Phantasy Star Portable 2: Hard Mode And Fanta Quiz Battle!

Sakai posted some more details about the latest Famitsu article, this time it's pretty short but we'll get a glimpse into another feature of story mode, and the Fanta Quiz Battle!

REMINDER: November 30th, 2009 is the last day you can play Internet Multi Mode through the Japanese Demo. If you would like to play Internet Multi Mode you will need to insert a code depending on which retail version you purchase.. The code for Internet multimode will be placed within the Phantasy Star Portable 2 case. For those who buy the game through the Playstation Store, your code will automatically attach itself to the game.


Story Mode: Hard Mode

hard mode

In Phantasy Star Portable 2, after you complete Story Mode, you can play all the story missions again at your leisure. You will also unlock "HARD MODE" where monsters will be much tougher this time around.

As you advance through story mode, the items up for sale in each shop will change. Thus it's best to play story missions if you want to show off the latest weapons and clothes. You might even see some new stuff by completing hard mode missions as well.


story missions

For completionists, try to clear all story missions with an end result of S.


movie theater

You can also see bonus material if you clear story mode,
like this Movie Theater option.


Fanta Quiz Battle!


Fanta Quiz Battle is a mission you can download on December 3rd, 2009. It is a mission where 1-4 players compete by answering questions related to Fanta. The questions will be arranged from easy to diffcult questions.


punishment game

If you make a mistake you will be experience a "Punishment Game" which consists of traps blasting in your face.


athletic challenge

If you answer correctly you can try the "Athletic Challenge" where players must reach a goal to win special Fanta prizes! Athletic Challenge is filled with traps and must be completed within a certain amount of time. Memorizing the traps seems to be the way to go.  If you can not complete the mission, you will still recieve some parting gifts as well.

Sega plans to relase several download missions and items and collaborations each week. There will also be event missions coming up soon.You can download this mission at the official site or download it automatically by signing into Internet Multi Mode.

[via pspo2 blog]

Download the Chevalier Fluge, an exclusive outfit for male casts on December 9th, 2009 at the Japanese Playstation Store!

  • Puyo Puyo Knuckles Collaboration!

Phantasy Star Portable 2: To Love-Ru, Gravure Japan, Fanta Collaborations

Another somewhat jam packed update. This time we'll go through 2 brand new collaborations and yet another Fanta collab. Also we'll take a look at the concept character artwork for "Amelia" (wink wink.)

To Love-Ru Collab

to love ru

Kentaro Yabuki of "To Love-Ru" brings us the 6th manga collaboration. The outfit is called "Magical Princess" and the weapon is "EcoEco Stick-kun". Oh my, this outfit is even more revealing than the Casino Voloyal set.

to love ru1

It sure looks magical…


Gravure Japan


If you are like Kraz and can't get enough of looking at bikini clad women while you're supposed to be working….  Gravure Japan Grandprix models will make an appearance as pinup posters you can place in your room!


Nene Matsuoka as well as four other bikini models will use their seductive poses to trap you inside your room. Sakai also mentions how Emilia and Lumia might appear in bikinis as well. You can obtain these posters by inputting a password which will be revealed December 3rd in a Young Jump magazine (of all places…)


Only in Japan, 13 yr olds pose in bikinis…

[via 4gamer]

Fanta Quiz Battle!

fanta cans

Fanta is back, but this time in a collaboration mission called Fanta Quiz Battle!. This "extra mission" can be downloaded for yours to keep! It's a quiz mission where  1 to 4 players compete and must answer questions related to Fanta. In addition, the Athletic Chance is a field where you must avoid several traps to reach the goal. The scan also shows off the showtime room reform ticket where players can buzz in and answer questions.

  • Prizes from Fanta Quiz Battle
    • Showtime Remodeling Ticket
    • Graline Answer Chair
    • Fanta Can
    • Fanta Seal
    • (Two other unknown prizes)

The Chevalier Fluge parts for Casts can be downloaded  December 9th.


Emilia's Concept


The development of Emilia. Artwork by Mizuno.

Did you know, Emilia's original name was "Amelia"? (Ironically, when we translated the first Famitsu scan of PSPo2 we called her "Amelia".) The name was eventually changed to Emilia for whatever reason.  Emilia's signature "wing" can be seen on all three concepts. They decided to keep the nanotranser on her leg for the final version.

hair color

In the next stage of concepts, Sakai found that having a sad heroine was kind of difficult to advance the story. He decided her character description should be, "a typical careless girl, who doesn't want to reveal the truth about her past." Thus Sakai transformed Emilia again, removing the grim sad look upon her face.

emilia new

In Phantasy Star Universe, the color "blue" was used to represent the Guardians. To contrast this, Emilia has a red outfit. Mizuno also added little headphones with wings to the outfit. At this time it was still undecided on how the hairstyle should be.

emilia hairstyle

They went through several different hairstyles before finally deciding upon the final one.

Emilia of course still has that strange secret seen in the demo and the opening movie. Her body has line patterns when "something" happens to her…

emilia transformation

What is the true purpose of this transformation?

Sakai hopes to show the concepts of other characters. but it appears those may be featured in a future art book. However we do have one other art concept to show you.

magashi concept

Magashi is back in Phantasy Star Portable 2 under a side story mission. It appears he has replaced his old body with a new one.


The old Magashi is left to rot…

  • Chelsea's original name was Sandy.


PSPo2: Rare Boss

Rare Boss

olga de ran

Olga Dyran

Olga De Ran (Olga Dilan) will become a rare boss in Phantasy Star Portable 2. To reach it, there will be a shining rainbow colored portal that may appear in a mission. Will there be other such rare bosses in the game? Maybe we'll find out in the retail version!