You can use the color changing pass on the [C] costumes.
[C] costumes will use the Cast's main color.
Changing the sub-colors does not change the [C] costume's appearance.
Humanoids can wear Cast outfits with the [ルックス] or [Looks] suffix.
You can use the color changing pass on the [Looks] outfits.
Aerial Shooting
Bullet Squall
Dead Approach
Messiah Time
Infinity Fire
Satellite Aim
Elder Rebellion
Reverse Tap
Heel Stab
Shift Period
Changed the effect of Perfect Keeper so that it applies when the HP is 75% and up. This change does not yet apply to the [Perfect Calamity] potential, but will so in a future update.
Campaign Rewards
CO Campaign #66
New Registration Campaign #11
AC Scratch Ticket Campaign
Provided some countermeasures against the high server load.
The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
Boost Eventsthat occur for 24 hours will appear in this calendar with their start and completion times as separate entries.
Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.
Buy AC Campaign #14
Receive multiple prizes by buying set amounts of AC during the campaign period!
Campaign Period
10/20 @ 14:00 ~ 11/21 @ 17:59 JST
Campaign Qualifications
(1) Purchase 500+ AC during the campaign period to receive:
1000 FUN Ticket
(2) Purchase 2000+ AC during the campaign period to receive:
+10% Ability Affixer Success (x2)
Grind Risk Reducer +1 (x4)
Grinder (x50)
(3) Purchase 5000+ AC during the campaign period to receive:
White Rappy Suit
If you purchase 2000+ AC during the campaign period, you will receive (1) and (2). However, if you purchase 5000+ AC, you’ll receive all three prizes! Please be sure to login with a character on your account.
※ Purchasing [AC] or [iAC] from PSO2es will not count towards the campaign.
Prize Distribution Date
Early December
Client Order Campaign #68
Clear two of Xie's new Halloween client orders to receive prizes at a later date!
Campaign Period
10.22 ~ 11.5
Qualifying Client Orders
(1) Clear Xie's client order 「お菓子は良い子のためのもの!」 Candy Is Only for Good Kids! to receive:
+50% EXP Booster (x2)
Grinder (x20)
(2) Clear Xie's client order 「パンプキンパイはどこに!」 Where's the Pumpkin Pie! to receive:
It seems many people weren't satisfied with the recent balance adjustments for Gunners. Sega is sorry for the disappointment this may have caused, as they felt they weren't sufficient enough in explaining the shifts in fighting style for Gunners.
Sega will however remain firm in their plans of keeping the following:
Gunners should still be able to fight, even without having to rely on S-Roll JA Bonus.
Gunners should be positioned as a class that focuses on close to mid-range combat.
While they were re-examining the effects of the recent update, they noted how difficult it was to maintain Perfect Keeper; how likely it was to get hit when fighting close to mid-range.
With the sentiments that the nerfs made a higher impact than the buffs, they decided on a course of action. The plan is to do readjustments to the Photon Arts, and relax the activation conditions for Perfect Keeper. However, please be forewarned that mid to long-distance damage may end up weaker. They'll discuss more details about these adjustments at a later time.
Here are some examples of close to mid-range fighting styles you can use:
(If enemies are in front)
Use Dead Approach to get closer and attack them with Satellite Aim. Draw them in with Reverse Tap, and attack them with Shift Period.
(If enemies are scattered around)
Use Reverse Tap to draw them in and attack them with Heel Stab/Shift Period.
These are just some examples on how you can play. You can also try them out after the adjustments.
Sega asks for your cooperation in investigating the server load.
Sega is once again conducting a detailed investigation into the server load. They will need to temporarily implement some special settings that may result in some lag. They apologize for the inconvenience this will cause.
Server Load Examination Schedule
Sega will be examining the server on 10/14 @ 19:00 ~ 24:00 JST.
The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
Boost Eventsthat occur for 24 hours will appear in this calendar with their start and completion times as separate entries.
Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.
Client Order Campaign #67
Complete the qualifying client orders for Revelle and Lubert during the campaign period to earn prizes!
Campaign Period
10.15 ~ 10.22
Qualifying Client Orders
(1) Complete Revelle's client order 「カリア・エグゼキューション・I」 Career Killer I to receive:
+50% EXP Booster (x2)
Casino Coin Pass (x2)
(2) Complete Lubert's client order 「ネプト・キャサドーラの部位破壊を!」 Destroy the Nepto Cassadora Parts! to receive:
+50% Rare Drop Booster (x2)
Grind Risk Reducer +1 (x3)
Prize Distribution Date
After October 29th's maintenance at the Visiphone.
PSO2 x PSO2es Linking Campaign #4
Link your PSO2 and PSO2es accounts for the first time and play each to receive prizes!
Campaign Period
10.15 ~ 11.5
Campaign Qualifications
(1) Play PSO2es during the campaign period to receive these items in PSO2:
+100% Tribooster
Casino Coin Pass (x5)
(2) Play PSO2 during the campaign period and level up to receive these items in PSO2es:
Rappy Medal (x10)
Rappy Medal (x10) [Reach level 10]
Rappy Medal (x10) [Reach level 20]
※Characters with accounts linked with PSO2es prior to the campaign period will NOT qualify for this campaign.
Enter a facility on Planet Wopal, and level your Mag to new heights after this maintenance!
October 8th Patch
Launcher: Version 03.00.01
Client: ver. 3.0101.0
Patch Size: 1.9 GB (PC) / 502 MB (Vita)
If Pre-Patched: 221 MB
Sega is implementing two measures in response to their investigation into the server load.
Free Partners will be temporarily suspended.
Partial matches will no longer be made when searching for others at the Visiphone through [Character Search], as well as [Player Search] by Player ID, Wish List, or Present List.
They plan to carry out another server investigation in the future. The schedule will be announced at a later time.
浮上施設 Emerging Facility
New Field
Emerging Facility
New Quests
浮上施設地域生態調査 Emerging Facility Ecological Survey
レオマドゥラード討伐 Subdue Rheo Madullard
浮上施設探索 Emerging Facility Exploration
Free-Field Coast Exploration must be cleared to unlock the new field.
ネプト・キャサドーラ Nepto Cassadora
レオマドゥラード Rheo Madullard
New Orders
New Client Orders, Daily Orders, and Team Orders added.
New Interrupt Events
Level cap raised to 190.
Crafting System
Timed Ability raised to 50.
New recipes and achievements added.
Daily Crafts
Daily Crafts will now cover Timed Abilities.
New Daily Craft NPCs were added.
New Latents
New latent abilities were added.
Added latent abilities to some pre-existing weapons.
AC Shop Update
Added an item to the AC Shop.
Changed the price for [+150% Rare Drop Booster (x3)] to 500 AC.
FUN Shop
Added Lobby Action: 139「ポーズ13」 (Pose 13) to the FUN Shop.
Revived the Dragon Altar scenery pass in the FUN Shop.
Changed the price for [Grind Risk Reducer (+2)] to 1600 FUN.
Changed the display order so that it shows items of the same category.
My Room Shop
Updated the My Room Shop lineup.
Prize Exchange Counter (Casino)
Added regular and limited items to the exchange counter.
Some items may go out of rotation, and will re-appear at a later time.
Team Names
You can now re-edit the Team's name in 7 days instead of 30 days.
Lobby Action Items
Changed the names of all lobby action items making it easier to understand their contents.
AC Auto Charge Settings
AC will be automatically charged to your account based on the Auto Charge Settings when logging into the game.
Server Load Reduction Measures
Partial matches will no longer be made when searching for others at the Visiphone through [Character Search].
Partial matches will no longer be made when searching for others at the Visiphone through [Player Search] by Player ID, Wish List, or Present List.
The Free Partner system has been temporarily suspended. You will not be able to summon Free Partners at this time.
Special Weapon Adjustments
[Lucky Rise I], [Meseta Fever I], and [EXP Boost I] abilities selected during item appraisel has a set chance of being granted with the rank [II] or rank [III} ability.
Gunner Skill Adjustments
Increased the chaining time by 1 second for Chain Trigger.
The maximum values for S-Roll JA Bonus has changed from 160% to 110%.
An all skill tree reset pass has been distributed. This can be found in the Admin Storage Box.
Gunner PA Adjustments
Action Name
Aerial Shooting ※1
Bullet Squall
Dead Approach
Messiah Time
Infinity Fire
Satellite Aim
Elder Rebellion
Reverse Tap ※2
Heel Stab
Shift Period
※1 Shortened the charging times. ※2 Adjusted its range and behavior so that the suction effect occurs when activated in the air.
Double Saber Adjustments
The Double Saber's weapon action is capped at two whirlwinds occurring at the same time.
Launcher Adjustments
Cluster Bullet's power has been reduced.
Crafting Adjustments
Raised the minimum damage for some high level recipes. (Previous articles state this is for weapons that require Silvadest, Silvagrimo, and Silvania as materials.)
Ice Fang Nabarta and Umbral Namegid merit values have been nerfed.
Reduced the Meseta costs for Technic Customizations.
Mining Base Defense Adjustments
Enemies with the panic status effect will try not to target the base.
Pajhadu-lin's Adjustments
Pajhadu-lin will move at a slower speed.
Pitch Black Territory Adjustments
Adjusted the number of tainted lanterns at the start of the Pahjadu-lin Emergency Trial
Relaxed the difficulty by reducing the amount of Pahjadu-lin's you have to defeat in the Emergency Trial.
The Gigre Gunnegam Emergency Trial has changed to appear after defeating all the Pahjadu-lins.
Changed the PSE's that occur.
Celestial Bullet Nerfs
Max HP Absorption per hit: 50.
Innocent Appearance Nerfs
Lv.2:Uncharged Technic Power 60%
Lv.3:Uncharged Technic Power 70%
Elysion Adjustments
Elysion T-ATK increased.
Other Adjustments
Changed the sorting order when setting active skills to the sub-palette.
The "Observe the Event" camera will focus on some large scale enemies at a more appropriate location.
Falz Angel/Falz Hunar can now appear in an Emergency Trial in each Free-Field.
After clearing an Emergency Quest, you now have the option of selecting to retry the same quest again from the Camp Ship teleporter.
Shortened the quest area structuring of the "The Long-Awaited Tomorrow" Story Quest.
Crafting notices will display when recipes, achievements, craft-lines, and licenses are unlocked.
New timed abilities will be elected for the "Recommended Effect" in the Timed Ability Installation menu.
Added a preview display window to the Arks Ship Competition Prize Shop, and Casino Prize Shop.
Added a [Rewards Available] tab at the Title Counter for titles you have yet to claim.
Changed some of the rewards at the Title Counter. (You may pick up the new rewards if you've already claimed them prior to this update.)
The color changing entry in the Beauty Salon has changed to only be selectable for a costume that supports it, even when you do not possess a color changing pass. (Though you won't be able to access that menu anyway without the pass.)
Added message packs in each free field.
EXP numbers will still display even when enemies are defeated off screen.
You can now sell items en masse by using the "multi-select button" on the PC version.
If the numpad keys are set for switching the palette in the Keyboard Configuration settings, you can now use keys 7 ~ 9 to switch the sub-palette.
Each effect will display with an icon in the "ongoing effects" pane when checking your character's stats.
You can now fuse [Mind Resist] and other similar abilities in Item Affixing.
Ex: Mind Resist + Shot Resist + Blow Resist = All Resist
Corrected a bug where the game becomes inoperable if you had too many items/chips.
A Rappy Medal can be picked up at the mailbox as compensation for this bug.
Patch Notes Incomplete.
★7 Arks Quest [Ruins] Field Added!
Sharp Fangs Charges Across the Field October 10th ~ October 17th @ 14:00 JST
New Emergency Quest
Defeat the Banther Ong for a chance to acquire its ★11 Chip.
Recycle those chips to acquire ★11 weapons available for a limited time.
One of these 11 star weapons comes equipped with 5 special abilities.
New Recycle Shop Items (Available until 10/22)
Recycle Shop
Special Abilities
ヒュリオスノーティ Hurio Snorty
Ten ★11 [Banther Ong] Chips
Gift Receptor Soul Receptor Shoot III Stamina III Fang Soul
ヒュリオサンゴク Hurio Sangoku
Five ★11 [Banther Ong] Chips
Shoot III Stamina III Fang Soul
New PSO2es Special Abilities
The ギフトレセプター (Gift Receptor) special ability provides a set chance at transferring [Meseta Fever I], [Lucky Rise I], or [EXP Boost I] special abilities.
New Feature
Chip Laboratory: Enjoy conversations with Seraphy while perusing a library of chips.
Receive bonuses based on the number of chips you have gathered.
Special Quest
United Rendezvous (Energy Costs Halved) until October 15th.
esScratch "PSO2 Illustration Collection Vol.3"
Echo [Excellent]: Provides a great deal of damage to Naberius natives.
The Emergency Quest schedule will update automatically during maintenance. Please wait until after maintenance has ended to see the current schedule.
Please resync the calendar periodically to receive the latest updates, as the schedule may change at Sega's discretion.
Boost Eventsthat occur for 24 hours will appear in this calendar with their start and completion times as separate entries.
Boost Events that occur for several hours will use the "period" suffix in their titles. Please check the Google Calendar itself to view the event duration.
AC Scratch Ticket Bargain Campaign #2
Purchase AC Scratch ticket bundles during the weeklong campaign period to earn valuable prizes at a later date.
Campaign Period
10.8 ~ 10.15
Campaign Qualifications
(1) Purchase the AC Scratch Ticket (12x) bundle to receive:
Free Salon Pass
(2) Purchase the AC Scratch Gold Ticket (11x) bundle to receive:
Latan Rappy Suit
※Purchasing individual 200 or 500 AC scratch tickets will not qualify you for this campaign.
Prize Distribution Date
Late October
New Registration Campaign #11
Receive items aimed towards players just starting out by registering a new PSO2 account and creating a character during the campaign period.
Campaign Period
10.8 ~ 11.5
Campaign Qualifications
Create a new PSO2 account during the campaign period to receive:
Evo. Device / Green Puyo
+50% EXP Booster (x4)
セレスタレイザー/ナハト Celesta Laser / Nacht
※PSO2 accounts created prior to the start of this campaign do not qualify for the prizes. Logging in without creating a character will not qualify you for the prizes. The campaign specifically targets new registrations for PSO2, not PSO2es.
Completion Period
Prize Distribution Date
1st Round
10.8 ~ 10.15
Late October
2nd Round
10.15 ~ 10.22
Late October
3rd Round
10.22 ~ 10.29
Early November
4th Round
10.29 ~ 11.5
Client Order Campaign #66
Clear the qualifying client orders for Hans and Kressida during the campaign period to receive several prizes.
Campaign Period
10.8 ~ 10.15
Qualifying Client Orders
(1) Complete Hans' client order 「竜宮の駒からの挑戦」Challenge from the Palace to receive:
+50% EXP Booster (x2)
Casino Coin Pass (x2)
(2) Complete Kressida's client order 「浮上施設のテッテーテキな探索!」 Thorough Exploration of the Emerging Facility! to receive:
+50% Rare Drop Booster (x2)
Grinder (x30)
Prize Distribution Date
October 22nd after maintenance at the Visiphone.
750,000 Downloads Campaign
Sega is celebrating PSO2es reaching 750,000 downloads with three campaigns!
#1 Login Campaign
Earn one Rappy Medal each day you log in from October 9th @ 0:00 JST ~ October 15th @ 23:59 JST.
Logging in every day during the campaign period will earn you three Rappy Medals on the final day, bringing your total to nine.
The medals can be picked up from your mail in the game.
#2 Thanks for Continued Playing Campaign
Players who logged into PSO2es between September 10th and October 8th's maintenance will receive one Hunewearl Chip in their mail.
This Hunewearl chip provides additional damage when an attack hits the enemy.
※The gift will expire if not picked up before October 22nd's maintenance.
#3 Welcome Back GO! GO! Campaign
Players who have not logged into PSO2es since September 10th's maintenance will receive gifts in PSO2 and PSO2es.
In addition, ★1 Arks Quests will provide a x1.5 EXP boost during the campaign period.
Campaign Period
10.8 ~ 10.22
Campaign Qualifications
(1) Log into PSO2es during the campaign period to receive the following items in PSO2es:
Fonewearl Chip
Rappy Medal (x5)
Singing Rappy Chip (x5)
500 FUN
Gifts will be delivered to your in-game mail the day after logging in following October 8th's maintenance @ 15:00 JST.
(2) Log into PSO2es during the campaign period to receive the following items in PSO2:
Casino Coin Pass (x5)
+50% Triboost (x5)
Grinder (x55)
Gifts will be delivered in late October at the Visiphone.
※You must log into PSO2es during the campaign period to receive the gifts. Logging into PSO2 will not count towards the campaign.
1 Million Vita Users Special Campaign Part 2
10 Day Boost Period
October 10th through October 19th @ 23:59 JST
+100% Rare Drop Boost
+100% Rare Enemies
+100% EXP
Daily Campaign Rewards.
Login Day
+100% Tribooster ×1
Halfdoll ×1
Casino Coin Pass ×2
Extreme Pass ×4
Grind Risk Reducer (-2) ×2
+250% Rare Drop Booster ×1
+100% Tribooster ×1
Half Doll ×1
Casino Coin Pass ×2
+100% Tribooster ×1
You have until 23:59 on the appointed day to claim your Campaign Reward.