PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #44


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January 28th

Extra Duel: Fictitious Depth 5 to 6

  • Take on a powered up Ruine Masquerader
  • Get a weapon camo based on Ruine Masquerader and an ARKS ID Background.
  • New Limited Time Tasks and Title Tasks will be added.

Hairstyle Revival Jan '25

  • Contains previously released hairsyles.
  • Scratch Bonus contains PSO2 Spec Al's Short Hair 2 and Lux Halphinale S Special Ability.

Rewind Collection Feb '25

  • Available February 1st.
  • Contains previously released NGS spec items.
  • Scratch count bonus has previously released motion change items and PSO2 Spec Weapon Camos.

February 1st: Ultra PSO2 Month

  • Doubles the amount of Boost rate increases and login gifts of a regular PSO2 Day.
  • Win up to 10 million N-Meseta!

February 5th

Emergency Quest: And the Stars Fell!

  • After receiving an emergency transmission from Crawford warning of the imminent reappearance of Vael, the protagonist teams up with fellow ARKS to intercept Dark Falz Vael.
  • Up to 8 Players can participate, and the acceptance conditions require M.A.R.S. to be unlocked.
  • Title Tasks and special Limited Time Tasks will be added. Complete these Tasks to receive Titles, N-Master Cubes, and Silver or Gold Big Bang Scratch Tickets.

Level Cap 100

  • Level caps for all classes have been raised to 100.
  • Hunter's Swords, Wired Lances, and Partisans will received revamped effects, new class skills will be added, as well as balance adjustments.
  • With this update, they will also be reducing the cooldown time of active skills at quest start to 10 seconds for the active skills of ALL classes.

New Equipment

  • The Tri-Selio weapon series can now be upgraded to the ★12 Akroselio series.
  • The stats of this weapon are befitting high-rarity weapons, and it has a potential that generates a follow-up attack when Photon Blast is activated.
  • The materials required for upgrading can be obtained from the EQ: When the Stars Fell.
  • The Crimson Realm will appear in Stia combat sectors for 1 week only. It will alternate between Neusen Plant and Dext Base.
  • The skies will appear an ominous red, and Starless enemies will be powered up. Trials have a chance to change over, and by completing Trial Side Missions, PSE Burst Forte and Encores can occur.
  • Limited-Time Tasks will also be added. Progre Grinder is available as a reward.

Various Improvements

  • Build Parts modeled after the Straga series will be coming to Creative Spaces.
  • The Player Shop will have increased slots for placing items for sale from 30 to 50!
  • Storage Slots will be increased as follows:
    • Character Storage increased from 1000 to 2000.
    • Temporary Quest Storage increased from 100 to 200.
    • Mission Pass Storage increased from 300 to 400.
  • A Recommended Content section will now be displayed at the main menu screen for players who have cleared Chapter 5 of the store and have surpassed a certain Battle Power.
    • It will display the latest content the player can currently participate in.
    • The player can jump straight into applicable content from the Recommended Content section.
  • Line Strike will now have a new Battle Option where you'll face Card Master Victoria in an NPC battle.

Various Improvements

  • A SALE icon will be displayed when limited-time deals on Item Sets are available at the AC and SG shops.
  • When an item set is on sale at the AC Shop, you can receive 2 FREE N-EXCubes every day as a gift for visiting the shop.

A Certain Magical Index III Collaboration

  • Login during the campaign period to get SG, GP, and acrylic stand Build Parts of Toma Kamijo, Index, Mikoto Misaka, Kaori Kanzaki, and Accelerator.

AC Scratch: A Certain Magical Index Style

  • Dress up as Toma Kamijo, Index, Mikoto Misaka, Little Misaka, Kaori Kanzaki, and Accelerator.
  • Weapon Camos: Mikoto Misaka's Electricity
  • Lobby Actions and Motion changes that replicate magic and espers from the series, chat stamps, cards & sleeves for Line Strike will be available.
    • Lobby Action: Imagine Breaker
    • Motion: Idle – John's Pen
    • Motion: Move – John's Pen
    • Motion: Idle – Accelerator
    • Motion: Dash – Accelerator
    • Motion: Glide – Accelerator
    • Lobby Action: Railgun / John's Pen (Scratch Bonus)

February 11th

Limited Quest: Drill: Ruinus Grand Battle Series

  • Up to 12 players can split up to defeat Ruinus enemies spawning in three different spots in Maqead Lower Level.
  • Limited-Time Tasks and Title Tasks will also be available. Get Progre Grinders and more as a reward for clearing the quest.

NGS Season 41

  • Get stamps and accessories like Wing Ceres, Leg Cuffs, and Ice Staff.

Creative Space

  • Alternate color Build Parts from the Gothic and Sweet series.

Extra Duel: Fictitious Beam Depths 7 and 8

  • Take on an even more powerful Ruine Masquerader
  • New Items for completing Rank 10. Get the mantle of the enraged Ruine Masquerader and accessories modeled after its weapon.

And the Stars Fell Trigger Quest

  • Emergency Quest: And The Stars Fell will be available as the Trigger Quest: Drill: And The Stars Fell.
  • Until February 19th, you can accept this quest under Limited-Time Quests in the Quest Menu. After that date, it will be available as a Trigger Quest, with the same content and rewards.
  • You can get the Trigger items to play this quest from playing Drill: Ruinus Grand Battle Series.

AC Scratch: Sweet Bitter Fashion

  • Contains alternative fashion like a fur sweater and more.
  • Lobby Action: Coffee Break 2
  • Motion: Idle – Blowing Kisses
  • Motion – Glide Snow Tube EX (Scratch Bonus)

February 19th

Leceil Exploration

  • New gameplay elements will be added to Leciel Exploration. The enemy level will increase, and a new Sector and new Player Ability Buff will be available. Ruine Gryphon appears as the boss.
    • The Player Ability Buff adds an effect that performs a follow-up attack when a PA or Tech hits.
  • Enemies have been given enhanced abilities. This includes some effects, such as those highlighting stun effects, or the ability to enhance an enemy after it revives from a downed state.
  • Complete the Limited-Time Tasks to get rewards such as Progre Grinder, and more!
  • The Trestasis Armor series will become upgradable to the ★11 Akrotasis Armor. The new series offers higher weapon up values and better HP, PP, and Damage resist.
  • The materials to upgrade will be available in Leciel Exploration and forthcoming content.

AC Scratch: Extra AC Support

  • The new Larze class Special Abilities, contains a power floor increase, and a large power increase.
  • Since the Larze class is a different category of Special Ability from the Anaddi class, they both can be used together when affixing.

February 25th

Extra Duel: New Difficulty

  • New difficulty levels have been added to Extra Duel: Fictitious Beam! The battles at Depths 9 and 10 are vicious, especially the fight with the final Ruine Masquerader where a special twist awaits.
  • New Items will be available at Rank 10. You can get a Vital Gauge design and a weapon camo modeled after an enraged Ruine Masquerader.
  • New Limited Tasks and Title Tasks will net you SG.

AC Scratch: Neon Cat Martial

  • Cat themed Outfits, light combat suits, Cast Parts, and more!
  • Lobby Action: Dance 73
  • Lobby Action: Bottle Flip
  • Motion: Glide – Mech Wings EX (Scratch Bonus)

March 1st

Revival Scratch: Rewind Collection Mar '25

  • NGS spec items from past AC Scratches in March.
  • The first prize slip is available after 12 scratches count bonuses.
  • The Scratch Count bonus contains motion changes from past Scratch Count Bonuses, PSO2 Spec accessories, and the *Sorcerer Morus weapon camo.

Letter From The Developers

Dark Falz Vael

Since Dark Falz Vael has a connection to the story, it will be released as an Emergency Quest first instead of a high difficulty quest. Being a Starless, with ties to Zephetto, Vael will demand the combined might of ARKS and the M.A.R.S.

Excellavolt III (Evoluvolt III) which is used to upgrade the Tri Selio series to the Akroselio series is available as a drop within this quest. For now, this item will be available in this quest, and its Limited-Time Trigger Quest version to be released one week after.

Equipment Upgrades

The final upgrades for the Tri Selio weapon series and the Trestasis Armor series will arrive in February. Starting early February, you can upgrade to the Akroselio series whose attack performance surpasses that of Twaalv series. It comes with a new potential that activates a follow-up attack under certain conditions, when you activate your Photon Blast. Since this series uses materials that are acquired from Dark Falz Vael, it has the strongest attack performance among the ★12 weapons. As a drawback, it does not provide any support effects at all, therefore, party play content is easier to clear using the Twaalv series weapons.

Starting Mid-February, Trestasis armor series can be upgraded to the Akrotasis armor series. As the first ★11 Armor in the game, this series boasts a power increase of 6.5% in addition to its stellar HP, PP, and Damage Resist values.

Ruine Masquerader

In order to allow more player to enjoy this battle, this boss was at a difficulty that made it relatively easy to defeat when it was released in January. However, with the new depths released in February, it will be strong enough to live up to the high difficulty content label. Equip yourself with the new upgraded equipment and get ready to take it down.

ARKS Operation Report

The questions we submit to #NGSHEADLINE never get featured. There are topics that never get featured even though they are hot topics among the playerbase. On What basis do you determine what gets mentioned on the program?

The topics introduced in this section are hand-picked from the question and comments submitted via the hashtag and the support team. They discuss with the development and live ops team every week to determine which questions to feature during the program.
In this broadcast, they prioritize featuring items to be guaranteed to be part of the schedule and development plans down the line. This is to provide accurate information to the players.

In addition, the more attention they receive in regards to a particular game element, the more careful they have to be when they review and adjust it. Thus they are sometimes unable to address these topics right away.

When it comes to content that is under development, or has unconfirmed details, they strive to relay information to the players as quick as possible, but only after the details have been ironed out.

Have you considered implementing a feature to search weaponsby series in the player shops?

They are currently working on implementing this feature. The plan is by putting a question mark at the end of a weapon series name will allow you to search for every type of weapon in that series. This would be the same way that EX-Special Ability Series search feature works.

There is no release date for this feature as of yet.

Can you make it possible to use Easy Photo Mode in the ARKS TRAINING CENTER?

Turning off [Boss Camera Controls] in the Camera tab of the Options menu will allow you to use Easy Photo Mode. You can also use it in other quests. However, please be mindful, and use this only when playing solo or with other players who are also trying to take photos, so as to not inconvenience other players.

Satellite Information

NGS Soundtrack Vol.3 and Vol.4 Available Now!

  • The soundtrack has just been released to Spoitfy, YouTube Music, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and more!

Central Vol 3

  • The official NGS comic will go on sale 2/26/2025 for $9.99.
  • Item Codes will deliver Stamps of iconic scenes and chibi-fied characters. Plus Lobby Action: Central! 2

Big Bang Scratch (Gold)

  • Win big everytime with prizes such as up N-Special Ability Transfer Passes, up to 200 Star Gems, up to 10 Million N-Meseta.
  • There is an item called Gamma Reactor which can be sold for 1 million N-Meseta.
  • The Big Bang Scratch (Gold) tickets can be obtained from limited-time campaigns and other events.

Big Bang Scratch (Silver)

  • This is a permanent reward tier that has prizes which include Beta Reactors, N-Special Ability Transfer Pass Vouchers, and more.

Premium Set Exclusive Login Bonus

  • The lineup will be renovated to include Beta Rectors and Big Bang Scratch Ticket (Silver).

Ultra PSO2 Day! Big Bang Burst

  • This campaign doubles the amount of PSO2 Day Login rewards and boosts.
  • Session is from 2/1 to 2/11.

Conquer Dark Falz Vael! Big Bang Scratch Campaign

  • Earn Big Bang Scratch Ticket (Gold) by defeating Dark Falz Vael. You can earn up to 5 tickets.

Reward Box

  • The box has been changed to include Star Gems and items that you can sell for N-Meseta. Clear out the Reward Box to earn a Big Bang Scratch Ticket (Gold).

Ultra PSO2 Day! Big Bang Burst

  • This session goes from Feb 21st ~ March 5th.

PSO2 Global 5th Anniversary

  • Rare Drop Rate +100%
  • Ultra POS2 Day Big Bang Burst (up to) +300%.
  • Playing while both campaigns are active would net you (up to) a +400% boost.

Next NGS Headline

March 4th

7 thoughts on “PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #44”

  1. Just looked at the roadmap and watched the headline to clear things up, but by "story update" in the roadmap do they mean it's coming in March or is it referring to what sounds like a few minor cutscenes in between fighting and defeating Vael? Either one sounds kinda miserable tbh, I was expecting more… least it looks cool I guess.

  2. yet again no updates for new story quest….it's looking more and more like they are rushing to the end here. Seriously hoping the next story update won't be the last "chapter".

  3. The same old thing. Fighting DF here and there, nothing new about a new map expansion or a new world to explore content. Everything always revolving around DF… it's already boring enough to keep having a DF rehash in every update. Thinking of uninstalling it if it weren't because I quite like the CS of this game already in its death phase.


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