Monster Masquerade
(Available until 11.24.2021)
マジスティアマキア[Ou] | Magistia Machia [Ou]
マジスティアマキア/2[Ou] | Magistia Machia/2 [Ou]
マジスティアマキア/B[Ou] | Magistia Machia/B [Ou]
マジスティアマキア/B2[Ou] | Magistia Machia/B2 [Ou]
マジスティアマキア[Ba] | Magistia Machia [Ba]
マジスティアマキア/2[Ba] | Magistia Machia/2 [Ba]
マジスティアマキア/B[Ba] | Magistia Machia/B [Ba]
マジスティアマキア/B2[Ba] | Magistia Machia/B2 [Ba]
ファシーノディアボラ[Ou] | Fascino Diavola [Ou]
ファシーノディアボラ/2[Ou] | Fascino Diavola/2 [Ou]
ファシーノディアボラ/B[Ou] | Fascino Diavola/B [Ou]
ファシーノディアボラ/B2[Ou] | Fascino Diavola/B2 [Ou]
ファシーノディアボラ[Ba] | Fascino Diavola [Ba]
ファシーノディアボラ/2[Ba] | Fascino Diavola/2 [Ba]
ファシーノディアボラ/B[Ba] | Fascino Diavola/B [Ba]
ファシーノディアボラ/B2[Ba] | Fascino Diavola/B2 [Ba]
ドラッヘムルシェラゴ[Ba] | Drache Murcielago [Ba]
ドラッヘムルシェラゴ/2[Ba] | Drache Murcielago/2 [Ba]
ドラッヘムルシェラゴ/3[Ba] | Drache Murcielago/3 [Ba]
ドラッヘムルシェラゴ/4[Ba] | Drache Murcielago/4 [Ba]
ゾンビラッピースーツ[Fu] | Zombie Rappy Suit [Fu]
Drache Helmドラッヘヘルム/B
Drache Helm/Bマジスティアヘアー
Magistia Hairファシーノヘアー
Fascino Hairバンデシニーアイ/C
Comic Eyes/Cフタスジまゆ
Split Eyebrowsフッサリまつげ
Plush Eyelashesガッチリアイメイク
Strong Eye Makeupガッチリアイメイク/B
Strong Eye Makeup/BアシンメピエロメイクR
Asymmetrical Pierrot Makeup RアシンメピエロメイクR/B
Asymmetrical Pierrot Makeup R/BアシンメピエロメイクL
Asymmetrical Pierrot Makeup LアシンメピエロメイクL/B
Asymmetrical Pierrot Makeup L/Bヴァンプアプトゥース
Vamp Upper Teethヴァンプロワトゥース
Vamp Lower Teethピピストイヤー
Pipistrello Earsピピストイヤー/2
Pipistrello Ears/2マジスティアソックス
Magistia Socksマジスティアソックス/B
Magistia Socks/Bシマシマニーソ
Stripy Knee Socksシマシマニーソ/B
Stripy Knee Socks/Bシマシマニーソ/B2
Stripy Knee Socks/B2ゲイザータトゥー
Gazer Tattooゲイザータトゥー/B
Gazer Tattoo/Bピピストタトゥー
Pipistrello Tattooマジスティアハット
Magistia Hatマジスティアハット/B
Magistia Hat/Bリティアヘアアクセ
Rithia Hair Accessoryドラッヘフリューゲル
Drache Flugelファシーノヘッドギア
Fascino Headgearツイストスパイク
Twist Spikeバットピアス
Bat Earringsフワフワファンタズマ
Floating Phantasmaマガマガインファウスト
Wicked Infaustパンプキンバッグ
Pumpkin Bagくわえパンプキンクッキー
Bitten Pumpkin Cookieくわえゴーストクッキー
Bitten Ghost Cookieハロウィンマニキュア
Halloween Manicureハロウィンペディキュア
Halloween Pedicureハロウィンネックレス
Halloween Necklace
- Mo「待機:優美」 | Mo "Idle: Graceful"
Lobby Actions
- 764「料理する2」 | 764 "Cooking 2"
- 765「頑張るゾ」 | 765 "Persevere"
- 766「吊るされる2」 | 766 "Hang 2"
Scratch Bonus
Play this AC Scratch a specific amount of times for exclusive bonus items!
First Lap | |
Frequency | Rewards |
5 times | Free Salon Pass |
10 times | N-Great Grind Success Rate +100% |
15 times | N-Color Change Pass |
20 times | N-Ability Success Rate +20% |
30 times | Monster Masquerade Ticket |
40 times | N-Color Change Pass |
45 times | Mo "Glide: Powerful" |
60 times | Monster Masquerade Ticket |
Second Lap | |
Frequency | Rewards |
5 times | Free Salon Pass |
30 times | Monster Masquerade Ticket |
※Collecting all items in the First Lap will enter you into the Second Lap.
※The Second Lap can be repeated ad infinitum.
※Monster Masquerade Ticket allows you to choose 1 item from this AC Scratch.
"Expectation vs reality" drawn pictures, if only 3d models were half as good.
They are like the Burger King hamburgers you see in the super appetizing image but you buy it and you see that it is an incipient thing. But it is what it is, the graphics engine is like that.
What was even the point in changing engine from PSO2 to NGS if everything still doesn't look nearly as good as promo art?
They could improve character editor to let people make characters look cuter/more anime instead they/HMZK did the exact opposite.
lol the 3d model looks like the artwork