Phantasy Star Online 2: Enemies and HuMarl HuNewm Costumes

PSO2 update!

According to Bonkohara's tweet, PSO2 news will be published in the latest 12/29 Famitsu Weekly. Mags and MyRoom and various information should be in there. Of course, personally I hate scans but we'll have to deal with it.

(via pso2 twitter)


So with the Oracle Fleet traveling the entire galaxy, they'll fight various enemies on each planet. Based on which planet you are on, the enemies have different characteristics, for example, the forest area on the Planet Naberius has primitive enemies that act similar to real life animals.


This is the ウーダン Oodan with its higher intelligent sibling ザウーダン Zaudan


Galfu and FonGalfu and like the savage wolf of PSO,
their status changes when their leader is defeated.


Nab Rappy (Nav Rappy), appearing on Naberius.
Does the original Rappy appear across space and time?


The Rockbear, a strong enemy in the forest. It is about 10 meters tall.
One must be prepared for heavy damage from its muscular arm.


This volcano area is actually on a different planet with most of its enemies of dragon type. On this planet it seems as if you can see the remains of a previous civilization.

These are known as the Dinian ディーニアン.
The Dinians have their own separate classes,
there's magic, bow, and sword and shield users.


Separate from the enemies native to the planet are the Arks' biggest obstacle, the Darkers. Darkers mainly have black insect-like appearances.


There's an enemy called ブリアーダ Priahda, that lays eggs. When the egg reaches the ground it spawns an エル・ダガン El Dagan.

The Darkers aren't limited to looking only insect-like, you will see other types as well. Most of the enemies you fight are native to the planet they are on. Usually they aren't supposed to, but for some reason or other, the enemies became ferocious and are fighting against the Arks. Is this related to the Darkers? To find out more, PSO2's storyline will become available once the game is officially released, please look forward to it.


Default Costume Designs

Today's porori images are some more default character costumes. Let's take a look at them.


HuMarl: A moderate mix of coolness and cuteness with a noble impression.


HuNewm: looking very powerful.


Character Creation Improvements

Although it is a slight improvement, now you can make your eyebrow color match your hair color.


And now they are supporting face morphing for Casts! Later they'll show you Cast body morphing.


PSO2 Play Conference!

Sakai is taking Phantasy Star Online 2 to yet another gaming event. At the fourth annual Akihabara Game Festa, you can play PSO2 and learn breaking news about the Alpha Test 2.

  • Where: Akihabara Game Festa
  • When: 12/24/2011
  • What: PSO2 Alpha Test 2 Information.

[via shougai]


PSO2: More Default Character Designs

Hello, Sakai updated today talking about the concepts behind the character designs and showed off some more costume for the default characters. In addition, the main theme and opening movie for PSO2 is almost complete. It's not a song per say, but rather an orchestral recording. If all goes well, he may be able to show it to you before the end of the year.


Default Character Concepts

In PSO you weren't really able to completely change the costume for your character. So each class had to have their own characterizations (and personalities) as much as possible. In a sense you could say the PSO classes were designed like characters of a fighting game.

PSU introduced the concept of changing clothes on a character. Putting on a combination of clothes became an important point for customization. But with this concept, the overall figure of the characters seemed too similar as if they lacked a part of their individuality.

In PSP2, the clothes and parts were still based on PSU, however they added one piece outfits for the default characters as well as aimed for a design direction closer to PSO. These outfits tend to let the default characters stand out apart from the story characters. This idea continued on in Infinity.


In PSO2, the goal of these costumes is to design them with the freedom as a scifi fantasy online game and create equipment the armed forces "Arks" would wear. While adopting the concept of Phantasy Star Online, the art team used their experiences from PSP2 and PSP2i to create these default costumes.


There are lots of new costumes other than the character defaults which they haven't shown yet.

In the last post, Sakai received differing opinions about the new icons ranging from how they were easy to understand to how they were still difficult to decipher. Even the development team exchanged similar concerns and opinions. But the corrections made towards Alpha Test 2 doesn't just stop at the icons, the overall interface underwent some changes too. It may be difficult to respond to all the feedback, but while reflecting the views of the development team, they want to also make something that sympathizes with the concerns made by the players. He thanks you all for sending your opinions.


Default Characters Designs

Now as for today's porori images, Sakai will show a different pose than the ones shown in the email newsletter and some new default character designs.

Fonewearl Costume.


Fonewm Costume


Focaseal Costume


FoCast Costume




PSO2: Alpha Test 2 Costumes Fonewearl and Focaseal

Early goodmorning! Bonkohara released the first email newsletter for those who just signed up for the email newsletter. If you did, you have a chance at receiving invitations for the second alpha test. In addition a new December wallpaper was released featuring the Oracle Fleet.

The second alpha test plans to add new costumes (which were already on display in the TGS version). Here's a nice and clean closeup of what they will look like.



You may have seen this costume already in concept images and videos. Here her face paint is similar to the one shown on her concept artwork.



The Focaseal never appeared in Phantasy Star Online, so this costume is a new design. It seems to give the impression of a magical girl and appears sort of doll-like.