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December 28th

End of Year Popular Item Revival
- Revival of previously released NGS items.
- First Draw is Free!
- PSO2-Spec Beast Face Variant, Weapon Camo, Judge of History, and N-Master Cubes from the sratch bonus.
January 1st

Super Genesis Festival Part 2
- 10-A Day Super Free SG Scratch Part 2
- Just like the first round, you'll be able to draw 10 Free SG Scratch Tickets a day.
- Super Item Enhancement Support Campaign
- +90% Boost to Grind Success Rate
- +10% Special Ability Success Rate
- Limit Break Required Materials Halved
- And More!

Super Genesis Festival Part 2
- Xiandy has New Year's Goodies such as Build Part "Rice Cake Display," PH "Hollow New Year's Decoration" and a stamp.
- Super Genesis Festival '24 Special Scratch will also be available.
- A new lineup will be added to the N-Grinder Exchange.
- Snome Rappy, Snome Emperappy, and Snome Great Rappy.
- New Limited-Time Tasks will be added to the seasonal event.

New Year's Remix Line '25
- AC Scratch Tickets that contains reimagined variations of previous released outfits. Scratch Count Bonus contains Rappy Sneakers and Preset Ability Enhance Success & Substitute/LV.4

NY Rewind Collection '25
- NY Rewind Collection '25 features NGS Spec AC Scratch Ticket prizes released from January in the past.
NY AC Support Item Select '25
- Contains Anaddi-class Special Abilities and other consumables.
- The Scratch count bonuses has Preset Ability Enhance Success & Substitute /Lv.4
January 8th

Drill: Large Enemy Clean-Up Op
- Up to 8 Players work together to take down Giant Mutant enemies that successively spawn.
- Watch out for a gameplay element that was previously limited to Leceil Exploration.
- Limited-time Tasks and Title Tasks will be added as well, to get Super Genesis '24 SP Scratch Tickets, N-Special Ability Transfer Pass Vouchers and more!
- January 12th will launch with a +250% Rare Drop Boost.

Frieren: Beyond Journey's End
- Login during the collab period to receive Login Bonuses including Frieren, Fern, Stark, Himmel, Heiter, and Eisen acrylic stand Build Parts, Special Scratch Tickets, SG, and GP!

AC Scratch Ticket: Frieren The Slayer Style
- Cosplay as Frieren, Fern, and Stark.
- Accessories like the Mirrored Lotus Bracelet and Frieren's Briefcase, and voice-enabled stamps utilizing quotes from famous scenes from the anime will also be available.
- You can also get Weapon Camos modeled after each of the character's signature weapons.
- Lobby Action 1073 "Fireren Beyond Journey's End" will be the scratch count bonus item.
January 14th

New Duel Quest: Extra Duel: Fictitious Beam Depth 1 to 4
- A solo quest where you fight 1vs1 against Ruinus Masquerader.
- Initially, you'll start from Rank 1: Depth 1, and by completing it, you'll unlock the next Rank.
- Once you complete Rank 1 ~ Rank 10, the next Depth is unlocked.
- As you progress to higher Ranks and Depths, enemy abilities are enhanced, and player abilities are weakened.
- Two new Depths will be introduced every two weeks until the final Depth 10 becomes unlockable.
- New Special Ability C/Depnos Scepter can be used at the Item Lab as an exchange enhancement material. They are required to create the powerful C/Magus Halphinale.
- As a completion reward for Rank 10 of each depth, you can receive Ruine Masquerader related items.
- Limited-time Tasks and Title Tasks will be available for SG, Master Cubes and other rewards.
- The Title Tasks available will increase as new Depths are released.
- An even stronger version of Ruine Masquerader will be released in a February update.

SG Scratch: Refined Form Jan '25
- NGS-spec versions of Fleet Admiral and Marine Admiral will be available.
- Lobby Action: Dance 28+ and Scratch Bonus: Lobby Action Crawl.
Mission Pass: NGS Season 40
- Fahren Dard, Fahren Dein, Padlock Choker, and Mag Form/Fenice Machina.

PSO2 Lobby Action Memories '25
- Contains Previously released items from AC Scratches.
- Lobby Action: Varuna Pose and *Tempest Leaves are in the Scratch Bonus.
PSO2 Weapon Camo Memories '25
- Weapon Camos from past PSO2 Scratches
January 19th: Treasure Scratch 7
- If you draw the scratch ticket 75 times, you'll obtain Select Tickets which allows you to pick an item from the Treasure Scratch.
January 22nd

Limited-Time EQ: Planetcrusher Assault D2
- This is an EQ version of the quest Planetcrusher Blitz Rank 2 released from September.
- The content of the quest remains the same, but up to 8 players can play and the quest failure conditions and enemy HP and Attack Power have been relaxed.
- Quest is available until Feb 5, 2025.
- The ★12 Twaalv weapon series and C/Dantaria Scepter are available as reward drops.
- C/Dantaia Scepter can be used at the Item Lab as an exchange enhancement material to create C/Magus Gladia Soul.
- Limited-Time Tasks will reward N-EXCubes N-Special Ability Success Rate +20% and More!

Snow Field Clean-Up Op
- This quest takes place in Danann Snow Field in South Kvaris.
- This is an 8 Player Quest where you defeat waves of enemies.
- Each wave features Trials with Side Missions, and completing these will charge your M.A.R.S. battery by a certain amount.
- Boss Enemies may spawn with harmonizers who must be defeated simultaneously, or they will revive.
- Carefully determine the best timing to board the M.A.R.S.
- Limited-time Tasks and Title Tasks will reward Super Genesis '24 SP Scratch Tickets and N-Special Ability Transfer Pass vouchers and more!
- From January 26th (or 27th?), a +150% Rare Drop Boost will be applied to all quests!

AC Scratch: Demonic Elegance
- Japanese style outfits inspired by demons and shrine maidens.
- Lobby Action: Roll Over in Sleep
- Lobby Action: Hang From an Arm.
- Weapon Camo: *Infernal Fiend
- Scratch Bonus: MTN: Glide – Metal Club EX
2025 Roadmap

Feb ~ March 2025
- EQ: Dark Falz Vael Suppression
- Leceil Exploration Update
- Limited-time Quests
- Relay Quest (x7)
- Coming in March, has content that changes every other day.
- Extra Duel Quest Update
- Story Update related to Dark Falz Vael
- Hunter Expansion
- Class Cap Raised to100
- Dark Falz Vael
- New Scratch Ticket Campaign
- Anime Based on Light Novel Collab
April ~ May 2025
- NGS 4th Anniversary: Halpha Super Origin Festival '25
- New Standing Quest
- Limited Quests (x5)
- Braver Expansion
- Free SG Scratch Ticket Items Update
- Anime Based on Light Novel Collab
June ~ July 2025
- Field Update
- Limited Quests (x3)
- Limited Emergency Quest
- Ultra High Difficulty Standing Party Quest
- New Enemies
- Sega Title Collab
- Collab with Sci-Fi Fantasy Toy Line
August Onwards
- PSO2 13th Anniversary Update: Super Phantasy Festival '25
- New Action System (Releasing Sometime After August)
- New Story Update (Mini Episode)
- New Enemies
The development team has all hands on deck working towards the release of a new field update, and a main story update that ties into the large boss enemy fights.
Dark Falz Vael
An Entity Who Has Destroyed Countless Star Systems
A Lord Who Rules Over The Dark Falz-Class Starless
A Torrent Of Stellar Extinction Once More Brings Ruin To The World
Releases February 2025
ARKS Operation Report

Would it be possible to make it so we start in our own Creative Space on login?
It would be very difficult for them to fulfill this request, requiring broadscale changes to make locations other than the ARKS base of each region be the login starting location.
Are there any plans to increase the number of items you can put up for sale in Personal Shops?
They plan to adding twenty slots, bringing the total number of slots to fifty, in the February update.
Will Line Strike ever support All-Ship Matchmaking?
They are currently testing All-Ship Matchmaking for unranked matches. Once this update releases, there will not be an option to only play unranked matches against opponents on the same ship. Ranked match ratings are unique to each ship, and free battles require you to designate a specific opponent, so All-Ship Matchmaking will not extend to these two modes.
Satellite Information

Ultra PSO2 Day
- This campaign doubles Boost Rates and Login Gifts of a regular PSO2 Day.

Certain Magical Index III
- A collaboration with TV Anime: A certain Magical Index III is releasing in February.
- More details in next NGS Headline!
Japan Satellite Information

The PSO2 NGS Official Comic "Central!" will have its 3rd volume released. Purchasing this physical comic will net you an Item Code for in-game items.
- Release Date: Feb 26th 2025
Next NGS Headline

January 28th
Kinda hyped, not gonna lie. Really curious about the new action system too.
A somewhat belated greeting, but I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that you're off to a great start in the new year. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into bringing us the content updates and game info. To Ricardo, Kenneth, and everyone who has contributed and continues to contribute to the Bumped and Phantasy Star communities for so long, I'm sure it's no easy task. Wishing you all the best in the coming year!
I'm not sure If I understood correctly but it seems they're releasing the story alongside the boss fight of Vael correct? If so that solves one of my biggest grievances with big bosses have little to no buildup to them. Aegis and Falz were cool but would've left more of a lasting impact if we actually had proper context for them beyond, "They just appear, go fight them and wait for the story to catch up in a few months lol". All that's left is for them to actually change the opening to something else, seriously almost 4 years and no alternate opening? And then to finally give us new PAs, AIS is cool but it's the same moves for everyone so I hope the new action system addresses that. If they do that I might just pick the game back up again. With the rate these "festivals" happen It feels like I can come back at any point but I have to wonder if players think the festivals are losing their impact? I mean free stuff is always welcomed but I swear every time I come back to check on this game it feels like it's in the middle of a "festival" period.
No new story for the most of the year really made me drop the game, and yeah the festivals became stale a long time ago (even back in base PSO2).
As someone who has been playing since 2012, anytime the game goes back to regular non seasonal events I really feel how slow everything seems to get in terms of progression/drop rates, so I think that for anyone that is actually playing the game one must be thankful of them being frequent.
Even back in classic PSO2 it was extra rough because some things just required boost weeks to make any good affix without gambling, and even then it required planning and lots of materials.
In the end, no matter if you are a free player or a paying player, we all benefit from seasonal events.
You can even feel the drop in the player base whenever seasonal events end. A quick look at Dexto, Nameless or EQs show the effects and benefits of having an extra motivational factor to reward players even if they don't get X* weapon.
Seasonal events are the difference between doing anything for a high chance of getting trash/nothing, and doing anything to get lots of bonus things that are still worth your time even if you didn't get what you wanted.
The only reason why I would see anyone not liking seasonal events is if they didn't play the game and only paid real money for everything. ( ╹ -╹)?
Festival events dont lose their edge if you harvest multiple accounts 😉