This post is updating in real time. Contents are subject to change.

3 PSO2-Spec Revival Scratches
- Accessory Memories, Cast Type 1 and Cast Type 2 memories.
March 9th Update
Spring '22 Event

Limited-time Event: Spring '22
- Central City transforms into a Spring-like atmosphere.
- This time the Mischief Symbols will be scattered across the field.
- Hululu Rappies (Fleur Rappy) will spawn and there will be spring style Region Mags.

Limited Time Event: Spring '22
- Xitre, a cheerful NPC working as part of the Supply Support staff will be hosting the event.
- There will no longer be a cap on Seasonal Points.
- Xitre's shop will have mags, stamps, accessories, and a color variant on Dash – Standard.
- There's a special booster that can increase the amount of seasonal points you earn.
- You can also exchange Seasonal Points for Battle Triggers and a Seasonal Special Scratch ticket.
- Seasonal enemies are weak to Light.

Limited-Time Emergency Quest
- New Emergency Quest where you fight Alters and Formers.
- Protopunishers will be available.
- Special Thunder Banther and Banshee appear in the end.

Limited-Time Emergency Quest
- New light element Lumiere weapon series will be available.
- New potential increases weapon power against enemies with a Light weakness.
- You can gather 5 [B-Trigger / Spring '22] to access the EQ whenever you like.
- The triggers can be acquired in the seasonal point exchange shop or from Spring Symbol enemies.
- A Special Title can be acquired from earning a certain number of points. This title will bring you [*Lumiere Almaty] weapon camo.

Limited-Time Special Scratch
- Spring '22 Special Scratch Ticket is separate from the regular Special Scratch.
- Both the Spring Event's EQ and Trigger Quest will drop the special scratch tickets.
- Prizes include SG Tickets, N-Color Change Passes, and Weapon Camos from Aelio and the Night Blossom series from PSO2.
- Some items will be added to the regular Special Scratch ticket after the event is over. Unfortunately they will be more difficult to get after the event, so it's best to get them during the event.

AC Scratch: Bright Eminence
- White Day themed Prince and Queen outfits, plus lolita garments.
- Heart Pose 3 and Motion Jump – Stylish
- Motion Dash – Wings Spread (Scratch Bonus)
March 16th Update
SG: Refined Form

SG Scratch: Refined Form
- Winning entries from the Item Remake survey are coming to NGS.
- The brooch on the bunny suit is a sticker accessory.
- Hand Pose – Cat Paw (Scratch Bonus)
- Many of the items available this time (with a few exceptions) will only be available until the following update.
- Mission Pass will include the new Mag form [Flower Bell] which resembles a flower sprite.
- SG Scratch Ticket Prize Slips will be added to the Gold Rewards.
- You can get Gold Rewards if you're Premium OR have the N-Mission Pass Gold.
March 23rd Update
Spring '22 Event

Limited-Time Spring '22 (Part 2)
- New Daily and Weekly Tasks
- New accessories and a new color variation of Glide – Standard will be added to the Seasonal Point exchange shop.

AC Scratch: Flappy Clan
- Contains oversized outfits and school uniforms.
- LA: Side-Scrolling Shooting. Motion: Idle – Stretching
- Motion: Glide – Kite (Scratch Bonus)
March 30th Update
Revival Scratch

PSO2-Spec AC Scratch Revivals
- Accessory Memories 2
- Emote Memories
- Hairstyle Memories
April 6th Update
New PAs and Compound Techniques

New Actions
- The level cap will be raised to 45.
- New Photon Arts
- Sword PA: Relentless Cleave
- Wired Lance PA: Hellish Fall
- Partisan PA: Triumphant Shift
- Twin Daggers PA: Limber Figure
- Double Saber PA: Sky Climb
- Knuckles PA: Backhand Strike
- Assault Rifle PA: Revolt Aim
- Launcher PA: Divine Impact
- Twin Machine Gun PA: Infinite Ricochet
- Katana PA: Hyuga Sendan
- Bullet Bow PA: Ceaseless Draw
- Dual Blades PA: Raving Falcon
- Jet Boots PA: Surging Impulse
- New Skill: United Technique
- Enables usage of Compound Technics when you fill the gauge through attacks.
- New Compound Techniques
- Fomelgion
- Barantsion
- Zandion
Roadmap Changes
- It was previously announced that new photon arts and technics would be released in the May update. However, due to development priority changes, they have decided to move this to April.
- Also, it was said in the roadmap that "New Techniques" would be added. They apologize for this misunderstanding with their phrasing, since it was actually "Compound Techniques."
- New EQs scheduled for the Retem region have been postponed till May.

New Ranks Added
- New high ranked sectors will be added to the Retem Alnothe combat sector, the two Retem EQs, and Retem's Battledia Purple.
- In Retem's Rank 3 Combat Sectors, at the end of a PSE Burst, there's a chance for a PSE Burst Encore.
- You can collect Strugments and Photon Scales in Retem's Rank 2 Emergency Quest.
- Retem Rank 2 Emergency Quests will drop camos of the Gothica and Fivla series.
- Rank 2 of Retem Battledia Purple will have a color variation of Glide – Dive motion change.

New Ranks Added
- Equalizing enemies will appear in Retem's high rank sectors. These enemies have "Equalizer" parts which strengthen attack and defense of the enemies around them. This "Equalizer" part can not be destroyed, so it's best to take down these Equalizing enemies down as quickly as possible.
- All Gigantix will be raised to level 49.
- DOLLS in Aelio & Retem at Lv.31+ will drop the DOLLS-themed ★5 weapon series: Kukuhroziat.
- Various DOLLS will drop weapons unique to their enemy type, so you can collect different categories depending on which region you explore.
- The stats of these weapons are inferior to the Cinquem and Relik series, however, their potentials will be useful for the highly difficult quests coming in late April.
- Kukuhroziat will NOT require photon scales for unlocking their potentials.

New Features
- Party Recruitment Feature
- You can specify an objective and limit recruitment of players to certain battle power or class levels.
- Party Leaders and Sub-Leaders will be able to use this feature.
- This will replace the old Party Maker feature.
- You will be able to join the party even after a quest has been started.
- Photo Room Feature
- Setting up a room with a Password (Keyword) will allow you to create a Photo Room.
- Enemies and certain objects will not spawn in this room.
- The Party Leader or Sub-Leader can change the weather and time of day.
- You can use the menu or chat commands to change these features.
- Mag Jukebox Playlist
- You can set a playlist of up to 32 songs to play in the Jukebox.
- You can also set when a song starts and stops, (excluding a few songs.)
- You can set the melody and number of loops for some songs.
- All players get 1 playlist for free, but Premium users can set up to 5 playlists.
- Color Changeable Outfits View
- Made it easier to tell whether you can change the color of outfits.
- You can also see which outfits had their colors changed.
- Hide Innerwear
- A new toggle will add the option to hide Innerwear.
- This can be toggled both in and out of the Salon.

New Features (2)
- Stamp Display Options
- Added a setting to display stamps either only in chat logs or only as speech bubbles.
- Streamer Mode
- This mode automatically hides symbol arts, chats, logs, and all other information at once.
- Rare Drop Animation Settings
- Categories are now divided into [Weapon / Armor] and [Other Items].
- Set which rarity you want to play the rare drop animation.
- Battle Triggers rarity will change to ★4.
- Special Ability Search
- You can now search for Special Abilities with the [View Preset Skill Market Prices] feature.
Satellite Information
Merchandise and Campaigns

Spring Fiesta
- Enhance Your Gear Campaign (3/9 ~ 3/22)
- Join a Team Campaign (3/9 ~ 4/5)
- Spring Login Bonus (3/23 ~ 4/5)
- Pre-Scheduled Emergency Quests (3/30 ~ 4/4)
- Battledia Challenge Campaign (3/30 ~ 4/5)
- World Trial (3/30 ~ 4/5)

Rappy Design Contest (3/1 ~ 4/5)
- Submit your Rappy design to be implemented as an in-game enemy.

Luxurious AC Campaign (Global Only)
- Spend 500+ AC: Rappy-Shaped Fritters
- Spend 1500+ AC: Motion Idle – Squid Dance
- Spend 3000+ AC: Emote 747: Crouch 3
Arks Operation Report
Question and Answer Session
Leveling up more than two classes is time-consuming
because I've already completed the Main Tasks and most of the Side Tasks and therefore can't get EXP from them. Are there any plans to address this?
We plan to update Leah May's repeatable tasks in the April 6th maintenance to lower the difficulty of some tasks, change them from weekly to daily, and increase the amount of EXP rewarded depending on the player's class level.
We'd like to be able to replay story cut scenes.
There are plans to implement a system where players can enjoy the story quests and cutscenes they've completed again.
Please let us feed gathering materials to Region Mags and have it count towards our Tasks even when the boost effects are already maximized.
A specification change is in the works and will allow you to feed them even after they're full.
Remodeled versions of PSO2 Outfits and CAST Parts should be easier to make than brand new items, so please produce more remakes and increase the overall amount of items.
While we wouldn't need to make new designs, the 3D modeling process is significantly different from PSO2 and therefore development would still take a lot of time. In some cases, final adjustments may take more time than it would for new items so that they look the same way in NGS as they do in PSO2. CAST Type-1 head parts are the only ones that share similar specs to those in PSO2 and have many assets we can reuse, so we expect the modeling process for these items can be significantly simplified.
Next NGS Headline
April 5th

Hululu Rappy is Fleur Rappy. Fleur is flower in French
I can feel it… Music disc scratch is coming.
Dude, i'd kill to get a las vegas night bgm disc. Shit's on fire yo!
No las vegas bro, those were included with actual purchase of soundtrack. They'll release anything that was FUN scratch tho. That's like more than 500 trax.
Katana pa can go through enemies, I don't see this being a problem at all.
lol some people want ngs versions of many objectively bad and boring cast parts from pso2 old
yeah… apparently there is this crazy thing called "personal taste". its when someone feels no obligation to like the same things as you do. makes me wonder if those people who spam "who even wants this??" know about this… but apparently we arent playing Personal Star Online 2: Next Gimme Stuff. crazy huh.
It's more like people want more cast parts in general, Sega forgot cast even existed for several NGS scratches.
Ok well I'm a cast main and I don't like many of the cast parts after ep3. They started looking really goofy, and I would cringe every time. It's kind of how this is a billion times better than 99% of male costumes it's almost like practical is better than shit that drapes to your knees and would get you to trip and die in a real battle. Same way I felt about all the goofy cast parts with ribbons and what not.