PSO2 JP SG Scratch: Awake Administer

Awake Administer
(Until 7.15.2020)


Main Outfits


シランスリート[Ou] | Silence Lied [Ou]


シランスリート[Ba] | Silence Lied [Ba]
シランスリート空[Ba] | Silence Lied Sky [Ba]
シランスリート雅[Ba] | Silence Lied Elegant [Ba]
シランスリート紅[Ba] | Silence Lied Crimson [Ba]
シランスリート影[Ba] | Silence Lied Shadow [Ba]
シランスリート雪[Ba] | Silence Lied Snow [Ba]


シランスリート[In] | Silence Lied [In]
シランスリート空[In] | Silence Lied Sky [In]
シランスリート雅[In] | Silence Lied Elegant [In]
シランスリート紅[In] | Silence Lied Crimson [In]
シランスリート雪[In] | Silence Lied Snow [In]
シランスリート鋼[In] | Silence Lied Steel [In]



少名比売麗衣[Ou] | Sukunahime Finery [Ou]


少名比売麗衣[Ba] | Sukunahime Finery [Ba]
少名比売麗衣 影[Ba] | Sukunahime Finery Shadow [Ba]
少名比売麗衣 月[Ba] | Sukunahime Finery Moon [Ba]
少名比売麗衣 葉[Ba] | Sukunahime Finery Leaf [Ba]
少名比売麗衣 雅[Ba] | Sukunahime Finery Elegant [Ba]
少名比売麗衣 鋼[Ba] | Sukunahime Finery Steel [Ba]



事代守人鎧[Ou] | Kotoshiro Armor [Ou]


事代守人鎧[Ba] | Kotoshiro Armor [Ba]
事代守人鎧 雪[Ba] | Kotoshiro Armor Snow [Ba]
事代守人鎧 紅[Ba] | Kotoshiro Armor Crimson [Ba]
事代守人鎧 栗[Ba] | Kotoshiro Armor Chestnut [Ba]
事代守人鎧 雅[Ba] | Kotoshiro Armor Elegant [Ba]
事代守人鎧 夜[Ba] | Kotoshiro Armor Night [Ba]


オムニス・レナート | Omnis Renato
オムニス・レナート紅 | Omnis Renato Crimson
オムニス・レナート影 | Omnis Renato Shadow
オムニス・レナート雪 | Omnis Renato Snow
オムニス・レナート陽 | Omnis Renato Sun
オムニス・レナート雅 | Omnis Renato Elegant


【双子・男】異界戦闘衣 | [Double] Omega Suit M
【双子・女】異界戦闘衣 | [Double] Omega Suit F

【双子・男】異界戦闘衣 雪 | [Double] Omega Suit M Snow
【双子・女】異界戦闘衣 雪 | [Double] Omega Suit F Snow


Lobby Actions

  • 573「スクナヒメポーズ1」 | 573 [Sukunahime Pose 1]
  • 574「スクナヒメポーズ2」 | 574 [Sukunahime Pose 2]
  • 575「スクナヒメポーズ3」 | 575 [Sukunahime Pose 3]

Ability Affixers

  • 特殊能力(攻撃総合/2) | Add Ability (Attack Fusion/2)
  • 特殊能力(防御総合/2) | Add Ability (Defense Fusion/2)

Music Discs

  • マガツ戦「待機所」
  • PSO2 イベント「作戦会議」
  • PSO2 イベント「過去」
  • PSO2 イベント「優勢」
  • ディモールドゥミヌス戦
  • Good Job! My friend!


Scratch Bonus

Play this SG Scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!

SG Tickets
Frequency Rewards
5 times *Sukuna Divine Blades

※Players can receive each item only once.



  • 透刃マイアクセサリーA | Mai Blades Accessory A 
  • 449「ぶらさがる」 | 449 "Hanging"
  • 420「編知/乱知」| 420 "Henchi / Ranchi"
  • 424「編知/乱知2」 | 424 "Henchi / Ranchi 2"
  • EX獲得経験値+75% | EX Experience Boost +75%
  • EXレアドロップ倍率+75% | EX Rare Drop Boost +75%
  • EX獲得メセタ+75% | EX Meseta +75%
  • EXトライブースト+50% | EX Tri Boost +50%
  • 特殊能力追加(攻撃継承) | Add Ability (Attack Transfer)
  • 特殊能力追加(防御継承) | Add Ability (Defense Transfer)
  • 特殊能力追加(心身継承) | Add Ability (Mind&Body)

Layeredwear Conversion

イロイスアルキュリア雅[Ou] | Iloise Alcuria Elegant [Ou]


イロイスアルキュリア冬[Ba] | Iloise Alcuria Winter [Ba]


ロレットベルディア冬[Ba] | Lorette Beldia Winter [Ba]


ロレットベルディアB冬[Ba] | Lorette Beldia B Winter [Ba]


ゼルシウス紅[Ba] | Zelsius Crimson [Ba]



Other Outfits

フレンチスリーブ[Ba] | French Sleeve [Ba]


フレンチスリーブ雪[Ba] | French Sleeve Snow [Ba]


ライトポロシャツ[Ba] | Light Polo Shirt [Ba]


ライトポロシャツ雪[Ba] | Light Polo Shirt Snow [Ba]


スライトリトルF・ミニ影 | Slight Little F Mini Shadow


シェルタークオリット | Shelter Qualit


シェルタークオリット紅 | Shelter Qualit Crimson


重ね着半袖ニット | Knitted Short Sleeves


重ね着半袖ニット桜 | Knitted Short Sleeves Sakura


スライトリトルM・ミニ影 | Slight Little M Mini Shadow


ポイントアビリット | Point Abilit


ポイントアビリット雪 | Point Abilit Snow


PSO2 Station! Plus #2 Recap

Secret Phrase

  • Say the Secret Phrase in Chat to receive several prizes
  • スペースマガツデストロイヤーズ
  • You'll receive Bootrappy Hair Accessory and 50 Cobalt Medals
  • You have until December 18th's Maintenance to complete this task.


PSO2 EQ Boost Poll

  • Merry Christmas on Ice
  • Rare Drop +150% / EXP +100%
  • December 10th @ 23:00 JST with Quna Concert First!

New Years

New Year's Event

  • New Year's Lobby
  • Lobby Action: Fortune Slip (Which Plays Monica / Dudu phrases)
  • New Year's begins January 1st at 0:00 JST


New Year's Event

  • New Year's Limited Scratch: January 1st ~ January 8th
    • Accessory Selection : Popular Hairstyles, Accessories, Lobby Actions.
    • Lucky Bag G : Popular Layered Wear, and the "Grand" Special Ability Affixers

Early January

January Update

  • AC Scratch: Luminous Bloom
  • Navy Uniform and Coats
  • New Accessories and Makeup


January Update

  • Luminous Bloom
  • New Year's Style Kimonos and Flower Girl Outfit.
  • D-Saber Pose &  Playing in the Snow 2 Lobby Action


Space Magatsu Destroyers

  • Character Contest Special
    • Dec 25th ~ Jan 22nd
    • Winner will have their character appear as an NPC
  • PSO2 Video Contest
    • Dec 25th ~ Feb 5th
    • Lobby Action Division & Free-Form Division
  • Arks Exam 2020
    • Answer Questions Regarding PSO2
  • Web Panel Event
    • Jan 8th ~ Feb 5th
    • Collect Weapons Badge 2020


Space Magatsu Destroyers

  • Xie New Year's 2020
    • COs and Exchange Shop
  • Limited Exchange Shop
    • New Year's Donuts 2020 (+50% Triboost 60m)
    • Liberate Unlocker (Costs 200 Badges, Limited to 1)
    • Pure Photon
    • Ultimate Booster
    • Multi-Blade Wing L
    • Zonde / Cage Lobby Action


January Update

  • 8 Player Quest: Cosmic Calamity
  • In the First half you'll go through Shironia.
  • Drop: *Possessed Vessel Sangamori and ★15 Floatea Weapon Series


January Update

  • Second half is SPACE MAGATSU!
  • There's also going to be a 4-Player Trigger Quest version.
    • [Liberate Unlocker] can drop.

※「Liberate Unlocker」 is one of the many items needed to upgrade Novel into Liberate series.

Late January

Late January Update

  • AC Scratch: Idola Chaos Creed
  • Chaos Outfits from Idola Phantasy Star Saga
  • New Posters and Weapon Camos


Late January Update

  • More Accessories and Lobby Actions
  • LA: Wand Pose & LA: Snow Watching


Late January Update

  • Space Magatsu Destroyers Part 2
  • Limited Exchange Shop (Updated)
    • Multi-Blade Wing R
    • LA: Barta / Statue


Late January Update

  • Mother & Deus EQ now supports Ultra Hard.
  • The trigger quest version will also support Ultra Hard.



The Ultralized Dragons

~ Lizeth Ghidour ~


~ Ebolion Dragon ~


~ Dragon Ignissimo ~


Releasing Sequentially Starting February 2020

Etoile Tidbits

Double Saber

  • Long-Pressing Normal Attacks makes you execute an additional attack.
    • Your power will rise if there's Gear.
  • Gear can also reduce damage when hit.
  • Deflect is the Weapon Action which can block an enemy's attack.
  • Deflect Combo lets you block and rush towards the enemy and attack.
  • You can skip the first half of a PA by not using the directional input with the skill [Double Saber Skip Arts].
  • The Skill [Double Saber Step Slide] lets you slide if you [Step] again during [Step].
  • With [Double Saber Step Guard] skill, you can block and perform a counterattack if you [Step] forward right at the locked-on enemy's attack.


Dual Blades

  • Parry is the Weapon Action which can be used during attacks and movement.
  • If you parry just as an attack hits you, you can perform a counterattack at the locked-on enemy.
  • If you activate the weapon action during [Step], you'll perform a [Step Edge] attack.
    • This releases swords called [Edge].
  • If you activate the weapon action during [Step Edge], you'll perform a [Connect] attack.
    • This attack does a wide sweeping attack while consuming gear.
  • If you hit the weapon action again during [Connect], you'll perform a [Full Connect].
    • You'll need to have 2 stocks of Gear to perform this.
      • (1 for Connect, then 1 for Full Connect)
    • Full Connect turns your weapon into a giant sword for the finishing blow.
  • The Skill [DB Lock-On Chase] makes you advance towards a locked-on enemy when you do normal attacks.



  • You can move during Normal Attacks and PAs.
  • Charge Protect is the weapon action which makes you guard in all directions.
    • You can extend the guard duration by holding it, but this will consume gear.
  • Consume enough gear to trigger a finishing move called [Protect Release].
    • There's two stages to the finishing move.
    • The 1st stage activates if you release while there's a dark ring around the character.
    • The 2nd stage activates if you release after that dark ring expands.
    • The 2nd stage is a more devastating move and has wider AoE.
  • Wand PAs can be modified when you use the weapon action at a certain time.
    • An effect will display during the PA.
    • Using the Weapon action during this effect will change it to a [Focus PA].
    • Focus PAs have smaller AoE or range, but the attacks are more powerful. '
  • The skill [Wand F Dash] increases your movement ability while performing combos.

PSO2es Update

  • Season 3-7 Story: A Fortified Will
  • New option for Etoile in the linked EXP menu
  • A new challenge mode for emergency quests will be introduced
  • New Quick Search quests


PSO2es Update

  • Bekrew Sabathka (1/1)
  • Serpent Grigoros (1/1)


PSO2es Update

  • Harriet [White Christmas] (12/18)
  • Khorshid [New Year] (1/1)
  • Patty 'n Tia [New Year] (1/4)
  • Shishigami (1/1)


PSO2es Update

  • Rykros Staff (12/18)
  • Glycina Lithos (1/1)
  • Crimson Gunman Clotho [TCG] (12/18)
  • Sukunahime [TCG] (1/8)


PSO2es Update

  • Evleda Anhks (12/11)
  • Quelle Windea (1/8)
  • Heid (1/1)
  • Sorush (12/18)


New Side Stories

  • Steam Knuckle (12/11)
  • Slave Feather (12/25)
  • Shishigami (1/1)
  • Nemesis Caliber (1/8)


PSO2es Event Update

  • New Year and Christmas special quests!
  • Capturing Santa! (12/25 – 12/31)
  • Annual Shrine Visit Hit Parade! (1/1 – 1/8)
  • Sukunahime [TCG] among select PSO2 13 star weapons will make their debut
  • ARKS Training Drill 7 (1/8 – 1/29)


PSO2es Event Update

  • Tower Quests Return! (12/18 – 1/1)
  • 13* [Meteor Cudgel-NT] and 13* Chip [Kazami-no-Tachi] may drop in the Eternal Tower
  • Nightmare Tower can now drop the 14* weapons [Aculd Reng] (Katana), and [Aculd Fahneid] (Jetboots)
  • New Emergency Quest: [Hell Creeping Insect Queen]
  • 14* Weapon [Altia Fleche] (Bullet Bow)


PSO2 Fashion Catalog 2018-2019

  • Contains outfits from EP5~EP6.
  • Goes on Sale December 26th
  • Contains 432 Pages
  • Item Codes
    • Sit 7 LA
    • Esté Closet
    • Phaleg Hair 2
    • Hair Turban


Plastic Model Gene Stella Innocent

  • Gene Stella Innocent Ver
  • Price: 6000 Yen
  • Sales Date: December


PSO2 Episode Oracle Blu-Ray & DVD Vol 2

  • Volume 2 releases on December 18th
  • Limited Edition
    • Illustrated Case, Booklet, Postcard, and Audio Commentary.
  • Regular / Limited Edition
    • Item Codes for Soldier's Rest Outfits, Arks Beret, and PSO2 Anime Eyes & Eyebrows D.


Etoile Strikes PSO2 On December 18th!

Countdown to Etoile [kcounter end="12/18/2019 17:00:00" class="text-center shrinkwrap18star" message="Etoile Is Now Out" name="etoilerelease"]


Etoile, the third Successor Class, lands in PSO2 on December 18th! This class can equip Double Sabers, Dual Blades, and Wands, but is unable to use Techniques. Deflecting, parrying, and protecting are its specialties.

Unlocking Etoile requires two classes at Level 75.


Main Class Skills

Activate to recover the HP/PP of your Party Members and increase their Maximum PP for a duration.


Quickly approach the enemy for an attack by pressing the weapon action / normal attack button during a certain time frame. (Double Saber Only)

Double Saber Quick Take

Skip the first half of a PA by activating it without any direction input. (D. Saber Only)

Double Saber Skip Arts

Normal Attack will advance you towards a locked-on enemy. (Dual Blades Only)

Dual Blade Lock-On Chase

Hold and release the weapon action to warp in a direction and attack. (Wand Only)

Wand Teleport

Double Saber


Guard while moving with the Double Saber's [Deflect] Weapon Action. It can be used during Normal Attacks and Photon Arts.


Perform a [Deflect Combo] by using the weapon action after deflecting. Aside from the attack it produces, the combo provides a way to move closer to the enemy while guarding. Executing a combo after a successful Just Guard will strengthen its attack. Keep this up and unleash a powerful string of counterattacks.


Etoile Double Saber – Photon Arts

Swiftly approach the enemy, perform a series of slashes, and finish with a sweeping circular strike.


Absolute Quasar

Glide forward, blades spiraling around your character, and follow up with a single slash.

Saber Destruction

Leap into the air, perform a low horizontal slash, and pierce an enemy with several large blades from above.

Shooting Star

After a quick downward strike, kick a large photon blade towards your foe that sends your character flying backwards.

Celestial Collide

Dual Blades


While utilizing Dual Blades, an Etoile can launch [Edge] projectiles during Photon Arts. By activating your weapon action during [Step], you'll carry out a [Step Edge].


[Connect] is an attack that occurs by using the weapon action after performing a Step Edge. It consumes Gear and deals heavy damage to a wide area. Activating the weapon action once more leads to a [Full Connect] that further magnifies the damage.

Furthermore, the weapon action can also [Parry]. Activate your parry to block the enemy's attacks and execute an unabated onslaught.


Etoile Dual Blades – Photon Arts

Plunge your blades into the enemy and slash outwards, accompanied by an Edge pincer attack.

Distortion Pierce
Dart towards the enemy and strike with a series of slashes. Edge mows down a wide area.
Radiant Sting

Sharply ascend and swoop down with a slash. Two large Edge blades pursue the enemy.

Vertical Flow

Hurl forward several shockwaves. Two Edge blades come forth during the final portion.

Light Wave



Wands have a [Charge Protect] weapon action that generates a protective barrier that requires Gear. Consuming a certain portion of the Gear Gauge initiates [Protect Release], delivering a powerful counterattack.

Activating the weapon action at a certain time during a PA will transform it into a [Focus PA], reducing its range but increasing the power.


Etoile Wand – Photon Arts

Hold the PA button to glide forward and release to attack with a far-reaching slash. The focused version reduces the slash distance.

Prism Circular

Become airborne and unleash a meteor shower. Focusing narrows its area of effect.

Glitter Stripe

Emits a black hole that explodes with time. The explosion lasts longer during the focused version, but has a shorter range.

Black Hole Rupture

Casts forward a long beam of light. Focusing shortens the beam.

Luminous Flare

Etoile Class Trainer

Lucotte is waiting to serve up Etoile class Client Orders in the Main Gate area. Obtain her partner card and bring her along for a clean sweep of the battlefield!


Etoile Items

Pick up Etoile [R / Effort Symbol Et] from the Skill Ring Shop, and the [*Etoile's Order] from the 2019 Weapon Badge Shop.


Etoile Training Quest

Familiarize yourself with the unique mechanics of the Etoile class with a new Training Quest.


~ There is more to come with this update, the rest will be posted at a later date ~