PSO2 JP AC Scratch: Winners Design 6 Side B

Winners Design 6 Side B
(Until July 24, 2019)



ブランマーメイド[Ou] | Blanc Mermaid [Ou]


ブランマーメイド[Ba] | Blanc Mermaid [Ba]
ブランマーメイド影[Ba] | Blanc Mermaid Shadow [Ba]
ブランマーメイド空[Ba] | Blanc Mermaid Sky [Ba]
ブランマーメイド桜[Ba] | Blanc Mermaid Sakura [Ba]
ブランマーメイド紅[Ba] | Blanc Mermaid Crimson [Ba]
ブランマーメイド夜[Ba] | Blanc Mermaid Night [Ba]



ブレイシーズアニマ[Ba] | Braces Anima [Ba]
ブレイシーズアニマ海[Ba] | Braces Anima Sea [Ba]
ブレイシーズアニマ雪[Ba] | Braces Anima Snow [Ba]
ブレイシーズアニマ栗[Ba] | Braces Anima Chestnut [Ba]
ブレイシーズアニマ桜[Ba] | Braces Anima Sakura [Ba]
ブレイシーズアニマ影[Ba] | Braces Anima Shadow [Ba]


Female Basewear

舞闘着F[Ba] | Butougi F [Ba]
舞闘着F夜[Ba] | Butougi F Night [Ba]
舞闘着F紅[Ba] | Butougi F Crimson [Ba]
舞闘着F影[Ba] | Butougi F Shadow [Ba]
舞闘着F雪[Ba] | Butougi F Snow [Ba]
舞闘着F桜[Ba] | Butougi F Sakura [Ba]

Male Basewear

舞闘着M[Ba] | Butougi M [Ba]
舞闘着M夜[Ba] | Butougi M Night [Ba]
舞闘着M紅[Ba] | Butougi M Crimson [Ba]
舞闘着M影[Ba] | Butougi M Shadow [Ba]
舞闘着M雪[Ba] | Butougi M Snow [Ba]
舞闘着M桜[Ba] | Butougi M Sakura [Ba]



藍微塵[Ou] | Aimijin [Ou]


藍微塵[Ba] | Aimijin [Ba]
藍微塵 紅[Ba] | Aimijin Crimson [Ba]
藍微塵 陽[Ba] | Aimijin Sun [Ba]
藍微塵 雪[Ba] | Aimijin Snow [Ba]
藍微塵 空[Ba] | Aimijin Sky [Ba]
藍微塵 桜[Ba] | Aimijin Sakura [Ba]


ブレイズプレイヤー | Blaze Prayer
ブレイズプレイヤー影 | Blaze Prayer Shadow
ブレイズプレイヤー紅 | Blaze Prayer Crimson
ブレイズプレイヤー陽 | Blaze Prayer Sun
ブレイズプレイヤー夜 | Blaze Prayer Night
ブレイズプレイヤー雅 | Blaze Prayer Elegant


ヒヨリユキアメ | Hiyori Yukiame
ヒヨリユキアメ桜 | Hiyori Yukiame Sakura
ヒヨリユキアメ雅 | Hiyori Yukiame Elegant
ヒヨリユキアメ影 |  Hiyori Yukiame Shadow
ヒヨリユキアメ紅 | Hiyori Yukiame Crimson
ヒヨリユキアメ陽 | Hiyori Yukiame Sun


Female Recolors

  • グラスラージュフリル鋼[Ou] | Grassoulage Frill Steel [Ou]
  • グラスラージュフリル玄[Ba] | Grassoulage Frill Black [Ba]
  • グラスラージュフリル冬[Ba] | Grassoulage Frill Winter [Ba]
  • メルキュリーナ玄[Ba] | Mercurina Mysterious [Ba]
  • メルキュリーナ茜[Ba] | Mercurina Madder [Ba]
  • ポップ・ラ・ソーサリーF春 | Pop La Sorcery F Spring
  • ポップ・ラ・ソーサリーF冬 | Pop La Sorcery F Winter
  • セイクリッド・メサイア玄 | Sacred Messiah Mysterious
  • セイクリッド・メサイア茜 | Sacred Messiah Madder
  • トイフェルノンネ玄 | Teufel Nonne Mysterious
  • トイフェルノンネ冬 | Teufel Nonne Winter

Male Recolors

  • ポップ・ラ・ソーサリーM春 | Pop La Sorcery M Spring
  • ポップ・ラ・ソーサリーM冬 | Pop La Sorcery M Winter
  • カラカズラ玄 | Karakazura Mysterious
  • カラカズラ紅 | Karakazura Crimson

Female Voice 194 (CV: Mai Kadowaki)

  • 女性追加ボイス194
  • 女性C追加ボイス194

Male Voice 160 (CV: Megumi Ogata)

  • 男性追加ボイス160
  • 男性C追加ボイス160

Lobby Actions

  • 522「雨が降る」 | 522 [Rainfall]
  • 523「Aライフルポーズ」 | 523 [A Rifle Pose]


  • ポップ・ラ・ヘアー | Pop La Hair
  • セイクリッドヘアー | Sacred Hair

Body Paint

  • グラスラージュタイツ | Grassoulage Tights


  • メルキュリーナアイマスク | Mercurina Eye Mask
  • デフォルメマスク | Deformed Mask
  • クリスリボン 青 | Blue Crys Ribbon
  • しましまルーズソックス白 | White Striped Loose Socks
  • フォトンマフラー 赤 | Red Photon Scarf

Weapon Camos

  • *デスペラ・トランケ | *Desperado Case

Mag Device

  • マグ支援枠拡張デバイス | Mag Support Extend Device

Grind Support

  • 特殊能力(打撃&PP/2) | Add Ability (Strike&PP/2)

Scratch Bonus

Play this AC Scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!

Normal AC Tickets
Frequency Rewards
5 times Free Salon Pass
10 times Bonus Key Tokyo [Silver]
15 times Bonus Key Kazuchi Assault
30 times Winners Design 6 B Ticket
40 times Bonus Key Tokyo [Gold]
50 times EX Tri-Boost +200%
60 times Winners Design 6 B Ticket
120 times Winners Design 6 B Ticket
Gold AC Tickets
Frequency Rewards
2 times PSZERO Memory
4 times Bonus Key Magatsu [Silver]
6 times Tri-Boost +150%
12 times Winners Design 6 B Ticket

※Players can receive each item only once.
※All of these items are untradeable.

※Alternative S Ticket allows you to choose 1 item from this AC Scratch.
※EX Tri-Boost can be used together with other boost items. Duration effect is 360 minutes.


FUN Scratch

Face Aesthetics

  • ゆったり太まゆ | Calm Thick Eyebrows
  • セクシーまつげ 黒 | Sexy Eyelashes Black
  • セクシーまつげ 紺 | Sexy Eyelashes Blue
  • セクシーまつげ 茶 | Sexy Eyelashes Brown
  • セクシーまつげ 白 | Sexy Eyelashes White


  • アポストロ・ヘルム | Apostolo Helm
  • Aマスターコクピット | A Master Cockpit 
  • ロックベアフード | Rockbear Hood
  • かみつきゆるガロンゴ帽子 | Snapping Garongo Hat 
  • ラブ・ブレスネット | Love Necklace
  • かみぶくろ | Paper Bag
  • 背負い笹 | Posterior Bamboo
  • 雨雲 | Rain Cloud 
  • 虹 | Rainbow
  • 雨傘 黒 | Black Umbrella
  • カッパの皿 | Kappa Plate

Lobby Action

  • 10「照れる」 | 10 [Shy]

Room Items / Themes

  • ササ・ツリー | Sasa Tree
  • アジサイプラント | Hydrangea Plant
  • 物干しラック | Clothes Drying Rack
  • 壁かラッピー | Wall Rappy
  • ドラム・カンフロ | Drum Can Tub
  • 日よけスクリーン | Sunshade Screen
  • D・ビブラス飼育キット | D. Vibrace Raising Kit

It's Raining Cats and Bears in PSO2's Next Seasonal Quest

~ June 26th, 2019 ~


In The Driving Rain 2019

This summer, Planet Naberius will experience a torrential downpour with the return of the [Driving Rain] Emergency Quest! This year's rendition will feature Ultra Hard difficulty with enemies such as Blizzard Banther, Golshrayda, Bayaribbles, and even the notorious Descente Draal. Defeating him will increase the chance for Ultralized enemies to spawn.


The Mars weapons will be obtainable once again from the [Weapon Collection] during the rainy season.


Melon, Jinga, Aero, Popple, and Redran eggs will be obtainable through the [Egg Collection] for those who missed them.


The [Special Collection] File will be adding the ★14 Jet Boots, Quelle Styx, to its lineup.


Limited Time Arks Missions will be available this time around instead of the Bingo.  Clear the Missions to obtain rewards such as the [Evo. Device / Kitsune Ame].


~ Evo. Device / Kitsune Ame ~


Ultimate Boosters

Ultimate Booster is a new item that can unlock stronger potentials on weapons available from the [Conqueror's Crest Exchange]. These boosters typically drop from Lv.76+ "Aberration" type enemies. Starting with this update, the following enemies will drop Ultimate Boosters:

  • ベーアリブルス | Bayaribbles
  • ベルガリブルーサ | Bergaribruisa
  • ディアボイグリシス | Diabo Igrithys
  • ヴォモスブロドシス | Vomos Brodothys
  • プロジオーグルス | Plosiorgles
  • イグニジオグルス | Ignitiogles

They plan add Ultimate Boosters to the drop table of other "Aberration" type enemies in a July update.

Potentials unlocked by Ultimate Boosters will use the [改] suffix (or say "Plus" if you're using the patch). These [改] potentials simply raises the power without altering the unique effects of the original potential. While this update will only cover the "Conqueror's Crest" weapons, more weapons will receive the [改] potential in the future.


Winners Design 6 Side B (AC Scratch)

The second half of the 6th Anniversary winning item designs arrive, full of wonderful creations submitted by fellow players.


7th Anniversary Support Item Scratch (July 3rd)

The support item scratch returns in commemoration of PSO2's 7th Anniversary!


Ultra Hard Hits Planet Naberius on June 12th!

~ June 12, 2019 ~


Ultra Exploration: Naberius

The Ultra Hard difficulty spreads to Naberius! Challenge four new 'Ultralized' bosses across the planet's Forest, Tundra, and Ruins fields. Each of these maps has two areas and includes a new [Evade the Runaway Visbolt] Emergency Trial.


Ultralized versions of Naberius' signature bosses can be fought during its Ultra Hard quests, sporting more aggressive patterns and devastating new attacks.


The ★15 Genon series and Neo Cabliss boots, ★14 Blood series, and [*Trunk Hunt] weapon camo can be found in the Ultra Hard fields of Naberius.


Alternative Selection (AC Scratch)

The Muv-Luv Alternative collaboration scratch delivers costumes and accessories of heroine Meiya Mitsurugi and CAST parts of tactical fighters Shiranui and Takemikazuchi. In addition to the collab, the scratch offers a selection of gothic themed clothing.



Astral Guardian (SG Scratch)

~ June 19, 2019 ~

A new SG Scratch finally arrives, packed with cosmetics from Episode 5's finale! Also included are a lobby action and weapon camo of the Laconium Sword, as well as the top ranked candidates from the Mini Costume Election.