PSO2 The Animation Drama CD

ドラマCD 〜清雅祭2027成功への道! 〜
PSO2 The Animation is launching its first ever drama CD, featuring the cast of Seiga Academy's student council as they get ready for the upcoming school festival.
- Release Date: June 8th, 2016
- Price: ¥2,800
Track List
- 遊園地ラプソディ 〜Scene.1〜
- 遊園地ラプソディ 〜Scene.2〜
- 遊園地ラプソディ 〜Scene.3〜
- 遊園地ラプソディ 〜Scene.4〜
- 終わりなき会議 〜Scene.1〜
- 終わりなき会議 〜Scene.2〜
- 終わりなき会議 〜Scene.3〜
- 戦う覚悟 〜Scene.1〜
- 戦う覚悟 〜Scene.2〜
- Cast Comment
Story 01 – Amusement Park Rhapsody
Seiga Academy's student council visits an amusement park in search of fun before the school festival. Between roller coasters, a haunted house, and a pool, there's sure to be loads of fun in store. Even Kota comes along for the ride in the perfect ending to this slapstick story.
Story 02 – Endless Meeting
With just a small amount of time left before the start of the school festival, the student council stays overnight to make the final preparations.
Story 03 – Battle Preparation
Dawn rises as the student council meeting wraps up. They head to a family restaurant for breakfast, where Aika receives a transmission from Oracle.
Item Code Benefits
- CDパッケージマット4 ║ CD Package Mat 4
- PSO2アニメ壁シール3 ║ PSO2 Anime Wall Sticker 3
- 男性共通ラッピーボイス ║ Male Voice – Rappy
- 女性共通ラッピーボイス ║ Female Voice – Rappy
- リリーパうきわ ║ Lillipa Inner Tube
※The item code included with purchases of this product expires on June 30th, 2018.
PSO2 The Animation Character CD

「PSO2 ジ アニメーション」キャラクターソングCD
Enjoy the vocal stylings of PSO2 The Animation's cast this summer with the debut of a new character song CD!
- Release Date: July 6th, 2016
- Price: ¥2,800
Track List
- 『プロローグ』
- 『エレメントの勇気』
- Performed by Itsuki (CV: Shouta Aoi)
- 『prism moment』
- Performed by Rina (CV: Ayaka Suwa)
- 『auditor pride』
- Performed by Aika (CV: M・A・O)
- 『冥刻に穿たれるジャッジメント・コア』
- Performed by Kota (CV: Nobunaga Shimazaki)
- 『憧れeveryday』
- Performed by Mika (CV: Rie Murakawa)
- 『コケティッシュシンドローム』
- Performed by Silva (CV: Emi Nitta)
- 『エピローグ』
Item Code Benefits
- CDパッケージマット5 ║ CD Package Mat 5
- PSO2アニメ壁シール4 ║ PSO2 Anime Wall Sticker 4
- 254「Voパフォーマンス」 ║ Vo Performance