PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #38


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July 31st

New Action System M.A.R.S

  • This can be activated during battle for a set time with actions that use powerful armaments.
  • Complete the designated Main Task to unlock M.A.R.S.
  • There's a main armament that is the primary means of attack.
  • The sub armament provides support.
  • There are various types of main and sub-armaments.
  • You can spend M.A.R.S. skill points to learn special skills, unlock options, and boost stats.
  • Obtain M.A.R.S. Updaters as rewards from Quests and Tasks and trade them in for M.A.R.S skill points.
  • Limited Time Tasks and Title Tasks can be completed using M.A.R.S.
  • Complete these Tasks to get M.A.R.S. themed Build Parts and M.A.R.S. Updaters.

M.A.R.S. Training Center

  • This quest lets you test out the M.A.R.S. actions.
  • There's no time limit, quest completion, or rewards.
  • After practicing, go to the main menu and select abandon quest.
  • Accessing the M.A.R.S. battery charger that appears during training, will restore a set amount of your M.A.R.S. battery power, allowing you to call M.A.R.S. immediately.

ARKS Record – Field Race: West Retem Dash (Stage 1)

Aelio Region Updated

  • The Crimson Realm will appear in the Aelio Region switching between Vanford Laboratory Ruins, Resol Forest, and Mt. Magnus on a daily basis.
  • The Crimson Realm turns the weather into a menacing red and Starless enemies get even stronger.
  • Trials that occur during the Crimson Realm have a chance to change over when completed.
  • If you complete the side mission of a Trial that has been changed over, the next PSE Burst that occurs will be a PSE Burst Forte or PSE Burst Encore.
  • Limited-Time Tasks will be added to earn N-EXCubes and N-Special Ability Success +20%.
  • New Ranks will be added to Emergency Quests and Trigger Quests in the Aelio Region.
  • Rank 4 and Rank 2 will be added to EQ and Trigger Quest Dark Falz Interception and the Battle of Halphia Lake respectively. Both feature enemies at level 90. You can even use M.A.R.S. too.

Various Improvements and New Features

  • Two new types of default Innerwear: Movas/B [In] and Actis/C [In].
  • Players who have collected a ton of Titles will get a new golden ARKS ID Backdrop.
  • Prim Series Build Parts will be added, allowing you to decorate the Space with weapons.
  • Build Parts added will also include a parasol based on Manon's new look.
  • Easy Photo Mode will be added to the Main Menu under Personal.
  • Special Ability Capsule category numbers will appear in the Item Details Window and List.
  • The category numbers will be displayed in the list of Special Abilities to be affixed in [Add Special Ability] at the Item Lab.
  • Nameless City Exploration will support All-Ship Matchmaking.

AC Scratch: Halpha Summer Splash

  • Yukatas themed after Crawford, Guren, and Ran.
  • Swimsuits based on Aina and Manon.
  • Lobby Action: Line Strike and Sweeping the Floor.
  • Scratch Bouns: Motion: Glide – Zero Gravity EX

August 7th

New Gameplay Added to Leciel Exploration

  • Leceil will have increased enemy levels.
  • Ruine Gunnegam will appear with its large sword and powerful ice attacks.
  • Player Ability Buffs will be added for M.A.R.S.; shortening the time until it can be activated and increasing its power.
  • New ★10 Ektasis Armor will become available, which increases power by 6%. They also plan to release further enhancements in future updates.
  • New Limited-time Tasks will net you an N-Special Ability Transfer Voucher.
  • New Chinese-style and retro-themed Build Parts.

ARKS Record: Trania: Vanishing Path II

AC Scratch: Summer Athlete

  • Tracksuits, athletic wear, and competitive swimsuits.
  • Lobby Action: Holding a Trophy | MTN: Dash- Sting
  • Scratch Bonus: MTN: Glide – Sting EX

August 13th

Two Revival Scratches

  • Makeup Revival Aug '24 has past releases of NGS-spec eyes, makeup patterns, eyebrows, eyelashes, body paint, and C/Lux Halphinale S.
  • SG Support Item Select Aug '24 has Preset Ability Item Protection and as a scratch bonus: C/Gran Gladia Soul S.
  • Mission Pass: NGS Season 35 has Personal Shop Use 3 days and SG Scratch Ticket Prize Slips. New Accessories such as Hiei Houyoku, Arabin Shoes, and Silver Tray.

ARKS Record – Field Race: South Retem Dash (Stage 1)

August 21st

Limited Quest: A Grand Series of Ruins Battles

  • All-Ship Matchmaking is available with up to 16 players.
  • Take on Gigantix Frostyl Sword, Crocodylis, and Ams Kvaris.
  • Complete the new Limited-time Tasks and Title Tasks to earn rewards such as N-Special Ability Transfer Pass Voucher and Special Scratch Tickets.

ARKS Record – Trania: Crazy Tail (Rank 2)

AC Scratch: Shangri-La Frontier

  • Cosplay as Sunraku, Psyger-0, Arthur Pencilgon, and OiKatzo.
  • Paint-type Portable Holograms inspired by the clan marks, voice-enabled chat stamps, and camos based on the weapons used in the VR Game Shangri-La Frontier.
  • Scratch-Count Bonus is Mag Form / Emul.

Shangri-La Collab Campaign

  • Log in during the collab period to receive acrylic stand-style Build Parts of Sunraku, Psyger-0, Arthur Pencilgon, and OiKatzo.

August 28th

Nameless City Updated

  • A new district will become available for Nameless City.
  • This new district will be included in the daily rotation for district investigation.
  • Gigantix versions of Ruinus boss enemies will appear.
  • M.A.R.S. battery chargers and Photon Boost Crates, which can be used by spending exploration points, will also appear on a daily rotation.
  • Accessing an M.A.R.S. battery charger will restore a certain amount of the M.A.R.S. battery.
  • Photon Boost Crates contain random powerful skill enhancements. If you get multiples of the same effect, the effect duration is prolonged.

Nameless City Updated

  • The new ★11 Exelio weapon series has a potential that boosts the Photon Blast Gauge when attacking and will receive more enhancements in a future update.
  • Daily Tasks will reward N-EXCubes, while Limited-Time Tasks will net you N-Special Ability Transfer Pass Voucher and Reward Box Medal Aug '24.
  • The Reward Box will include past avatar items.

ARKS Records – Field Race: North Retem Board (Stage 1)

SVAC Scratch: Cosmic Strikeforce

  • Sci-fi-themed Combat Suits and skirts.
  • Lobby Action: Weapon Display Pose 5 & Weapon Display Pose 6
  • Scratch Bonus: MTN: Dash – Gunslinger EX.

September 1st

Revival AC Scratch

  • AC Support Item Select Sep '24 contains Annadi-class Special Abilities that raise all stats and N-Special Ability Transfer Pass. The Scratch Bonus will feature C/Glan Gigas Maste S.
  • Rewind Collection Sep '24 includes NGS-spec items that were originally released in last August and September. Scratch Count Bonus contains MTN: Glide – Lovely EX.

Letter From The Developers

Parameters for M.A.R.S.

In a previous announcement, it was mentioned that M.A.R.S. would use its own dedicated parameters in battle and would not reference the parameters of players, weapons, and armor. However, as they proceeded with adjustments, they found that implementing exclusive parameters could result in players who do not use M.A.R.S. could be stronger than those who do.

Therefore, they have changed it so that it will refer to the player's parameters including equipped weapons and armor in battle. They apologize for changing the final release from what they have shared before.

★11 Exelio Weapons & ★10 Ektasis Armor

You will be able to enhance them into even stronger equipment using a new feature from the Item Lab added in an October update. Even more enhancements will be available after the update and the equipment will remain useable for a long time. The conventional way of frequently releasing new equipment motivates players to obtain them but at the cost of making it difficult to invest in the time and effort needed to enhance them.

The goal of releasing evolving equipment like these to the game is to relieve the pressure on players in this regard. The intervals between evolving equipment releases will be longer than those of past equipment releases. They plan to stagger future releases with normal gear accordingly so that players can continue to look forward to obtaining new equipment.

Balance Adjustments for Force

Although not mentioned in the Roadmap, they plan to release balance adjustments for the Force class in December. Also, regarding adjustments to Talises, they plan to implement them together with balance adjustments of the Force Class to avoid a situation where the Talis becomes the only option for Forces if its adjustments overlap with those of Techter.

ARKS Operation Report

Are there plans to introduce EX Special Abilities for Armor?

For EX Special Abilities, in the interest of maintaining game balance and other factors, they plan to make them only available on weapons. They plan to introduce new EX Special Abilities in future updates.

It's difficult to fight smaller bosses like Bujin because the camera zooms in closer than usual during battle. Are there plans to fix this?

When playing with the camera set to be zoomed out from the character, the camera will end up zooming in while fighting Bujin and Waulon. They plan to adjust this so that the camera will be zoomed out from the character when fighting certain enemies.

Would it be possible to select 6 or more Material Items at once when enhancing equipment?

They are considering increasing the item selection limit to 10. They apologize for the long wait.

Satellite Information

PSO2 Original Soundtrack Streaming

  • PSO2 OST Vol 4, 5, and 6 will be available today on streaming platforms like Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music, Amazon, and Line Music. You can also download them from iTunes. Music is also available on TikTok.
  • Vol. 7 & 8 are coming in August.
  • Vo. 9 & 10 are coming in September.

Sympathy 2023 Commemorative Blu-Ray

  • Release Date: July 25th 2024
  • Price: 6,000 Yen
  • Content: Blu-Ray containing the full performance plus bonus item codes for in-game items.

Use M.A.R.S. And Get Items (July 31st~)

  • Limited-time Tasks will be available for M.A.R.S.
  • You can get special accessories and Star Gems.

Growthment Exchange Campaign

  • Limited lineup will be available at the Growthment Exchange and Growthment II Exchange which includes Beta Reactors, Star Gems, and summer items each day.
  • There will be boosts and weakened enemies in Leciel Exploration.

PSO2 Day Revamped (September 1st)

  • It will become a 6-day event.
  • The event is from the 1st to the 3rd & 21st to the 23rd of each month.
  • Premium PSO2 Day will be discontinued, however, Premium users will experience a higher boost rate and extra gifts.
  • PSO2 Day commemorative item set and AC Scratch Ticket are on the way.

Japan Satellite Information

NGS Offline Event: ARKS Summer Party 2024 (JAPAN ONLY)

  • This is an offline event with approximately 130 people invited.
  • There will be a Line Strike Official Tournament and a Stage with Special Guests.
  • Event Date: August 24th at 12:00 JST
  • Novelty Gift: 5 Card Set of a Real Line Strike Card
  • Note: Admission is Free. Approximately 130 people will be invited via a special lottery. No merchandise will be sold at this event.

Line Strike Official Tournament [RED TOKYO CUP]

  • Schedule: Preliminaries: 12:30 JST | Finals: 16:00 JST
  • Participants: 31 Players (Pre-Application/Lottery) + Vtuber Popona
  • Participant Novelty Gift: 1 Type of a Real Line Strike Card.

ARKS Summer Party 2024 Special Stage

  • Schedule: 16:00 ~ 17:15 JST
  • Participants: 100 People (Pre-Application/Lottery)
  • MC/Commentator: Yui Hasegawa & Masao Koori
  • Guests: Sumire Morohoshi (Aina CV) | Yume Miyamoto (Manon CV)
  • Contents: RED TOKYO CUP Finals & Morohoshi/Miyamoto Chat + Special Drama Reading
  • Signup Period: July 24th @ 11:00 ~ August 4th @ 23:59 JST

NGS Creators 2nd Anniversary Offline Meeting Event

  • Last month on June 1st, Sega held an event commemorating the 2nd anniversary of NGS Official Creators at their headquarters in the Osaki Garden Tower.

NGS Creators 2nd Anniversary Offline Meeting Event

  • Participants got to see never-before-seen concept artwork, play Line Strike before it was officially released, and a studio tour and recording experience of NGS Headline.

NGS Creators 2nd Anniversary Offline Meeting Event

  • Popona and Rappy were also there at the event. They even took a group photo with the Rappy.

Next NGS Headline

September 3rd

2 thoughts on “PSO2 NGS Headline Recap #38”

  1. They're gonna make an offline tourney of line strike? are they like, gonna use real cards and stuff? Don't get me wrong, linestrike is fun and all but it sounds absolutely ass to play linestrike manually lol.

  2. Upping selectable grind fodder from 5 to 10 sounds nice, but it feels like they're addressing the tedium of grinding the wrong way. Hyperio II and Astrio S already exist to aleviate the tedium. All Sega would have to do is make them more accessible to F2P. Selecting 5 Hyperio II is equivalent to 50 Endymio. Sega can also make the recent event weapons be usable as grind fodder. Like I wrote already, it just feels like they're taking the wrong approach to fixing the grind tedium.


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