This post is updating in real time. Contents are subject to change.
April 13th Update
High Ranking Sector

New High Rank Sectors in Retem
- Rank 3 with Level 40 enemies with Maqead Lower Level!
- Higher chance of Chaos Trials and Megalotix will attack.
- Looping Tasks from Ronaldine.

SG Scratch: Refined Form 2
- Top entries from the Item Remake survey will appear with NGS specs.
- Some items from the previous SG Scratch lineup will be leaving.
- Motion: Hands B
- Motion: Dash – Air Slide (Scratch Bonus)
- Mission Pass Season 7 will also be released.
- Contains SG Scratch Ticket prize slips for Refined Form 2!
- 3 Day Player Shop Use
- New Mag Form
- Special Ability Capsules
April 20th Update
Geometric Labyrinth

Geometric Labyrinth
- Geometric Labyrinth is a challenging quest for hardcore players.
- Spawns, side missions, and more will change each time you play!
- This quest is located at the pyramid in the Retem region.
- This quest consists of multiple areas, where you must reach the final area to clear it.
- The quest ends if you fail the side mission too many times.
- When you complete it, you can unlock Challenge Settings to customize the difficulty.
- Increase the difficulty for a higher score and greater rewards.
- You can take on the labyrinth as many times as you want as long as you meet the various requirements.
- Enemies will be the same level as the strongest member of the party.
- The High score rankings will be recorded per class.
Challenge Settings
- Various challenges unlock after clearing the Labyrinth.
- You can pick and choose among a list of challenges that applies a score multiplier.
- Enemy Max HP +25%
- Enemy Attack +25%
- Increased Resta Sign Consumption
- Decreased Max Carry Limit of Sign Items.
- Random Challenges
- PP -50
- HP -50%
- Increased PP Consumption
- Photon Blast Gauge -90% Increase Rate
- -20 HP Every 10 Seconds

Geometric Labyrinth
- The Kukuhroziat series potential gets a power-up during this quest.
- There will also be exclusive tasks and titles too.
- Rewards will include new special abilities, accessories, mags, and color variations of Motions.
New Special Abilities
- C/Tria Stamloda:HP-5 | Strike Weapon Damage+2.25%
- C/Tria Stamlosha:HP-5 | Ranged Weapon Damage+2.25%
- C/Tria Stamlohou:HP-5 | Tech Weapon Damage+2.25%

AC Scratch: Gilded Glamour
- Outfits with gorgeous embroidery and sci-fi outfits with contrasting color schemes.
- Lobby Action: Scroll has both Japanese and English text.
- Motion: Crossed Arms (Scratch Bonus)
April 27th Update
Select Item Support

AC Select Support Items 2
- The Addi Special Abilities will return!
- Currently, there are no plans to replace the Addi series even when the tundra region releases.
- There's also a support item that increases the grind cap from 40 to 50 and new EXP armor.
June Update
Kvaris Region

Kvaris Snowboarding
SSX is Back!

Arks Operation Report
Question and Answer Session
Please do something about players going AFK on the field for too long.
We are addressing this by suspending players whose characters are idle for too long. We plan to implement countermeasures in a future update for special enemies found in the Exploration Sectors such an Gigantix and Dread Enemies. We're also discussing actions we can take for other enemies too. However, we need to consider these matters carefully to make sure there are no unwanted affects on players enjoying the game normally.
Inventory and Storage fills up too quickly, please address this.
We are considering an auto-sell feature to add as a Premium Set perk. We will include an option allowing you to set the item rarity that you would like to be sold automatically. We believe that this will alleviate the inventory and storage issues that players run into when collecting a large amount of items at once, such as during PSE Bursts. They are also thinking about offering an SG Shop item that would enable the auto-sell feature for a set period of time even without an active premium set.
Dread Enemies aren't spawning where they're supposed to when players are near the spawn point. Please resolve this issue.
The reason why we made it like this is to avoid situations where Dread Enemies suddenly appear right on top of players. However, we understand that this is an issue when players stand close to the spawning point, so we will address this in the update of April 6th.
Previously, there was an announcement about changing Leah May's tasks make leveling up easier. However, when leveling up other classes, my Battle Power drops and I can't access certain areas or take on quests I've already played. Item drops are also an issue, so I don't feel motivated to level up more than two classes. Can you please make it easier and more rewarding to do so?
In response to this feedback, we will make some changes during the update on April 6th to make it easier to level up your other classes by raising the EXP rate for your subclass from 25% to 50%.
Daily Tasks sometimes include defeating enemies in Rank 2 Combat Sectors, but I can't do this with the class I'm currently leveling up because I don't have enough Battle Power to enter those Sectors. I want to farm EXP for this class, so could you make some changes?
We are currently looking at removing the rank requirement for some Daily Tasks in a future update in response to this request.
Satellite Information
Campaigns and Merchandise

PSO2 10th Anniversary
- Celebrate PSO2's 10th Anniversary with exciting campaigns and projects.

The Arks Expo 2022 is an offline event with various contents such as an exhibition that looks back on the 10th Anniversary of PSO2.
- Event Name: ARKS EXPO 2022
- Event Date: July 17th 2022
- Event Venue: TOKYO Big Sight
- Event Fee: Free!
Details will be announced in subsequent NGS Headlines.
- Stage contents will not be implemented in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
- The admission format will be announced in the future based on the infection rate.
- Based on the infection rate, they may be forced to change the contents/ schedule, or postpone or cancel the event.

PSO2 10th Anniversary
- 10th Anniversary Item Design Contest
- 4/5 ~ 5/10
- 10th Anniversary Illustration Contest
- 5/10 ~ 6/14
- 10th Anniversary Online Cosplay and Craft Contest
- 7/3 ~ 7/24

Upcoming Campaigns
- Fight Through Retem Support Missions (4/6 ~ 4/26)
- Boost Campaign (4/13 ~ 4/19)
- Trinitas Challenge Missions (4/20 ~ 5/10)
- Grind Support Boost (4/27 ~ 5/10)
- Pre-Scheduled EQs (5/4 ~ 5/10)

NGS Official Creators
- Influencers certified by the NGS team will be eligible for in-game rewards by uploading YouTube videos to hype up NGS!
- To apply you must meet the screening criteria:
- Minimum of 5 videos per month with an average of 2,000+ views per video. Or a minimum of 10,000 total video views per month.
- All videos submitted with "NGS" in the title by the deadline will be considered.
- JPN Players: Signup
- GBL Players: Signup

Upcoming Campaigns
- Use AC, Get Items Campaign
- 4/6 ~ 4/26
- Get accessories and other items.
- SG Shop Bargains
- 4/6 ~ 4/20
- Cosmetic items will be sold in conjunction with the release of the Photo Rooms.
Next NGS Headline
April 28th

Seriously sega? Auto-sell as a premium feature? Jesus christ it's like you want this thing to burn into the ground.
While I can't say it's positive, they did say you can at least get the feature via SG too.
Still doesn't mean it shouldn't just be a normal feature that's always available.
why are you so surprised about it being a prem feature? it was so obvious.
Just because it's obvious doesn't mean it's right, like come on bruh.
Cheese and crackers, I guess no more loitering in open field while packing a new bowl or rolling another blunt. Don't wanna get banned.
I could understand that in Resol Forest or Vanfors Labs, but open field? Seems a little unnecessary. There have been times I've had to put down the controller and get my cat out of the curtains. Things happen.
I also found that a little funny. It reminds me of when EQs would threaten to suspend players who 630 too often
To alleviate afk players, I think about enemies who can snipe players who stand still… and then automatically return to the city if you don't choose a Half Doll within 30 seconds.
Don't forge they also have regions in maps specifically for idling (Halphia lake for example)
Getting some mixed messages here. And if that area is somehow exempt ,then it's gonna be even worse because it's not just mixed messages but inconsistent rules.
This is gonna be a clusterfuck no doubt, just doesn't feel like a thing worth kicking up a hornets nest and pissing off the userbase over when steam peak numbers are only 5k players and at the time of writing this post concurrent playercount is in triple digits dangerously close to hitting double digits.
Nobody sane will completely idle in Halphia Lake. Storm come, Gigantix come, 1 laser beam and dead.
Your 5K is just Steam, which is just a fraction of Global-only players, which in turn is just another fraction of total PSO2 players.
I mean, is there really a need to insult people's sanity just because you wanted to counter a generic statement? People definitely idle in these locations. I've idled in them. I've seen people idle in them. Death bears no penalty in this game, so what if a gigantix spawns on you while you're away? It's not like it'll hurt your character in any way.
Also let's not pretend steam isn't the most prevalent platform. There was no need to tell me those are steam numbers since I specified it's on steam, because I know there are other platforms so I wanted to acknowledge there are players not being counted. But if you're gonna sit there and try to spin this like steam is a small fraction and there are tens of thousands of players outside of it then I'm sorry but you've left too far outside of the bounds of reality for my tastes. If you wanted to argue steam was 30% of the playerbase or slightly less, I'd give you that. But the way you word it sounded like you were implying only a small number of players are on steam and I'm sorry but there's no chance in hell there's significantly more players on a different platform.
I like this game, but I'm not deluded. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that the player count is health. We are entering server shutdown numbers, burying our heads in the sand and pretending like there's a massive healthy playerbase outside of steam isn't doing anyone any favors and it sure isn't fixing the problems the game currently has or the problems they're trying to pile on with these half-assed decisions.
Pardon, but I'll never get idling since PSO2NGS eats so much power that it's better left turned off when dong something else.
Steam, while most prevalent in GL, isn't that much compared to Jp servers. I have no data either, but judging from the Headline viewership, the Jp's views is near 3x more of GL's. If we use this as base, the entire GL population (Steam + Epic + MS + XB) is 25-30% of all NGS's pop'l.
I won't claim anything that happen in GL, but in Jp, things are doing good. We have a good chunk of frequent AC scratchers and premium. Even in my circle of 15 active people, only 1 isn't a premium user.
Doing I wasn't expecting Sega to add autosell and maybe even without AC.
What the game needs is not autosell but autoreplace. The money you get from selling junk isn't that much even for people like me that don't spend AC, the only issue is that when full you cannot get more drops so good stuff will be lost if it drops.
Or at the very least there should be a special message about storage and inventory being full that isn't as easily overlooked as regular messages.
Another improvement is to fill all storage with item drops before stopping / move stuff to quest storage like og temp storage, etc. instead of only using drop storage since when grinding a while in a combat area, especially during seasonal events with high burst rate, you can get several hundred items in like an hour easily.
The main point is to make sure the player knows when storage is full because it only takes like 15-20 seconds to clear enough space for the current burst and during some regular killing you can clear the rest without much issue in under a minute and be prepared for the next 2-3 bursts.
Doing it manually isn't the issue but not knowing when is.