Story Chapter 5

All will be revealed as the story enters its fifth chapter! Travel to the mysterious floating island Leciel and discover who has been pulling Halpha's strings.
New Features

Daily and weekly tasks will have higher payouts and new item rewards. Leah May's tasks will also be updated to grant considerably more EXP.

Arche is set to arrive beforehand to inform players about the upcoming Creative Space content.

The potential of ★7~8 weapons can be raised to Lv. 5.

The health gauge of boss enemies will display at the top of the screen during Trainia quests.

New icons indicating certain weather conditions will appear on your HUD.

Add-on skills can now be generated in quick succession.

The ability to search for teams actively recruiting members will be available in NGS blocks.

A new setting will allow players to automatically lock on to a new target after defeating an enemy or destructible part.

The draw refresh rate for enemy and character models can be reduced in the game settings.

Customize how critical hits are displayed with new settings.

The character model in the preview window can display at a higher resolution in the PC version.

Registered fashion sets can be linked to specific class loadouts that you've registered.

New ARKS Card features allow for weapons to be hidden and for your character to face the camera.

Manage all of your cosmetic color settings in one place with a new option at the salon.

The zooming capability of the fixed camera has been enhanced.

Use new chat commands to control the direction characters are facing.

Display selectable items across all of your storage and inventory at the exchange shop when trading.

Filter by category when viewing the scratch prize listing.

A seventh Expanded Storage box has been added.
Combat Classics (AC Scratch)
Duke it out in light combat gear or kick your style up a notch with a trendy flight jacket.
Slayer Class
Slashing Slayer (SG Scratch)

Slash and shoot in style with the snazzy Slayer CAST parts included among the new SG Scratch additions.
Mission Pass – Season 19

Snag a fresh Mag design that compliments the Slayer class with one of the many rewards available in the nineteenth season of the Mission Pass.
Are they not gonna tell us the command for neck turning or am I supposed to guess? So /ce /ceall on/off is /CharacterEye/All? then… maybe /cn /cnall on/off for /CharacterNeck? lol..
It is likely going to be added to the online manual later tonight:
https://pso2.com/players/manual/preparations/chatcommands/ (NA)
https://pso2.jp/players/manual/preparations/chatcommand/ (JP)
SEGA: yes
I have a question about the weeklies and daily payouts.
Will this scale based on your character level since I came across the issue with multiple characters, that if you have one character that is Lv70, and start a new one, then that new one's dailies, require you to do objectives in end-game areas, which is impossible to do with a brand new character. Have they made a mention of this anywhere at all?
I think EXP scales but Money doesn't it didn't seem to when I leveled a bunch of other Jobs.
So is mother.
/ – / )