Aug 21st Maintenance
Maintenance Schedule
- August 21st @ 11:00 ~ 17:00
- Timezone Conversion
Upcoming Maintenances
- August 28th @ 02:00 – 17:00
- September 18th @ 11:00 ~ 17:00
Wellbia Anti-Cheat Is Now Fully Implemented
During tonight's maintenance, Sega will completely switch over to the Wellbia Anit-Cheat system. As a result, it will no longer be possible to play the game using the nProtect GameGaurd system. For those of you using the English Patch, this does affect plugins, notably Item Translation and the Proxy, though the English Patch itself should still work.
Sometimes the game won't launch properly while a VPN is active. If this occurs, you may close the game, launch it without the VPN, and then launch the VPN after it gets to the EULA screen.
To launch the game without nProtect GameGuard, you will have to uncheck the compatibility mode through the game's launcher.
- Click: 「環境設定」⇒「機能」Tab ⇒「ゲーム起動」 and uncheck 「互換性モード起勃する」
- Click: [Preferences] → [Features] Tab → [Game Launch] and uncheck "Compatibility Mode"
If the game does not launch or cannot be played, you can perform the following troubleshooting steps.
- Restart Your PC
- Perform a [File Check] in the launcher.
- Uninstall and Reinstall PSO2:New Genesis
- Perform a Windows update
- Update your Graphics, Sound, & System Drivers.
- Uninstall, Shutdown, or temporarily uninstall any resident software.
- Temporarily remove or disable security software.
- Check if pso2.exe is allowed through Windows Defender Firewall.
PSO2 Day Changes
On September 1st, PSO2 Day will be expanded into a 3-day event and the [Monthly Special Login Bonus] will be integrated into PSO2 Day. In addition, Premium PSO2 Days will no longer occur, and instead become a 3-day event that everyone can benefit from. Premium Users who participate in PSO2 Day will receive additional bonuses during the sessions.
Changes To Be Implemented | |
Schedule | 1st of Month (0:00) ~ 3rd of Month (23:59) |
Qualifying Players | All Players |
Reward Contents (Once Per Period) | 50SG Special Scratch Ticket ×2 Material Storage Use 5 Days ×1 N-Color Change Pass ×2 《Premium Benefits》 50SG Material Storage Use 5 Days ×1 N-Color Change Pass ×2 |
Boost Contents | EXP Boost +50% Rare Drop Boost +100% 《Premium Benefits》 Rare Drop Boost +50% Preset Ability Drop Attachment Rate +50% |
PSO2 Day Limited Task | Max 20SG |
Changes To Be Implemented | |
Schedule | 21st of Month (0:00) ~ 23rd of Month (23:59) |
Qualifying Players | All Players |
Reward Contents (Once Per Period) | 50SG Special Scratch Ticket ×2 Material Storage Use 5 Days ×1 N-Color Change Pass ×2 《Premium Benefits》 50SG Material Storage Use 5 Days ×1 N-Color Change Pass ×2 |
Boost Contents | EXP Boost +50% Rare Drop Boost +100% 《Premium Benefits》 Rare Drop Boost +50% Preset Ability Drop Attachment Rate +50% |
PSO2 Day Limited Task | Max 20SG |
What We Getting Tonight
Wellbia Anti-Cheat Implementation
Limited Quest: A Grand Series of Ruins Battles
ARKS Record – Trania: Crazy Tail (Rank 2)
AC Scratch: Shangri-La Frontier
Shangri-La Frontier Collaboration

8.21.2024 ~ 09.18.2024
To commemorate the release of the Shangri-La Frontier collaboration, the following items can be received via Login Bonuses!
BP "Sunraku Acrylic Stand"BP「サイガ-0アクスタ」
BP "Psyger-0 Acrylic Stand"BP「ペンシルゴンアクスタ」
BP "Pencilgon Acrylic Stand"BP「オイカッツォアクスタ」
BP "OiKatzo Acrylic Stand"
Hop On M.A.R.S. And Get Phantastic Items

Try out the new action system M.A.R.S to receive phabulous items!
Period 1
7.31.2024 ~ 09.25.2024
Embark on M.A.R.S. to receive the [M.A.R.S. Module]. If you clear the limited tasks, you'll also receive [M.A.R.S. Module/B], Star Gems, N-Meseta, and the [M.A.R.S. Updater] which is used for acquiring skill points.
M.A.R.S.モジュール M.A.R.S.モジュール/B
Period 2
9.11.2024 ~ 09.25.2024
Clear the Limited Tasks launching on 9.11.2024 to receive the [BP "M.A.R.S. Flying Ram"]

Growthment Exchange Hot Summer Campaign

Limited Items in the Growthment Exchange Shop
8.07.2024 ~ 08.28.2024
[Growthment Exchange II] Limited Lineup
- Star Gems and Beta Reactor will be available each day. You can also get your hands on summer lobby actions and avatar items.
[Growthment Exchange] Limited Lineup
- Beloved PSO2 decor as Build Parts are available.
Weekly Special Summer Gifts
8.07.2024 ~ 08.28.2024
You can receive special gifts that change each week during the campaign period
August 7th ~ August 14 @ 12:00 JST | 30 Star Gems N-EXCube ×5 N-Earned EXP +25% ×1 N-Rare Drop Boost [1h]+100%× 1 Crab Glove ×2 *The Merry Cannon ×1 Bal Rodos Battle ×1 |
August 14 @ 12:00 JST ~ August 21st Maintenance | 30 Star Gems Special Scratch Ticket ×10 N-EXCube ×5 N-Earned EXP +25% ×3 N-Rare Drop Boost [1h]+100% ×1 Sunny Parasol ×2 *Toy Galpha ×1 Cafe Area – Coast ×1 |
August 21st Maintenance ~ August 28th Maintenance | 30 Star Gems N-EXCube ×5 N-Earned EXP +25% ×1 N-Rare Drop Boost [1h]+100% ×1 Otterica Fan ×2 *Let's Go Ocean ×1 Biol Meduna Battle ×1 |
Pharia Support! Leciel Exploration Enemies Weakened
8.21.2024 ~ 08.28.2024
For the final week of the campaign, Leciel Exploration will have yet another boost.
- Rare Drop Rate +100%
- Preset Ability Attachment Rate +100%
- -20% HP For Enemies In Leciel Exploration
AC Shop Bargains

7.31.2024 ~ 08.28.2024
The AC Shop will contain the following item sets for a limited time!
Product | Content | Price | Limit |
[+ Bonus] Premium Set 90 Days | 「Premium Set 90 Days」×1 ≪Bonus≫ 「N-Ability Protection」×1 「Preset Ability & Limit Break/Lv.3」×1 「SG Legacy Fashion Badge (Pose)」×1 「C/Gladier Soul」×3 | 3,000AC | 1 |
[+Bonus] Rare Drop Boost Set | 「N-Rare Drop Boost +200%」×3 ≪Bonus≫ 「N-Ability Transfer Pass Voucher」×4 「N- EX Rare Drop Boost50%」×1 「C/Venera Fusier」×2 「C/Foundata」×2 | 720AC | 5 |
Get Level 20 And Receive 1 Million EXP

7.03.2024 ~ 10.02.2024
When you reach level 20, you'll receive an [EXP Earned + 1Mil]. Using this item grants a massive 1 million EXP, raising your class straight to level 87!
Please note that one character per account may receive the [EXP Earned +1Mil] item.
All Special Ability Transfer

With this feature, the [N-Special Ability Transfer Pass] will allow you to transfer ALL special abilities of an item (including empty slots and EX Special Abilities) to another item. You can transfer from weapon to weapon or armor to armor regardless of the series and weapon type.
The item selected as the source material must have the same number of slots or less than the base item chosen as the destination.
Please note that once the process is done, all special abilities on the source material item will be lost, but the item itself will remain.

N-特殊能力移植パス補助券 = N-Ability Transfer Pass Voucher
How do you get the [N-Special Ability Transfer Pass]?
You can obtain it by collecting 100 [N-Ability Transfer Pass Vouchers] and trading them in for an [N-Special Ability Transfer Pass] which can be used for [Special Ability Transfers] at the Item Recycle.
How do you get the [N-Ability Transfer Pass Vouchers]?
The N-Ability Transfer Pass Vouchers can be obtained through Title Rewards or by campaigns/events.
EX Special Ability Transfer
EX Special Abilities are special abilities with unique effects dropped by items such as the Eredim series.
Under this feature, the [N-Special Ability Transfer Pass] will allow you to transfer only EX Special Abilities. This can be done only if the base item and material item have the same number of EX Special Ability Slots.
Please note that the EX Special Abilities of the Material item will disappear, but its normal special abilities will remain on that item.
Both [All Special Ability Transfer] and [EX Special Ability Transfer] require N-Meseta. However, some items such as the Eredim series can perform transfers without consuming the [N-Special Ability Transfer Pass].
Hm, so this is the end of the Ryuker Proxy plugin. Does this mean it's dangerous to use and should someone go to using (another way) to continue going in normally? Or does it just mean it'll only be slightly difficult but the tweaker can still be used with that plugin?
Can't really say for sure, we'll have to wait and see after maint. But the most likely outcome is that proxy will no longer be working, and using vpns for us gaijins will be a thing again.
According to the ARKS-Layer Discord, the Ryuker Proxy (as well as the Item Patch) is non-functional until they can find if there is a way to re-enable Plug-In functionality.
They recommend finding an alternate VPN solution for the time being.
You can thank this to an idiotic and annoying hacker that enabled PvP flags to harass other players being a Player killer. Thanks to this video, SEGA decided to ditch Game Guard completely. (Not the fault of the player that took the video to report the incident to SEGA, he did good…)
I also still resent global players because if the global version never existed then we would never had that IP ban and the proxy would never be needed.
I recommend everyone to back up the game on an external drive before proceeding with anything including opening the tweaker just in case.
Lordkaiser i haven't seen anything about pvp flags. i already did a search upon reading your content and nothing- but i am aware that the previous LQ puts a flag on whichever player is doing the best. Maybe that is unhealthy for the game, good for short thrill
Okay noticing for LordKaiser I actually am hearing this for the first time and that sounds very terrifying. That explains why the JP peeps got annoyed and called this out. That's a bit more infamous and even extreme than the introduction of bots (not the cool & cute Casts, I mean ACTUAL bots.) This is also why I treat the "Global" side the exact opposite of the real version and why I take people with a zero-tolerance policy from any interactions there. Despite being in both, I can confirm to this as while I was on the PS5 version once, I did catch someone actually doing something very abnormal around Dark Falz in his Aegis armor some time back. They were able to run through the center field causing him to get confused and misguide moves which was actually annoying for some players trying to fight him. I recorded and reported him as well as blacklisted that said player when I noticed this. That was bad enough for me to start getting more wary, but you said that someone done flat-up tried to turn PSO2NGS into "FortNite"? O_O
Not once did I encounter something like that on the real version.