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March 5th

Spring Event
- Central City will be decorated for Spring.
- Regional Mags will be adorned with Seasonal attire.
- Xiandy will wear a punk outfit.
- Seasonal Point Exchange Shop will feature seasonal build parts and portable holograms and accessories inspired by the Kvaris leaders.
- Limited Time Spring '25 Special Scratch Ticket will contain equipment upgrade items and weapon camos!
- You can get tickets for this scratch from the Seasonal Point Exchange Shop or by completing Limited Quests.
- Some items from this scratch will be added to the regular Special Scratch lineup but will be more difficult to obtain.
- Limited-Time Tasks and Title Tasks will also be added. Complete these task to get TA Customization Disk X – Omni, N-Master Cubes, and Arms Refiner II, N-Ability Transfer Pass Vouchers.

Flurry of Flowers Cleanup-Op
- This is a revamped version of a previous Limited Quest, featuring reworked enemy spawns and changes to the Trials and gameplay elements.
- Petalstorm Thunder Banser and Petalstorm Thunder Banshee will appear at the end.
- Title Tasks and Limited-Time Tasks will deliver Titles, SG, Spring '25 Special Scratch Tickets, and N-Ability Transfer Pass Vouchers.
- Complete the quest during the campaign period to receive tickets for Treasure Scratch 8.
- Scratch Count Bonus will contain Big Bang Scratch Ticket [Silver].

AC Scratch: Punk Rock Pulse
- Features punk rock leather jackets, gothic outfits, and a metal guitar themed weapon camo.
- Scratch Bonus: Glide – Cushion EX / Dash – Cushion EX
March 11th

Limited Quest: Relay Quest
- Relay Quests contains a collection of quests, where the contents and number of participants changes every 2 days.
- One quest may focus on defeating swathes of enemies with Photon Blasts or one that involves throwable objects within Central City.
- The ★12 Twaalv Weapon series may drop, and players can earn 900,000 EXP for completing the quest. The same rewards will be available for all quests.
- N-Weapons Badge C drops from this quest and can be exchanged at the Item Trader's N-Weapons Badge Exchange for N-Master Cubes, C/Giga Triyal, and more!
- Limited-Time Tasks and Title Tasks will be available. Complete them for Titles, N-Ability Transfer Pass Vouchers, and Spring '25 Special Scratch Tickets.

SG Support Item Select Mar '25
- The scratch lineup now features C/Highstira Domina S and consumables useful for Preset Ability enhancement.
- Preset Skill Enhance Material Not Required will be available through the Scratch Bonus.
- Some Preset enhancement items had their drop rates adjusted to make them easier to get.
Mission Pass: NGS Season 42
- Mission Pass: NGS Season 42 will feature accessories such as Wing Shielder and Wing Vant from PSO2.
- A new Metal Plate Tiara accessory and MTN: Glide – Farfalla/B
- Personal Shop Use – 3 Days and SG Ticket Prize Slips.

AC Scratch: Multi Remix Line
- Contains variations of accessories, eyes, eyelashes, makeup, Body Paint, and more such as two-tone color variations for extension-type accessories, mirrored versions of makeup, alternative color versions of eyes, and more.
- Scratch Bonus features C/Majia Gladia Soul S.
March 19th

Relay Quest Updated
- Added a new Racing Quest where ARKS compete for the fastest time using Floating Boards and other implements, and quests where players earn Quest Points in a variety of ways.
- The content will change every 2 days.
- Limited-Time Tasks will net you N-EXCubes and N-Special Ability Success Rate +20%.
Seasonal Point Exchange Shop
- Updated to include the Remotas Missile accessory and a color variant of the MTN: Idle – Star Riding.
- Items such as Spring '25 Special Scratch Tickets and N-Master Cubes will have their quantity limits increased.

AC Scratch: Divine Darkness
- Features a Dark mage inspired outfit, sacred dresses, and an aristocratic style gown.
- Lobby Action: Sitting on a Sofa
- Weapon Camo: Fon Sorciére
- Scratch Bonus: MTN: Glide – Beauty EX
March 25th

Limited Quest: Halpha Testing Zone Op Part III
- A remake of a previous released quest with the difficulty of the laser sensors eased and players will receive enhancement effects by skillfully navigating through them.
- The Clear Rank for this quest will be based on how many Trials completed.
- Limited-Time Tasks and Title Tasks will earn your Titles, N-Special Ability Transfer Pass Vouchers, and Spring '25 Special Scratch Tickets.

AC Scratch: NGS New Voice Scratch
- Contains a number of new voice tickets for NGS.
PSO2 Type 1 Voice Memories / PSO2 Type 2 Voice Memories
- Contains PSO2-spec Japanese voices.
Letter From The Developers
Relay Quest
Relay Quests (or Relation Quest in the JP Version), or a new type of limited-time quest. While many of the previous Limited-Time Quests only feature weekly changes in enemies or terrain, this quest type will change significantly over the span of its time limit. This quest type is designed to have substantial changes in content and number of participants every 2 days. The N-Weapons Badge C that drop in these quests can be exchanged for items like N-Master Cubes and C/Giga Triyal. You can also earn Seasonal Points!
Leciel Exploration
This content offers a different player ability buff system and quest challenges than the previous Leciel Exploration quest. More details will be provided in the next Headline.
ARKS Operation Report

Multi-Weapons can be crafted using items from different series
But I can't tell if those sold in the Player Shop were using Multi-Weapon Substitutes.
They are working on improving the display so that the names of items registered under a Multi-Weapon will appear in the 2nd Tab of the Multi-Weapon item details.
There have been notable instances of players who don't use M.A.r.S. being stronger than those that do. Are there plans to strengthen M.A.R.S.?
The plan for M.A.R.S. balance adjustment is to ensure the power of M.A.R.S. is higher than that of players in general while avoiding having it overpowered where it reduces player options. Therefore, they currently do not plan to adjust the power of M.A.R.S. to significantly exceed the abilities of the average player. However, they will be monitoring its power regularly, so that the class balance adjustments and equipment upgrades for players do not make M.A.R.S. comparatively weaker.
Region mags rarely activate because they are dependent on how active the region is.
They plan to reduce the number of items required to activate the Region Mag boosts. Please wait a little longer as they continue to review the Region Mag effects and their duration.
Satellite Information

Sega Atlus Amazon On-Demand Store
- More PSO2 NGS merch is coming to the Sega Atlus Store.

PSO2 Global 5th Anniversary Campaign
Rare Drop Rate +100%
- March 1st ~ April 1st
PSO2 Global 5th Anniversary Gifts
- March 5th ~ April 1st.
- Get weekly gifts and Spring '25 Special Scratch

Treasure Scratch
- March 5th ~ March 18th
- Adjustments have been made so that you are more likely to get useful items.
- Big Bang Scratch Ticket (Silver) will be added to Scratch Bonus.
Reward Box
- March 19th ~ April 1st
- Play Limited Quests and get Star Gems, items in which you can sell for N-Meseta, and Big Bang Scratch Tickets (Silver).

Razer Gold (GLOBAL ONLY)
- The NGS Store will be accessible on Razer Gold in the US, Europe, and other regions on March 5th.
- AC bought at this store can not be used on PlayStation 4.

Nijisanji Collab 3
- Avatar items based on Ars Almal, Debidebi Debiru, Nui Sociere, Rindou Mikoto will be available.
- Expect Voice Tickets, Build Parts, outfits, hairstyles, accessories and Weapon Camos.
- Arriving Mid-April 2025.

Nijisanji Visual
- A visual created by @inooka72 features the 4 characters exploring Planet Halpha.
Hiro Arai Steps Down

Hiro Arai will be stepping down from the NGS Official Navigator role due to personal reasons. As a thank you for his departure, a secret phrase will award 100 Card Scratch Vouchers and 2 Captain Rappy accessories.
Japanese Phrase
- ヒロアライありがとう
Global Phrase
- ThankYouHiroArai
Yui Hasegawa will take over as the MC and will continue hosting the QA segment.

NGS Official VTube Popona will also be leaving via a Graduation Stream on March 31st. She will continue streaming in the meantime until then.
New Headline Program

Yui Hasegawa will host the new program: NGS HEADLINE WAVE which will focus on the April 2025 updates. This program begins Tuesday, March 25th!
March 25th
RIP to the GOAT! I feel a sense of relief for Hiro and Popona, they are free now. Banner comment should have been "From Hiro to Zero" btw.
welp if this isn't an indication that NGS is about to enter its end idk what is