NGS AC Scratch: Halpha Summer Splash

Halpha Summer Splash
(Available until 8.28.2024)

Lobby Actions

  • 1041「ラインストライク」 | 1041 "Line Strike"
  • 1042「デッキブラシ」 | 1042 "Deck Brush"


  • Mo「待機:和装フォーム」 | Mo "Idle: Japanese Form"
  • Mo「移動:和装フォーム」 | Mo "Move: Japanese Form"
  • Mo「待機:無重力」 | Mo "Idle: Zero Gravity"
  • Mo「ダッシュ:無重力」 | Mo "Dash: Zero Gravity"
  • Mo「グライド:無重力」 | Mo "Glide: Zero Gravity"

2 thoughts on “NGS AC Scratch: Halpha Summer Splash”

    • I'm just happy they're giving some love to our story npcs, just like how they did back in pso2. We used to have a scratches with seasonal costumes made for pso2 characters before, really glad to see them doing it for ngs.

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