Halloween Event (Part 2)
The second half of the Halloween event comes with additional daily and limited tasks to complete. Seasonal enemies will begin appearing in the Mt. Magnus and Vanford Laboratory areas.
The Seasonal Points Exchange Shop has been updated with new stock, including the Mushroom Earrings accessory and Soul-type ability capsules.
NGS Mission Pass – Season 2
The second Mission Pass arrives with a wide array of prizes up for grabs, such as new accessories, stamps, default costume color variations, and the highly coveted 3-day Shop Pass.
Medical Masters (AC Scratch)

Take the Hippocratic Oath and keep Halpha's population healthy in sickening sci-fi medical wear.
Mystic Revelry (AC Scratch)

Revel in nature's splendor with fantastical garments themed after birds, butterflies, and goldfish.
Oracle Renew Revival (AC Scratch)

PSO2's fifth and final Oracle Renew scratch, containing updated versions of outfits worn by Echo, Theo, Ulc, and Quna, will be re-released in New Genesis!
These mission passes look weaker by the moment. I mean, I do understand that NGS is fresh so there's not much they can put in it. But honestly they've got like a decade of PSO2 accessories to pick from to just put in there to fluff the content, but they're just putting NGS spec items in there which is severely limiting their options so you get this, a cape, that's like the one thing this pass offer that you can't get elsewhere. The scratches on the cast parts are barely noticeable (They actually are invisible on cast parts painted black) and the one alt color suit they offer this time around you could just repaint yourself with a color pass on a suit that comes from a current SG scratch. I get that the gold pass is only 100SG compared to 500 before so someone could use that as an excuse for the offerings being much weaker but I'd counter that by saying nobody was asking for mission passes to be cheaper, this is something sega decided on their own.
What? Mission Pass Gold was always 100SG bruh
500SG? I think you were scammed (? xd
well on the contrary i dont see anything to whine about MP, except the recolor, its just lame, bro. why would you put something that barely anyone wants it? the recoloration is even crappy, it would be different if they make it have a different patterns that is striking enough from the original. also kinda hope they'd put 2 shop passes, or just.. idk.. make the shop pass 1day instead of 3days but put 3 of them in MP
Honestly, I'd be kinda bummed if I get base-tier stuff.. Like, it's bad enough that the Oracle Renewal scratches have had some PSO2-spec items.
I'm also really disappointed with the Special Scratch because that's what it is for the most part.. and the recycle options for them are bad as well.
The only thing I wish they would do is buff Premium benefits. It's pretty lackluster by comparison to base. Including the gold pass is kinda boring, I would've expected that to happen anyway since we combined with Global and that's how they had it set up.
Maybe Premium should get double rewards from daily orders, or even just extra items. They could also do a premium triboost like they had in base, especially since we don't have the party boost anymore.
I agree, with Vodka that Prem is lame-ish at the moment (You can just spend 700AC, almost half the cost, to get shop pass), but a few points:
1. Premium gets a Rare Drop boost if you eat Food. I'm personally glad party boost is removed because that 40% does little and people act like it's a big difference.
2. Gold Pass inclusion is saving 100 SG every month, a resource that can be allocated somewhere else, particularty SG Scratch for Ability Success Rate Up (or storage).
3. Premium got extra items from Daily Login, which includes a N-Color Pass every 21 days. I'd like this to be shorter like 14-days basis or even 7 days tho.
4. Special Scratch, while a PSO2 recycle, contains items previously unavailable to non-scratching people. I don't mind this, although I have knack of getting the AIS Blaster accessories (4 times, really?), as there's a lot of Scratch-bonus-only items that's untradable. I'm hoping they also put NGS Scratch-bonus-only items in another special scratch somewhere down the lane.
You know, I haven't read interesting and meaningful comments for a long time, instead of just toxicity xD
You really have good ideas, I agree with the MP and the MyShop tickets, that they last 1 day instead of 3 but giving more per month is an excellent idea. If you didn't fill out your form, could still recommend your ideas. We might get lucky and SEGA will listen…
I guess I misremembered the previous SG cost of hte gold pass. But that messup nothwisthanding, my point remained. When I think premium pass I think a lot of things, some impressive, some unimpressive, but one thing I don't think one accessory and a bunch of reactors, ores, and gold prims, like damn bruh. The weakest PSO2 mission pass wasn't anywhere as bad as this. At the bare minimum toss in at least two or three battledia worth of tickets and a weapon camo.
Hairstyles from 11.24 scratch… I wonder if they'll costs less than 5M each.