[flowplayer src='http://bumped.org/backups/infinity.flv' splash='http://bumped.org/psublog/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/crouch.png' width=450 height=304]
It may be short but why is Nagisa holding a sword to Crouch's neck ?
[via pspo2i]
At the top right area, there appears to be some type of orange explosion.
Could be Diverse? or some monster's attack?
- Interesting Text
- 2 Stories
- Photon Arts Tweaking フォトンアーツ調整
- Over 3000 Items
- Shared Storage Box holds 2000.
- Nanoblast Invincibilitizing… ナノブラスト無敵化
- Partner Character strengthening. パートナーキャラクター強化
- Adjustments to weapon category for balance. 武器カテゴリーバランス調整
So blah blah blah… So last year before PSP2 was released, Sakai gave out password items to those who played the game early at various shops in Japan.
- There are two presents being given out but Terada called these rumors.
- Sakai Character's _ _ _ _ _ – _
- Hyuga's Weapon _ _ _ _ _ _ – _
- Shin ichiro Miki on the net radio answering questions.
Is it just me or does one of the weapons have a resemblance to Shizuru's daggers.
Well thanks to 2chan.
- 酒井Pキャラとの「フレンドサーチ」とか、
- ヒューガの武器の「プロダクトコード」とか、
One's a friend search character, the other is a product code. If this is the case then the demo would have to be released by the time this event takes place?
Now I don't know the meaning behind Nanoblast Invincibility in the trailer. The theories from Japanese gamers are.
- Nanoblast Invincibility.
- All nanoblasts are invincible? (I don't think so…)
- The Invicible nanoblast lasts twice as long. (Hmm. seems likely)
- Regarding something to do with the player killing aspect of the black nanoblast. (Nah..)
- It has something to do with the black and the blue nanoblast? [@mieminase thoery] (I like this theory…)
I do know the nanoblasts are being strengthened in some way.