ARKS Unity Festival takes place between January 22nd, 2014 until maintenance on March 5th, 2014! During the festivities, everyone will be given a Bingo Card. Each time a line is cleared horizontally, vertically, and diagonally, you'll achieve a BINGO Point that is tallied up with the scores of all players. This score is used to unlock rewards after the event is over.
The reward and target values are displayed underneath each panel. Once a score for a particular panel is achieved, we all work together to unlock the next panel.
Recent Post Updates
- 1/23: Added Toro and Kuro Client Orders
- 1/23: Added ARKS General Election
- 1/25: Added [Vita Contest]
- 2/12: Added Valentine's Update
- 2/12: Added Valentine Bingo
- 2/12: Added Valentine Bingo [Reverse]
Rewards List
- #1: 1000 FUN Ticket
- #2: Hit and Blow ヒットアンドブロウ (Room Item)
- #3: Fun Points Doubled [Reward Period]
- #4: +1 Login Stamp Bonus [Reward Period]
- #5: Recycle Shop (20% OFF) [Reward Period]
- #6: *アポトーシス Apoptosis
- #7: +150% Meseta [Reward Period]
- #8: *ジークムント Sigmund
- #9: *セブンリリーパ Seven Lillipans
- #10: *マジカルトランプ Magical Trump
- #11: Extreme Pass (x2) / Half Doll / EXCube
- #12: *チェインドワイヤー Chained Wire
- #13: +150% EXP [Reward Period]
- #14: *アートルム Artrum
- #15: Boosters: Grind Success +10% and Ability Affix Success +10%
- #16: *メイ・プルクラ May Pulchra
- #17: +150% Rare Enemy Chance [Reward Period]
- #18: +150% Rare Drops [Reward Period]
- #19: +10% Item Grind Success [Reward Period]
- #20: +10% Ability Affix Success [Reward Period]
Boosts that apply during the [Reward Period] will begin after maintenance on March 12th up until maintenance on March 19th, 2014.
Items unlocked during the event can be picked up at the Visiphone after maintenance on March 12th up until maintenance on April 2nd, 2014.
Both "Valentine Bingo" and "Unity Festival Bingo" count towards unlocking the web panel rewards.
Arks Unity Festival Update
- Arks Ship Fire Swirl (Emergency Quest) (until 3.5.2014)
- 造龍来たる魔の海域 Atrocious Ocean (Limited Quest) (until 3.5.2014)
Valentine's Update
- チョコレートの行方2 Where's the Chocolate 2 (Emergency Quest)
(until 3.5.2014) - Valentine Bingo Added
- Super Hard versions of 'Raging Dark Arms' and 'Utterly Profound' Added
- New Latent Abilities Added
- New Items Added
God Hand
Celesta Laser
Magical Piece
Rappy Heart
The Rappy Heart weapon camo is obtainable until March 5th, 2014.
Xie's Valentine's Client Orders
バレンタイン茶飯事! / A Valentine's Staple!
- Clear "Protect the Cake Shop" Emergency Trial
- Award: Giri Heart (Talis)
チョコレートへの試練!/ A Chocolatey Trial
- Defeat 60 LV1+ Dragonkin
愛情たっぷり隠し味!? / Just A Pinch of Love!?
- Deliver five "騎龍の角"
- Drops from Dirandals and Sol Dirandals
恋慕を後押すウワサ話 / Kiss and Tell!
- Defeat Lv 1+ Goron Zoran
今ここに、バレンタインは完成す! / The Perfect Valentine!
- Defeat a Lv 1+ Vol Dragon
Valentine Bingo
1 | +50% EXP Booster |
2 | +50% EXP Booster (×2) |
3 | +75% EXP Booster (×3) |
4 | 500 FUN Ticket |
5 | *Space Cake |
8 | +10% Ability Affixing Success |
Complete | +100% Tribooster |
[dropdown_box expand_text="VALENTINE BINGO" show_more="EXPAND" show_less="HIDE" start="hide"]
Valentine Bingo | ||
A | ||
A-1 | Clear Xie's Client Order: バレンタイン茶飯事! |
A Valentine Staple! |
A-2 | Defeat a Caterdran | Lv.20+ |
A-3 | Clear Xie's Client Order: チョコレートへの試練! |
A Chocolatey Trial! |
A-4 | Defeat a Sol Dinian | Lv.20+ |
A-5 | Clear E-Trial: Destroy the Darchyme | |
B | ||
B-1 | Defeat a Goron Zoran | Lv.20+ |
B-2 | Defeat a Nodiran | Lv.20+ |
B-3 | Clear Xie's Client Order: 愛情たっぷり隠し味!? |
Just a Pinch of Love!? |
B-4 | Clear E-Trial: Defend Naura's Cake Shop! |
B-5 | Clear Kressida's Client Order: へっぽこぴーの溶岩石拾い |
Rookie Lava Rock Gathering |
C | ||
C-1 | Play FUN Scratch | |
C-2 | Destroy a Green Container | |
C-4 | Feed your Mag | |
C-5 | Successfully elemental grind an item. | |
D | ||
D-1 | Clear E-Trial: Evade the Vis-Bolt | |
D-2 | Clear Where's the Chocolate 2 Emergency Quest | |
D-3 | Clear Xie's Client Order: 恋慕を後押すウワサ話 |
Kiss and Tell! |
D-4 | Defeat a Pendran | Lv.20+ |
D-5 | Clear Franka's Client Order: ヴォル・ドラゴンの肉の調達 |
Supplying Vol Dragon Meat |
E | ||
E-1 | Defeat a Dagan | Lv.20+ |
E-2 | Defeat a Digg | Lv.20+ |
E-3 | Clear Xie's Client Order: 今ここに、バレンタインは完成す! |
The Perfect Valentine! |
E-4 | Clear Koffie's Client Order: サポートパートナー講座 |
Support Partner Lecture |
E-5 | Defeat the enemy Sol Dirandal | Lv.20+ |
Valentine Bingo [Reverse]
1 | +10% Grind Success×3 |
2 | Trump Chain |
3 | +250% Rare Drop Booster |
4 | *Love La Fin |
5 | Excube×2 |
8 | Extreme Pass×5 |
Complete | +100% Tribooster×2 |
[dropdown_box expand_text="VALENTINE BINGO Reverse" show_more="EXPAND" show_less="HIDE" start="hide"]
Valentine Bingo [Reverse] | ||
A | ||
A-1 | Defeat a Dirandal | Lv.51+ |
A-2 | Clear Filia's Client Order: かすかに覚えし桃色の花 |
Faint Memories of a Pink Flower |
A-3 | Defeat a Blumegalla | Lv.50+ |
A-4 | Defeat an El Dagan | Lv.50+ |
A-5 | Defeat a Sadinian | Lv.50+ |
B | ||
B-1 | Defeat Dark Falz Elder | Lv.70+ |
B-2 | Clear Coast Exploration | S Rank Clear Hard or Higher With Azanami only. |
B-3 | Defeat Bal Rodos | Lv.50+ |
B-4 | Clear Raging Dark Arms | Super Hard or Higher |
B-5 | Defeat a Gwanada | Lv.63+ |
C | ||
C-1 | Defeat Blundarl | Lv.20+ |
C-2 | Defeat Fordoran | Lv.20+ |
C-4 | Observe the "Heat Wave" weather effect in the Vol. Caves Area |
C-5 | Defeat an Ol Micda | Lv.20+ |
D | ||
D-1 | Defeat Breu Ringahda | Lv.63+ |
D-2 |
Clear Fourie's Client Order: |
Seeking a Benefactor |
D-3 | Clear Lottie's Client Order: 実地研修に付き合ってください |
Please Go Training With Me |
D-4 | Clear Quarry Exploration | S Rank Clear on V. Hard or Higher With Lisa only. |
D-5 | Defeat a Quartz Dragon | Lv.63+ |
E | ||
E-1 | Clear Tiea's Client Order: アナタの手を借りたいの! |
Lend us a Hand! |
E-2 | Clear Echo's Client Order: ヒミツの特訓 |
Secret Training |
E-3 | Defeat a Sil Dinian | Lv.50+ |
E-4 | Defeat a Diggnats | Lv.41+ |
E-5 | Defeat a Dinian | Lv.50+ |
(OLD) ARKS Unity Client Orders and Bingo
Xie's Client Orders and Unity Festival FUN Shop
(Available until 3.5.2014)
[dropdown_box expand_text="ARKS Unity Festival Client Orders and Bingo Cards" show_more="EXPAND" show_less="HIDE" start="hide"]
Xie's Client Orders
共闘祭への乱入者! / Festival Intruders!
- Defeat Lv. 1+ [Naberius Natives] x60
共闘祭への一幕! / Unity Festival Act 1!
- Complete Quna Emergency Code [Enemy Assault]
- Atrocious Ocean limited quest only.
共闘祭でも変わらずに! / Unchanged Festival!
- Defeat Lv. 1+ [Darkers] x60
みんな大好き、大人気! / Such Love, So Popular!
- Deliver [ゲームのギア] x16
- Drops from Mechs.
宴もたけなわ、大一番! / The Grand Finale!
- Defeat Lv. 1+ [Chrome Dragon] x1
ARKS Unity Festival FUN Shop List
- ブラックテンガロンハット Black Ten Gallon Hat (3000 FUN)
- 錠前ネックレス Lock Necklace (3000 FUN)
- ホワイトフォックステイル White Fox Tail (3000 FUN)
- バレットベルト Bullet Belt (3000 FUN)
- 小悪魔ヘッド Demon Wing Head (3000 FUN)
- ラッピーチュチュ Rappy Tutu (500 FUN)
- 抱っこラッピー Carry Me Rappy (500 FUN)
- セガサターンマスク Sega Saturn Mask (500 FUN)
- ドリームキャストマスク Dreamcast Mask (500 FUN)
- 追加ロビーアクション01(/la liveit) (6000 FUN)
- 追加ロビーアクション02 (/la deny) (6000 FUN)
- 追加ロビーアクション04 (/la happy) (6000 FUN)
- 追加ロビーアクション17 (/la bed2) (6000 FUN)
- 追加ロビーアクション39 (/la clight1) (500 FUN)
- 追加ロビーアクション40(/la clight2) (500 FUN)
- Rest are self explanatory…
(OLD) Toro and Kuro Client Orders (VITA ONLY)
New Toro Client Orders
- Deliver「海王種の霜降り肉」 x10
- Drops from Oceanids
- Complete the Aircraft [Code: Protect] Emergency Trial
- Complete the Toro and Kuro [Code: Unite] Emergency Trial
- Atrocious Ocean Limited Quest only.
- Prize: A Kyoutou Sensei Helmet
New Kuro Client Orders
- Defeat One Rappy
- Defeat One Chrome Dragon
- Prize: A Chrome Dragon Helmet
(OLD) ARKS Unity Festival Bingo
ARKS Unity Festival Bingo [Front]
1 | +50% EXP Booster |
2 | +50% EXP Booster (×2) |
3 | Orgel (Music Box Room Item) |
4 | +75% EXP Booster (×3) |
5 | 1000 FUN Ticket |
8 | +10% Grind Success |
Complete | +100% Tribooster |
A-1 |
Clear Atrocious Ocean |
A-2 |
Defeat Vid Gilos LV20+ |
A-3 |
Successfully Grind an Item |
A-4 |
Defeat De Malmoth LV20+ |
A-5 |
Clear Xie's Client Order 「共闘祭でも変わらずに!」 Festival Unchanged |
B-1 |
Defeat Dolluahda LV20+ |
B-2 |
Defeat Strahda LV20+ |
B-3 |
Observe "Heavy Rain" at the Beach. |
B-4 |
Clear Xie's Client Order 「共闘祭での一幕!」 Unity Festival Act One |
B-5 |
Clear Xie's Client Order 「みんな大好き、大人気!」 Such Love, So Popular |
C-1 |
Defeat Seglezun LV20+ |
C-2 |
Defeat Luda Sorcerer LV20+ |
C-3 |
C-4 |
Defeat Org Blan LV20+ |
C-5 |
Defeat Tyraluda LV20+ |
D-1 |
Falcabone LV20+ |
D-2 |
Clear Xie's Client Order 「共闘祭への乱入者!」 Festival Intruders |
D-3 |
Play FUN Scratch |
D-4 |
Defeat Decol Maluda LV20+ |
D-5 |
Defeat Due Solda LV20+ |
E-1 |
Clear Emergency Trial Aircraft Defense |
E-2 |
Clear Koffee's Client Order 自由探索許可申請・海岸 Free Exploration Coast |
E-3 |
Send a Good Job |
E-4 |
Defeat Biol Meduna LV20+ |
E-5 |
Defeat Chrome Dragon LV20+ |
(OLD) ARKS Unity Festival Bingo Reverse
ARKS Unity Festival Bingo [REVERSE]
1 | +10% Ability Affix Success (×3) |
2 | Half Doll |
3 | +250% Rare Drop Booster (×2) |
4 | *Fan Fan Bazooka |
5 | Extreme Pass (×3) |
8 | EXCube (×4) |
Complete | +100% Triboosters (x2) |
A-1 |
Clear Quna's Client Order アイドルからの難題 Idol's Challenge [Requires Matter Board #9] |
A-2 |
Defeat Fordoransa LV40+ |
A-3 |
Clear Enemy Assault Emergency Trial (Together with one other ARKS member) |
A-4 |
Clear Lottie's Client Order 「強力な侵食核!?」 Powerful Corruption |
A-5 |
Defeat Gul Solda LV40+ |
B-1 |
Defeat Predicahda LV40+ |
B-2 |
Acquire Matter Board 10 |
B-3 |
Clear Lubert's Client Order 「カルターゴの弱点は!?」 Kartagot's Weak Point!? |
B-4 |
Defeat Caterdransa LV50+ |
B-5 |
Defeat Fang Banshee LV20+ |
C-1 |
Defeat Crabahda LV20+ |
C-2 |
Defeat King Yedi LV20+ |
C-3 |
C-4 |
Defeat Signobeat LV20+ |
C-5 |
PSE Burst |
D-1 |
Defeat Krahda LV40+ |
D-2 |
Defeat Zeshrayda LV40+ |
D-3 |
Clear Emergency Trial Burning Angel (EQ: ARKS Ship Fire Swirl) |
D-4 |
Defeat Dagash LV40+ |
D-5 |
Defeat Micda LV20+ |
E-1 |
Defeat Dragon Ex LV50+ |
E-2 |
Clear Hans Client Order 「破壊をもたらす黒曜」 The Bearer of Destruction |
E-3 | Defeat Dark Ragne LV61+ |
E-4 |
Clear Revelle's Client Order 「エクスタミネート・ジャーニー・Ⅱ」 Extermination Journey II |
E-5 |
S-Rank Clear Ruins Exploration with Quna only. |
ARKS General Election
It's time for the ARKS General Election! All players will be able to vote for their favorite NPCs. You may vote once a day in both the female and male divisions. Midway through they'll post the results of the election. Once the results are finalized, Sega will create items based on the winning characters!
Voting Period
- Now until February 19th, 2014 @ 16:00 JST
Election Details
- You may vote both in the male and female divisions once a day.
- You may vote again after the clock strikes midnight in Japan.
- Once the election is over, Sega will create items based on the winning characters.
- These items will be revealed at a later time.
To Vote
- Click [Female Bracket] and [Male Bracket]
- Click on the little blue tab next to the NPC.
- Click the left button 「はい」 to vote.