea [In]
ハッピーガーネット月[In] | Happy Garnet Moon [In]
ハッピーガーネット雅[In] | Happy Garnet Elegant [In]
ハッピーガーネット雪[In] | Happy Garnet Snow [In]
ハッピーガーネット影[In] | Happy Garnet Shadow [In]



スマートサファイア[Ou] | Smart Sapphire [Ou]


スマートサファイア[Ba] | Smart Sapphire [Ba]
スマートサファイア紅[Ba] | Smart Sapphire Crimson [Ba]
スマートサファイア月[Ba] | Smart Sapphire Moon [Ba]
スマートサファイア雅[Ba] | Smart Sapphire Elegant [Ba]
スマートサファイア葉[Ba] | Smart Sapphire Leaf [Ba]
スマートサファイア影[Ba] | Smart Sapphire Shadow [Ba]


スマートサファイア[In] | Smart Sapphire [In]
スマートサファイア紅[In] | Smart Sapphire Crimson [In]
スマートサファイア月[In] | Smart Sapphire Moon [In]
スマートサファイア雅[In] | Smart Sapphire Elegant [In]
スマートサファイア葉[In] | Smart Sapphire Leaf [In]
スマートサファイア影[In] | Smart Sapphire Shadow [In]



テンダーエメラルド[Ou] | Tender Emerald [Ou]


テンダーエメラルド[Ba] | Tender Emerald [Ba]
テンダーエメラルド紅[Ba] | Tender Emerald Crimson [Ba]
テンダーエメラルド月[Ba] | Tender Emerald Moon [Ba]
テンダーエメラルド空[Ba] | Tender Emerald Sky [Ba]
テンダーエメラルド雅[Ba] | Tender Emerald Elegant [Ba]
テンダーエメラルド影[Ba] | Tender Emerald Shadow [Ba]


テンダーエメラルド[In] | Tender Emerald [In]
テンダーエメラルド紅[In] | Tender Emerald Crimson [In]
テンダーエメラルド月[In | Tender Emerald Moon [In]
テンダーエメラルド空[In] | Tender Emerald Sky [In]
テンダーエメラルド雅[In] | Tender Emerald Elegant [In]
テンダーエメラルド影[In] | Tender Emerald Shadow [In]


アスール・レプカF | Azul Repca F
メラン・レプカF | Melan Repca F
ハーヴェスト・レプカF | Harvest Repca F
ディール・レプカF | Deal Repca F
タンドレス・レプカF | Tendresse Repca F


アスール・レプカM | Azul Repca M
メラン・レプカM | Melan Repca M
ハーヴェスト・レプカM | Harvest Repca M
ディール・レプカM | Deal Repca M
タンドレス・レプカM | Tendresse Repca M


パートニャースーツ | Partnya Suit


Female Voice #180 (CV: Asami Seto)

  • 女性追加ボイス180
  • 女性C追加ボイス180

Male Voice #147 (CV: Hiroshi Kamiya)

  • 男性追加ボイス147
  • 男性C追加ボイス147

Lobby Action

  • 459「MHF1」 | 459 [MHF1]
  • 460「MHF2」 | 460 [MHF2]

Female Recolors

  • シャイニーアイドル雪[Ou] | Shiny Idol Snow [Ou]
  • シャイニーアイドル春[Ba] | Shiny Idol Spring [Ba]
  • シャイニーアイドル夏[Ba] | Shiny Idol Summer [Ba]
  • ツバサエレガント影[Ou] | Tsubasa Elegant Shadow [Ou]
  • ツバサエレガント玄[Ba] | Tsubasa Elegant Black [Ba]
  • ツバサエレガント雪[Ba] | Tsubasa Elegant Snow [Ba]

Male Recolors

  • ブライトプリンス影[Ou] | Bright Prince Shadow [Ou]
  • ブライトプリンス曜[Ba] | Bright Prince Day [Ba]
  • ブライトプリンス茜[Ba] | Bright Prince Madder [Ba]
  • ツバサエクセレント影[Ou] | Tsubasa Excellent Shadow [Ou]
  • ツバサエクセレント玄[Ba] | Tsubasa Excellent Black [Ba]
  • ツバサエクセレント雪[Ba] | Tsubasa Excellent Snow [Ba]

Female Cast Color Variations

  • ニンバス・ボディCV | Nimbus Body CV
  • ニンバス・アームCV | Nimbus Arms CV
  • ニンバス・レッグCV | Nimbus Legs CV

Male Cast Color Variations

  • ハイロウ・ボディCV | Halo Body CV
  • ハイロウ・アームCV | Halo Arms CV
  • ハイロウ・レッグCV | Halo Legs CV


  • シャイニーアイドル[Ou] | Shiny Idol [Ou]
  • シャイニーアイドル紅[Ba] | Shiny Idol Crimson [Ba]


  • シャイニーリボン | Shiny Ribbon

Grind Support

  • 属性強化+5% | Attribute Enhancer +5%
  • 特殊能力(打撃&PP/2) | Add Ability (Strike&PP/2)
  • 特殊能力(HP&PP/2) | Add Ability (HP&PP/2)


Scratch Bonus

Play this scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!

(1) Draw the AC Scratch 5 times to receive:

  • Ragol Memory

(2) Draw the AC Scratch 10 times to receive:

  • Tokyo Bonus Key [Silver]

(3) Draw the AC Scratch 15 times to receive:

  • +150% Tribooster

(4) Draw the AC Scratch 30 times to receive:

  • Bravery Hunter Ticket

(5) Draw the AC Scratch 60 times to receive:

  • Bravery Hunter Ticket

(6) Draw the AC Scratch 120 times to receive:

  • Bravery Hunter Ticket

(7) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 2 times to receive:

  • Free Salon Pass

(8) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 4 times to receive:

  • Magatsu Bonus Key [Silver]

(9) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 6 times to receive:

  • Kazuchi Raid Bonus Key

(10) Draw the AC Scratch Gold 12 times to receive:

  • Bravery Hunter Ticket

※Players can receive each item only once. All of these items are untradeable.
※Bravery Hunter Ticket allows you to choose 1 item from this AC Scratch.


FUN Scratch


  • アシメセミロング | Asymmetrical Semi Long

Face Aesthetics

  • ネイティヴメイクA 赤 | Native Makeup A Red
  • ネイティヴメイクA 赤白 | Native Makeup A Red White


  • ハインドメカレッグ | Hind Mech Legs
  • ブラウンベアフード | Brown Bear hood
  • ポーラーベアフード | Polar Bear Hood
  • サラブレッドマスクB | Thoroughbred Mask B
  • ゼブラマスク | Zebra Mask
  • チェック柄トートバッグA | Plaid Tote Bag A
  • チェック柄トートバッグB | Plaid Tote Bag B
  • 紅葉イヤリング | Autumn Leaf Earrings
  • レッドブレイズアイ | Red Blaze Eye
  • ブルーブレイズアイ | Blue Blaze Eye
  • ブライトブレイズアイ | Bright Blaze Eye


  • シャイニーステッカー | Shiny Sticker
  • エクセレントステッカーA | Excellent Sticker A
  • エクセレントステッカーB | Excellent Sticker B
  • エクセレントステッカーC | Excellent Sticker C
  • エレガントステッカーA | Elegant Sticker A
  • エレガントステッカーB | Elegant Sticker B
  • エレガントステッカーC | Elegant Sticker C

Lobby Action

  • 352「けんだま」| 352 [Kendama]


PSO2 JP: Maintenance and Patch (11/7/2018)


Encounter Elzelion in Free Fields with this week's update!

PSO2 Maintenance

PSO2es Maintenance

  • 11/7/2018 @ 9:00 ~ 17:30 JST
  • 11/6/2018 @ 7:00 PM ~ 3:30 AM EST

November 7th's Update

  • Game Launcher: Version 05.00.04
  • Game Client: Ver.5.1002.0
  • Patch Size: 1GB (PC) / xx (PS4) / 280MB (Vita)


We're currently looking for more volunteers to help out on Bumped. If you're interested in covering PSO2es, Idola, AC Scratch, or other parts of the site, you can contact (PSO2Ricardo#4505) on Discord!


Upcoming Broadcasts


  • November 20th @ 21:00 JST


PSO2es Guides

PSO2es Menu GuideSide Story Guide | esOrder Guide

Patch Notes


  • Added ★14 Viola and Synchro
    ※★14 Eggs will start at Lv100


  • Implemented MHF-Z lobby
    (Nov. 7th ~ Dec. 5th)

Quest: Forest Exploration

  • Added [Extra Hard] difficulty to [Forest Exploration]
    ※Lv.75 for Main and Sub Class is required

Trigger Quest: Elzelion Trigger

  • Implemented a special trigger quest for Elzelion
    (Nov. 7th, 2018 ~ May 15th, 2019)


~ New Enemy ~


(Nov. 7th ~ Dec. 5th)

  • Added Limited-Time Client Orders to Partnya
  • Added partnya card
  • Added the Hunting Stone Exchange Shop to Partnya
  • Added the Cere Series Exchange Shop to Partnya


  • Distributed [Winter 2018 Bingo] Cards
    (Nov. 7th ~ Dec. 5th)

Interrupt Event

  • Added a new interrupt event


Partial New Item Listing


Dark Blast

  • With Double's [Thrilling Go-Kart], the launched fireworks effect and sound effect will no longer play for other players.


  • In the Quest: [Mega Mecha Awakening], added drop items to Big Vardha during SH and XH.

Treasure Shop

  • Updated the product listing.


  • For PSO2 Cloud, they adjusted the [Easy Login] to be easier to use on the login screen.


Christmas 2018 Bingo

(December 5th ~ January 9th)

Bingo (Front)
  Objective Note
A-1 Defeat King Yede Lv.1+
A-2 Defeat Gulfur Lv.1+
A-3 Talk to Lachesis Main Gate
A-4 Defeat Ol Micda Lv.1+
A-5 Defeat Cyclonehda Lv.1+
B-1 Defeat Yede Lv.1+
B-2 Talk to Aru (Christmas) Shop Area
B-3 Play Mesetan Shooter Casino
B-4 Talk to Sophia Franka's Cafe
B-5 Defeat Ga Wonda Lv.1+
C-1 Clear Client Order:
A Hitsugi Christmas!
Hitsugi (Christmas)
C-2 Clear Client Order:
Kohri (Christmas)
C-4 Clear Client Order:
Aru's Relationship Plan!
Aru (Christmas)
C-5 Clear Client Order:
Defend the Eve of the Night
Hitsugi (Christmas)
D-1 Defeat Dagacha Lv.1+
D-2 Talk to Hitsugi (Christmas) Shop Area
D-3 Grind a Weapon or Unit Item Lab
D-4 Talk to Kohri (Christmas) Shop Area
D-5 Defeat Gu Wonda Lv.1+
E-1 Defeat Kuklonahda Lv.1+
E-2 Defeat Dahgash Lv.1+
E-3 Talk to Leontina Main Gate
E-4 Defeat Fangulfur Lv.1+
E-5 Defeat Malmoth Lv.1+

Bingo (Reverse)
  Objective Note
A-1 Defeat Deus Anges Lv.41+
A-2 Defeat Org Blan Lv.41+
A-3 Complete [Merry Christmas on Ice] VH+
A-4 Defeat Guar Zigmorde Lv.41+
A-5 Defeat Aratron Phemut Lv.41+
B-1 Defeat Anjhadu-lili Lv.41+
B-2 Defeat Snow Banther Lv.41+
B-3 Find the Lillipan Graffiti Casino
B-4 Defeat Rock Bear Lv.41+
B-5 Defeat Gigur Gunne-gam Lv.41+
C-1 Defeat King Mesetan in Mesetan Shooter Casino
C-2 Send a [Like] in the Fashion Catalog  
C-4 Play Black Nyack Casino
C-5 Grind a Weapon's Element Item Lab
D-1 Defeat Tranzmizer Lv.41+
D-2 Defeat Snow Banshee Lv.41+
D-3 Scratch the FUN Scratch  
D-4 Defeat Caterdra'nsa Lv.41+
D-5 Defeat Drago Deadlion Lv.41+
E-1 Defeat Zeta Guranz Lv.41+
E-2 Defeat De Malmoth Lv.41+
E-3 Clear E-Trial: Storm Gift Mr. Umblla
E-4 Defeat Codotta Idetta Lv.41+
E-5 Defeat Greuzoras Drago Lv.41+


We'd like to thank all of our current patrons for helping to keep the site afloat! If you like the work that we do, please consider donating 1$ or more to continue our Phantasy Star coverage!



Emergency Quest Schedule

Boost Event 49

▲▲ Eastern Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

▲▲ Japanese Standard Time ▲▲
Please [Refresh] the calendar after maintenance has ended!

Eastern / Central / Mountain / Arizona / Pacific

Hawaii / São Paulo / London / Berlin / Moscow

Bangkok / Philippines / Sydney / Japan

Please Note:

  • The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
  • Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
  • This calendar is unable to show Emergency Quests that occur at random.
  • Boost Events that occur for 24 hours will appear with only their start times.
  • Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.
  • You can see the Emergency Quest schedule on your phone by subscribing to the Google Calendar.


Special Phrase

Special Phrase ネットカフェ限定コラボグッズに応募しよう!
Present +100% Tribooster (x1)


1 Million EXP Tickets

Players will receive a 1 Million EXP Ticket for logging in each day during the campaign period. Login every day during the campaign for a total of
30 1 Million EXP Tickets!

Campaign Period

  • October 31st @ 00:00 ~ November 29th @ 23:59 (JST)


Spend AC, Get Items

Players who spend set amounts of AC during the campaign period will receive several prizes!

Campaign Period

  • Until November 11th @ 23:59 JST

Campaign Qualifications

(1) Spend 2000+ AC during the campaign period to receive:

  • +100% Tribooster (x2)
  • 15,000 EXP Ticket (x5)

(2) Spend 5000+ AC during the campaign period to receive:

  • Rappy Suit
  • +30% Ability Affixing Success

(3) Spend 10,000 AC during the campaign period to receive:

  • +150% Tribooster (x3)
  • Lambda Grinder (x2)

※AC / iAC spent in PSO2es prior to linking does not qualify for this campaign. However, any AC or iAC spent after linking will qualify for the campaign.

Using [Arks Scratch Tickets] to play the AC Scratch does not fulfill the campaign requirements of spending AC.


Team Campaign!

Join a Team!

Players will be rewarded with various items and 1 Million EXP Tickets for belonging to a Team with 4+ members by the following dates.

※You can only receive the rewards once.

By November 14th:

  • Rewarded in Early December

By November 28th:

  • Rewarded in Late December


  • Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold]
  • Yellow Fox Tail (Accessory)
  • Magisterial Trigger (T: Magisterial Onslaught)
  • 1 Million EXP Ticket (x5)

※Check back during November 14th's Maintenance post for an update for this campaign…


Welcome Back Campaign

During the campaign period, players who haven't logged on since October 10th's Maintenance will be rewarded with various welcome back gifts.

Campaign Period

  • November 7th, 2018 ~ January 9th, 2019

Returning Player's Gifts

  • King's Crest (x100)
  • Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold] (x5)
  • +100% Tribooster (x10)
  • Free Salon Pass

Friend of Returning Players

If you're a friend of a Returning Player by one of these dates, you'll receive gifts at a later date!

Friend's Gifts

  • King's Crest (x100)
  • Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold]
  • Bonus Key Magatsu [Gold]
  • Bonus Key Rappy F

Friend by November 14th, 2018

  • Late November

Friend by December 12th, 2018

  • Late December

Friend by January 9th, 2019

  • Late January

※You can only receive the rewards once.


Story Campaign

Players will be rewarded during the campaign period by clearing Story Quests from Episode 5!

Campaign Period

October 24th ~ November 30th @ 23:59

Target Story Quests

Clear Chapter 1: 救世の存在
Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold] Conqueror’s Crest (x20)
Clear Chapter 3: 心配性なマトイ
Bonus Key Tokyo [Silver] (x5) +100% Tribooster (x5)
Clear Chapter 5: 継承の儀
Bonus Key Rappy F
Conqueror's Crest (x50)
*Lux Frieden  
Clear Chapter 6: 拭いきれない不安
Bonus Key Magatsu [Silver]
+100% Tribooster (x5)
Conqueror’s Crest (x50) 229 [Cat Pose]
Clear Chapter 6: 伝承の終わり、そして……
Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold]
Bonus Key Magatsu [Silver]
Bonus Key Kazuchi Assault +50% Affix Success Rate


Client Order Campaign #1

During the Campaign Period, clearing the following Client Orders will reward you with various items and Hunting Stones!

Campaign Period

  • November 7th ~ November 14th
NPC Client Order Prizes
旦那さんは森林の狩人? 黄色の狩猟石 トライブースト+100%

黄色の狩猟石 ×20
Yellow Hunting Stone

トライブースト+100% ×1
+100% Tribooster

The Forest is Dense?
黄色の狩猟石 レアドロップ倍率+250%

黄色の狩猟石 ×20
Yellow Hunting Stone

レアドロップ倍率+250% ×1
+250% Rare Drop Booster

Hidden Forest Traps
黄色の狩猟石 SG30獲得チケット

黄色の狩猟石 ×20
Yellow Hunting Stone

SG30獲得チケット ×1
30 Star Gem Ticket

Arks Hunter?
黄色の狩猟石 蒼色の狩猟石

黄色の狩猟石 ×20
Yellow Hunting Stone

蒼色の狩猟石 ×5
Blue Hunting Stone

Forest Claws
黄色の狩猟石 紅色の狩猟石

黄色の狩猟石 ×20
Yellow Hunting Stone

紅色の狩猟石 ×5
Red Hunting Stone


Quest Boosts

Quest Boost
November 7th ~ November 14th
Forest Exploration +100% EXP Boost
+100% RDR Boost
Elzelion Spawn Rate Up (All Difficulties)
Forest Exploration (During Arks League) +100% RDR Boost
Underground Nightmare +100% RDR Boost
Perpetual Madness +100% EXP Boost


King's Crest Campaign

Complete the following goals to obtain King's Crests. The crests can be exchanged for ★14 Weapons at Zieg!

Campaign Period

Nov. 7th ~ Nov. 14th

Campaign Tasks

  Goal Reward
1 Clear [Forest Exploration] (x1) King’s Crests (x10)
2 Clear [Forest Exploration] (x3) King’s Crests (x10)
3 Clear [Perpetual Madness] (x3) King’s Crests (x10)
4 Clear [Underground Nightmare] (x2) King's Crests (x10)
5 Login 3 Days King's Crests (x10)


Hunt Down Elzelion in PSO2's Free Fields!

~ November 7th, 2018 ~


Monster Hunter Collaboration

The long awaited collaboration with Monster Hunter has arrived at last! A gargantuan statue depicting the Elzelion from Monster Hunter Frontier-Z has been erected in the lobby.



Scour the Free Fields for a chance to encounter the Elder Dragon, Elzelion! This fearsome boss controls the opposing forces of Fire and Ice to deliver devastating attacks. Slaying the beast may reward you with an [Elzelion Trigger].

※Elzelion spawns on Free Fields of all difficulties.
※Elzelion will not spawn in [Enchanted Forest Exploration].


Trigger Quest: Elzelion

The Trigger Quest takes players to a recreation of the Tower map from MHF-Z for a showdown with [Burning Zero Elzelion]. Players can sever the creature's tail, allowing you to simulate the act of carving from the Monster Hunter series. You'll additionally be able to carve the corpse of the fallen monster. Doing so will net you Hunting Stones for use at an exchange shop.

※This trigger quest will fail upon 3 incapacitations.


Elzelion Spawning Campaign

During the Monster Hunter Event, certain Free Fields will have higher spawn rates of Elzelion. From November 7th, all difficulties of [Forest Exploration] will have higher Elzelion spawn rates compared to other fields. So if you want to fight Elzelion as quickly as possible, then you should head to [Forest Exploration] right away. Afterwards, on November 14th, all difficulties of [V. Caves Exploration] will have higher Elzelion spawn rates compared to other fields. So during that time, you should head to the Volcanic Caverns Free Field.



Partnya can be discovered hanging around the Shop Area with a selection of Client Orders. Clearing them will reward you with his partner card, an Elzelion Trigger, and a [Cere Series Voucher]. He also offers access to the [Hunting Stone] and [Cere Series] Exchange Shops!


Hunting Stone Exchange Shop

Exchange your Hunting Stones (Red, Blue & Yellow) for an assortment of MHF-Z collaboration costumes, weapon camos and more.


Cere Weapons & Units

The new [Cere] series of ★13 weapons and ★12 units can be obtained through random drops or the Exchange Shop.


Cere Series Upgrade

Zieg can upgrade your Cere equipment into the [Zara] series.


Just bring your +35 Cere weapon and the required number of hunting stones to complete the process. These weapons and units will also support photon color changing.


Extra Hard Free Fields

While the MHF-Z Collaboration Event rages on, certain Free Fields will be updated with an Extra Hard option. On this difficulty, you'll face level 80 enemies, with some Emergency Trials having enemies at level 85!
The following changes will also take effect on Extra Hard:

  • Two Areas (The Lower Difficulties Still Have 3).
  • Additional enemies hailing from the same planet can appear.
  • Dark Empe Rappy may spawn.
  • Map layouts are adjusted to make looping around easier.
  • From the Campship you can teleport to the spot with the most players.

[Forest Exploration] will first receive the new difficulty on November 7th. Afterwards, Extra Hard [V. Caves Exploration] will arrive November 14th.


Winter 2018 Bingo

Clear the [Winter 2018 Bingo] and be rewarded with [Leontina's Certificate] and [Yellow Hunting Stones]!


Incarnation of Knowledge Trigger

On November 14th, players will be able to purchase the [Incarnation of Knowledge Trigger] from the Treasure Shop with Star Gems!


Bravery Hunter (AC Scratch)

The Monster Hunter Frontier-Z collaboration includes an AC Scratch full of outfits, weapons camos, lobby actions, and more! Idol themed layered wear with a fantasy flair will be available as well.


アスール・レプカF | Azul Repca F
アスール・レプカM | Azul Repca M
パートニャースーツ | Partnya Suit
*ホープネコソード | *Hope Cat Sword
進化デバイス/パートニャー | Evo. Device Partnya
進化デバイス/プーギー | Evo. Device Poogie
プーギー | Poogie
ハッピーガーネット[Ou][Ba][In] | Happy Garnet [Ou][Ba][In]
スマートサファイア[Ou][Ba][In] | Smart Sapphire [Ou][Ba][In]
テンダーエメラルド[Ou][Ba][In] | Tender Emerald [Ou][Ba][In]