The player demands are sooo strong that things have changed! This time, ad-hoc/multi-mode players can now play Maximum Attack Infinity I and II. However they are still locked out of Maximum Attack Infinity III.
Last week, players managed to achieve the goal of 15%~60% element boost in the mission results screen. This reward is now applied to Maximum Attack Infinity III. (It appears these particular reward panels go in effect at the next maintenance and not immediately when they are unlocked.)
Unfortunately the Komazali Rod did not reach the goal of 35 million, so the percentage of that weapon is now 97%. I guess players became fatigued as the event went on.

This week's weapon is the Giga Phone, and in order to achieve 100% we must acquire 45 million kills. You can still enjoy Maximum Attack Infinity I ~ III with the double EXP, Type Points, and Drop Rate. (However, the multimode version of the event has only 50% increase, which is quite strange because we didn't unlock it yet.)

You may notice the Maximum Attack Infinity missions are both in orange and white. The orange missions are for Internet Multimode only and those kills will count towards the goal for the event. Maximum Attack Infinity missions in white can be played in both multimode and Internet Multimode, but be sure not to choose the wrong one if you are participating in the event.
As a little present, only during the event period, MAI multimode missions will have 150% boost applied automatically, however, the online participators still have to unlock the +50% boost anyway. If this is achieved, once the event is over, MAI on multimode will continue to have the 150% boost applied.

- Name: Maximum Attack Infinity III
- Date: Thursday June 16, 2011
- Mode: Internet Multimode Only
- Description: The counterattack begins! The power of this mysterious space has decreased, now we have a chance to reclaim Clad Zero. Defeat Volna Gravka at once!

- Name: Maximum Attack Infinity I + II
- Date: Thursday June 16th, 2011
- Mode: Multimode, Internet multimode
- Description: Now those playing multimode can participate in this mission, including challenging the Bonus Block. You can even trade tickets you've acquired here and use them to trade for event rewards and items. (I'm not entirely sure how exactly you'll trade for event rewards at the moment.)
Both Maximum Attack Infinity Exchange and Rapico's General Merchant missions will also have an update on Thursday June, 16th, 2011.
[via pspo2i]
Rapico's Goody Bag

If you trade 2 Rapico Lucky Feathers you'll get a random item from her goody bag ラピ子のお楽しみ袋. Now some of the items listed in the wiki are the unreleased items from a previous post.
You can receive items like: Miracle Punchers ミラクルパンチ, Rappy Madoog ラッピー・マドグ, Pinky Shot ピンキーシュート.
- Meseta Card メセタカード : This item can be sold for Meseta.
PSO2 Alpha Test
Those who signed up for Phantasy Star Online 2 Alpha Test should check their emails* starting this week, or early next week for news of the date of the winner announcements.
*His choice of words were Email Magazine メルマガ which I'm assuming is an email newsletter.
Thanks 2ch!
[via pspo2iblog]