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July 26th

AC Scratch: Remix Line Jul '23
- Includes popular outfits and remixes of outfits previously released.
- Shoes from outfits were made into accessories.
- Scratch Count Bonus: C/Halphinale S Special Ability Capsule
AC Scratch: Rewind Collection Jul '23
- Selection of NGS Scratch items from Jun ~ Jul of last year.
August 2nd

Chapter 6: Part 2
- In a meeting of region leaders, Crawford announces Manon's return!
- Manon has a new outfit.
- Mini Episodes will also be available too!

Standing Quest: Leciel Exploration
- This quest takes place on the floating island of Leciel.
- Can be played with up to 8 players!
- The difficulty is slightly higher than regular quests.
- The map is randomized, and the key to success is to cooperate among friends.
- There are special ability buffs to give you an edge.
- Ability buffs can be obtained by completing the objectives for each room.
- Acquire as many ability buffs within the time limit.
- Bosses will be strengthened with various abilities.
- New enemy type: Ruinous awaits as the final boss. (Ruine Ragne)
- Even if you fail to defeat the boss at the end, the rewards will be based on the damage inflicted.

Standing Quest: Leciel Exploration
- New 9-Star Verschmelz Weapon Series
- Base performance is slightly lower than the Tisah series.
- Verschmelz is easier to obtain compared to Tisah series.
- The potential is an effect that always generates a critical attack.
- 8 Star Unit: Octo Armor arrives.
- Growthment is a drop in Leceil Exploration that can be traded in for Verschmelz and Octo Armor.
- Growthment is also available through Daily Task rewards.
- Daily Tasks and Title Tasks will be added alongside the new quest.
- *Verschmelz Armati is available by completing the quest or defeating the boss at the deepest level.

Creative Space Update
- Team Spaces will become available for teams of 4 or more players.
- Place a Team Bulletin Board to post messages among team members.
- A Retem theme will be added along with Retem Build Parts. Purchase these with GP.
- Build parts from PSO2 become available on August 9th, purchasable through SG.
- There's a conveyor belt that lets players move along the floor.
- Arks Record: Field Race: Halphiria Lake Board (Stage 1): Solo

Weapon Camos:
- Weapon Camos from PSO and PSO2 will be added to the drop pool of Geometric Labyrinth, Trania Advance, and Battledia: Purple. Weapon Camo drops are different to each Trania.
- Get items like Tarnada, Rykros Staff, and more!

Preset Ability Enhancement
- Multiple copies of the same item can be combined to increase the level of Preset skills.
- You can affix a random Preset Skill to weapons and armor by spending Material items and N-Meseta.
- If the weapon or armor already has a Preset Skill attached, you can level up that Preset Skill.
- Material Items must be armor or weapons that can be multi-weaponized having Preset Abilities of the same level or higher as the Base item.
- Affixing and Enhancement of Preset Skills have a certain chance of success.
- The Material item and N-Meseta will be consumed regardless of success of failure.

SG Legacy Coordination Badges
- This badge can be redeemed for the item of your choice from past SG Scratch Tickets.
- There are two types of badges, the (Hair) badge can be exchanged for a hairstyle, and the (Pose) badge can be exchanged for a Lobby Action or Motion Change.
- You can earn these badges from campaign rewards, among other things.

Main Menu
- Change the backdrop of your status screen via Main Menu > Personal > Vital Gauge Design.
- Some backdrop variations are available from Tickets.
- Access the Quest Counter via Tasks/Quests in the Main Menu.
- Access Titils via Tasks/Quests in the Main Menu.
- Added damage per second display in Options
- If there are uncompleted Limited-time Quests, an icon will appear on the NPC at the Quest Counter.
- Support NPCs are here to help you complete Batledia: Yellow in Aelio, Retem, and Kvaris
- Teleport to Cocoons / Towers directly from the World Map.

New Features
- Some options will be added to the Ornament Display Settings for Face and Hairstyle/Head Parts in the Edit Head menu in the Salon.
- Added the option to display or hide values when customizing the Body Shape in Salon Settings.
- New Backdrops for ARKS ID. Some can be earned through Title points.
- PC version gets an option to display High Resolution of other players!
- Option to change the height of Portable Holograms.
- When a member application is sent via Search for currently recruiting Teams, the applicant will be added to the Teams Applicant List.
- ARKS Records will grant an attack power boost when you equip your main class' weapon.

AC Scratch: Designer Dreams Aug'23
- Part 4 of the 10th Anniversary Item Design Contest.
- Lobby Action: Preparing for Battle 4, MTN: Idle – Penguin Pose, MTN Dash – Penguin
- Scratch Bonus: MTN: Dash – Penguin EX
August 9th

High-Difficulty Quest: Sign of the Planetbreaker
- Dark Falz-level Starless: Dark Falz Solus
- Failure conditions: 5 Incapacitations / Over the Time Limit
- Dark Falz Solus has extremely fierce attacks with extremely high attack power.
- ARKS Record: Geometric Labyrinth (Rank 2): Solo In Trinitas

Treasure Scratch
- Acquire Special Ability Capsules and Enhancement Materials.
- The Scratch Count Bonus includes the SG Legacy Coordination Badge (Pose), and more!
- These tickets can be earned through Emergency Quest Rewards and Limited-time Daily Tasks.
Mission Pass: Season 23
- Flight Stick, MTN: Glide – Charged / B

Uncle From Another World Collab
- Log in during the campaign to get Build Parts.
- Beginner's Boost Campaign +100% EXP Boost for some Battledia: Yellow
- Get back a Consumed B-Trigger / Common Yellow once a day.

Uncle From Another World Collab
- Lineup includes items from Uncle, Elf, and Mabel, along with weapon camos and Sega gaming consoles.
August 16th

AC Support Item Select Aug '23
- Exdi Special Ability Capsules
- Items to support weapon grinding.
- Same lineup as June '23 version
Rewind Collection Aug '23
- Scratch Count Bonus MTN Dash – Marlin Rider EX
- AC Scratch prizes released from Aug ~ Sept of 2022
ARKS Record: Mediola Outer Area 2 Board (Stage 1): Solo
August 23rd

Limited Quest: Blazing Battle
- This quest takes place on Kanai Isle.
- The objective is to destroy all enemies that appear across multiple waves within the time limit.
- You can increase the time limit by defeating a certain number of target enemies, or enemies with a special marker. Use the Sky Lifters and other mechanics to your advantage.
- ARKS REcord: Parties And All Classes for Blazing Battle

AC Scratch: Stylish Summer
- Sailor-themed dresses and simple denim outfits.
- Scratch Bonus: MTN: Glide – Lovely EX
August 30th

Limited-time Quest: Ruins Interception
- This is a 24-player quest in Belugana Ruins. You'll face the Megalotix versions of bosses.
ARKS Record: Field Race: South Kvaris Dash (Stage 1): Solo

AC Scratch: Lobby Action Collection Aug '23
- PSO2-Spec lobby actions released in the past.
ARKS Operation Report

Please increase how many Favorites we can have so I can save more Lobby Actions!
We plan to increase the Lobby Action Favorite save slot limit up to 100 slots in an October update.
Do you have any plans to change the Special Ability Capsule lineup in the shops?
We plan to add Gigas IV Series and Dread Keeper IV in an October update. We'll be adjusting the lineup with other Special Abilities as well.
The super-high difficulty Standing Party Quest in August will be difficult to complete on the first try. Can you share more details on how you've adjusted the difficulty?
You will be fighting Dark Falz Solus, and the difficulty will be slightly higher than Rank.2 of Drill: Dark Falz Interception R2.
Additionally, since some special attacks can penetrate through [Guarding] and [Evasive Maneuvers], you will have to Photon Dash or Jump to evade those attacks.
The quest is accessible at any given time, provided that you meet the Battle Power requirements.
I want to make a wider variety of structures, so could you implement new Build Parts?
We will be adding Build Parts, including building materials and natural objects, about once in every 2 months going forward.
In addition to new build parts, they will be porting over more room items from PSO2 Classic.
Can I use the designs I've created in my Creative Space in my Team's Creative Space?
In the Team Space, you can use designs you've already owned. However, you can not publish your designs by placing a design terminal in the Team Space.
Can we have simple methods to communicate with others in the Creative Space such as sending Likes, etc?
We are considering adding a feature in a future update that will allow players to send [Good Jobs] to each other when players visit their Creative Space. Though it will take some time, please look forward for future developments.
Satellite Information

Team Up Campaign (8/2 ~)
- Belonging to a Team of four or more people during the period will net you the Rappy Speech Bubble accessory.
AC Purchase Campaign (8/2 ~)
- Receive special items based on the amount of ARKS CASH purchased during the campaign period.
- Acquire items such as Assorted Chocolates and SG Legacy Coordination Badge (Hair).

Uncle will play NGS on the PSO2 Youtube Channel in Global and the KADOKAWAanime Channel in Japan.

Oshi No Ko Collaboration Announced
- NGS is launching a collaboration with the TV Anime OSHI NO KO in September. More details will be released in the next NGS Headline.
Next NGS Headline

September 5th For Some Reason