October 1st Balance Adjustments

Techter Adjustments

Class Skill Adjustments

Class SkillsAdjustments
Shifta / DebandShortened the recast time at the start of the quest.
Long Range
Shifta / Deband
Shortened the recast time at the start of the quest.
OveremphasisShortened the recast time.
Wand Guard ReflectionRelaxed the firing angle.
Wand Parry CounterIncreased the power.
Increased movement speed and distance.
Made adjustments so that you do not move too close to the enemy when attacking.
Wand Parry
Counter Advance
Increased the power and adjusted the power distribution.
Tech explosions will now occur when the shockwave part hits the enemy and not the counter portion.
*Changed specifications so that when this skill is acquired, the counter portion will not generate tech explosions.

Expanded the shockwave's attack range, making it easier to hit enemy weak points.
Adjusted the PP recovery amount for the shockwave and counter portions of the attack.
Wand Lovers ReinforceIncreased the power during the 1st ~ 4th normal attacks.
Relaxed the Step Cancellation Timing during the 1st ~ 4th normal attacks.
Relaxed the Weapon Action Cancellation timing during the 1st ~ 4th normal attacks.
Relaxed the timing of falling during the 1st ~ 4th normal attacks.
Made Adjustments so that you do not move too close to the enemy when attacking during the 1st ~ 4th normal attacks.
Changed specifications so that when performing the 1st ~ 4th normal attacks on the ground and the target is farther away above a certain height, the player will move closer to the target in the air.
Increased the power of step attacks.
Increased the power of step counters.
Increased the power of Wand Parry Counter.
Changed specifications so that for Wand Parry Counter, if the attack is performed on the ground and the target is farther away above a certain height, the player will move closer to the target in the air.
Wand Technic Skip BeatChanged specifications so that it can also be activated from an uncharged Technique.
Adjusted movement performance.
Wand Element PursuitIncreased the power.
Increased the PP Recovery amount.

Wand Adjustments

  • Adjusted attack effects.
  • Expanded Attack Range for the Wand's Tech Explosions.
  • Increased the power of the Wand's 3rd ~ 4th normal attacks.
  • Made Adjustments so that you do not move too close to the enemy when attacking for the Wand's 1st ~ 4th normal attacks.
  • Relaxed the Step Cancellation Timing of the Wand's 4th normal attack.
  • Relaxed the Weapon Action Cancellation timing of the Wand's 4th normal attack.
  • For the wand's 4th normal attack, increased the Down value of Tech Explosions that occur on the 2nd hit, as well as the accumulation of the [Wand Element Pursuit] gauge and the Compound Technic gauge.
  • Increased the power of Wand's Step Counter.
Photon ArtAdjustments
Rapid SmashIncreased the power and adjusted the power distribution.
Increased movement speed and distance when enemies are within a certain range for both charged and uncharged attacks.
Made Adjustments so that you do not move too close to the enemy for both charged and uncharged attacks.
Relaxed the turning timing for both charged and uncharged attacks while in TPS view.
Expanded attack range of charged Techniques.
Relaxed the Step Cancellation Timing of charged Techniques.
Relaxed the Weapon Action Cancellation timing of charged Techniques.
Wave HitIncreased the power and adjusted the power distribution.
Expanded Attack Range
Improved movement distance when pressing forward while locked-on or in TPS view.
Adjusted Movement performance when pressing left/right while locked-on or in TPS view.
Made adjustments so that you do not move too close to the enemy when attacking.
Relaxed the timing for accepting early inputs after the first hit.
Relaxed the attack cancel timing after the first hit.
Relaxed the Step Cancellation Timing
Relaxed the Weapon Action Cancellation timing.

Wand: Tech Arts Customization

Photon ArtAdjustments
Rapid SmashAdjusted the power distribution for Type 2.
Changed specifications so that you are not moved forward when attacking for Type 2.

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