Special Scratch
249 "Pose 23"256「声援1」
256 "Cheer 1"257「声援2」
257 "Cheer 2"259「品がある挨拶」
259 "Refined Greeting"264「ポーズ24」
264 "Pose 24"292「立ち乗り二輪車」
292 "Upright Scooter"296「スライド移動」
296 "Sliding Movement"326「ヒーローポーズ」
326 "Hero Pose"334「プール遊び」
334 "Pool Play"449「ぶらさがる」
449 "Hanging"644「膝立ち2」
644 "Kneeling 2"660「魔術ポーズ1」
660 "Magic Pose 1"
- N-特殊能力追加成功率+20% | N-Ability Success Rate +20%
- N-特殊能力追加成功率+15% | N-Ability Success Rate +15%
- N-強化大成功率+100% | N-Great Grind Success Rate +100%
- SG100獲得チケット | SG 100 Ticket
- エステ無料パス | Salon Free Pass
- N-カラーチェンジパス | N-Color Change Pass
- SG20獲得チケット | SG 20 Ticket
- SG10獲得チケット | SG 10 Ticket
Scratch Bonus
Play the Special Scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!
First Lap | |
Frequency | Rewards |
40 times | Special Select Ticket |
Second Lap | |
Frequency | Rewards |
40 times | Special Select Ticket |
※Collecting all items in the First Lap will enter you into the Second Lap.
※The Second Lap can be repeated ad infinitum.
※Special Select Ticket allows you to choose 1 item from the Special Scratch.
>SG20獲得チケット | SG 20 Ticket
>SG10獲得チケット | SG 10 Ticket
Is it "better luck next time" thing? What a fucking bullshit.
Don't like it? You can report it to Sega on this link:
lol I know the feel but that's always how it is with them kinds of scratches/gatchapon stuffs. At least it's SG points that can be used maybe for storage or something instead of (like my bad luck) male outfits thrown in a girl's face over 90+ times that's just downright useless and won't/can't even sell or trade away while being undesirable… or of course, then to use on said scratch to end up with that bad luck anyway…….. X'D
What's worse is that you can buy pose 23 and pose 24 from FUN shop in pso2, totally wasted slots
Classic's FUN shop only has up to ポーズ22
Wait really? I'm pretty sure I got those LAs from FUN shop a while back, because I'm sure as hell don't remember those LAs being scratch frequency rewards anytime on PSO2.
They were scratch bonus rewards in the Medical Cure Station and Million Arthur Collection scratches.
damn, I really forgot lmao
Got a free salon pass from the scratch.
Yeah, F*** YOU TOO, SEGA!