Phantasy Star Online 2: Rappies and Forces (Development Screenshots)

Bunkohara, an assistant producer for Phantasy Star Online 2 sent out an email revealing that Forces exist in the game. In addition, she distributed an image on what the Rappy will look like. She herself intentionally censored parts of different sentences, these are reflected with a _____ space.


Rappies are the mascots for PSO, this time in PSO2 their cuteness has increased "200%", you can meet these rappies by first going (to/in/at) ____.


Bunkohara mentioned that many users asked lots of questions about Forces, (because they were not previously shown.) But they do indeed exist, and are capable of hitting enemies with the rod just like PSO.


Something coming out from the rod.


Remember that site where you send your PSO2 message to the staff? They are pasted here on the bulletin board for all the developers to see, so your wishes are not in vain.


In this particular screenshot Bonkohara made a note about how it has been censored. Although they censored the top left corner and the name of the Fomar that's attacking the enemy, there was one name that was left intact. Perhaps  Bunkohara [accidentally on purpose] forgot to censor this name.



Sue's name can be seen by the Fomar's weapon. This "Sue" behind the enemy is kind of similar in appearance to her, yet her name appears in blue. Although from experience, blue names usually signified GMs, however Shougai speculates that it may be a partner. Oh well. We also note the Fomar's name also appears to be in blue. Not really sure what that means at this moment.


PSP2i DLC Item: Border Break

PSU Character Import Service to End!

On August 11th, 2011, the ability to import a character from the Japanese version of Phantasy Star Universe into the Japanese version of Phantasy Star Portable/Phantasy Star Portable 2/Infinity will end.  You can still acquire the title, "Former Guardian" by importing your PSP1 save into PSP2/PSP2i.


Another set of hard to translate names due to German influences. It's almost like PSO2 in PSP2i. Border Break is a Japanese Exclusive Arcade game featuring multiple robots battling each other. These items will release 7/14/2011.


クーガーⅠ型 バリエーションパック (Cougar I Model: Variation Pack)
Male Cast Parts (2 in one set)
300 Yen


LZ-ヴェスパイン LZ-Vespine
RIfle 50% Light
200 Yen


プラズマカノン・ネオ Plasma Canon Neo
50% Fire Laser Canon
200 Yen


SW – ティアダウナー SW – TearDowner
50% Ice Sword
200 Yen


LM-ジリオス LM- Sirius
Neutral Saber
200 Yen


ワイドスマック Widesmack
50% Ground Shotgun
200 Yen


Mission Codes

  • Name: Mother Break
  • Area:漆黒 Black
  • Boss: Mother Brain
  • Monster: Machinery / SEED
  • Effects: Enemy ACC x 1.10、Drop Rate +30%、Attribute Granted+4


  • Name: Entrusting Friendship
  • Area: 繚乱 Profusion
  • Boss: Adahna Degahna
  • Monster: Machinery / Neudaiz Primitive
  • Effects: Enemy ATK/TEC x 1.10、Reward Type Point x 1.50、Attribute Granted+5

Speaking of PSO2, in that email she sent, apparently Bonkohara wanted to show the "Character Make" screen but Sakai said no, that feature can't be shown until ______.  (Yes she censored it.)

This left 2ch speculating:

 ID:qZTiy7YO  キャラメイクはTGSか…αテストはキャラ固定ってことかな
Character Make screen at TGS? Alpha Test characters might be uneditable (fixed)?

ID:t3mWp+Ok αはデフォルトキャラでプレイって可能性も
In the alpha test there's a possibility we could play as default characters.

Sorry there's no way to know for sure officially when Sakai wants to show that screen at this time.

Phantasy Star Online 2: RAmarl RAcast (Development Screenshots)

Today Bonko, an assistant producer for Phantasy Star Online 2 released a mass email showcasing the under development screenshots for some of the races.


RAmarl wearing her military-like outfit.

Although it was somewhat vague, Bonko mentioned how previously, the way she held guns were kinda unique, but "this time (in/at) _____ she can do different actions". (So what different actions can rangers do? Apparently this time in close combat, rangers can launch grenade shells from their assault rifles)


RAcast in his "box-like form"

Bonko mentioned this robo type character has a deep connection to PSO.  Then she omitted parts of the sentence, "Now, not only can he walk but he can ____ and sometimes ____" Bonko said you'll just have to deal with the censorship until information is released.


RAcast holding a gun.


Bonko とは?

It's possible their name is actually, Miho Bonkohara, it's the only person I could find that worked during PSO Ep1 and 2 and Samba De Amigo who shares a similar name.