M.A.R.S. Outline

M.A.R.S. Outline

Weapon Explanations


M.A.R.S. (Multirole Arks Reactive System) is a new action system that summons special armaments that can be used in battle. The system becomes available after Chapter 1 by completing a Main Task where you visit the Class Counter.

M.A.R.S. can be equipped through the equipment / sub-palette button on the main menu. You can choose two main armaments and one sub-armament.

This system can be activated once the "M.A.R.S. Battery Gauge" reaches 25% or more. This gauge fills automatically over time when the player is out on the field. It takes approximately 2 minutes and 15 seconds for the gauge to reach 25%, and about 9 minutes for it to reach 100%.

Once activated, 25% of the gauge will be reserved and shown in red. At this point, the gauge (including its red portion) will deplete normally. However, if you cancel within 30 seconds of activation, 25% of the gauge will be consumed wasting whatever amount you didn't use.

Main Armaments

VA-1SRM GARM (ガルム)

Normal AttackClose-range slash that recovers HP.
Weapon ActionProduces a forward slash. The enemy's attacks are nullified the moment the attack occurs.
Hold to unleash "Garm Detonation."
Photon Art:
Absolute Shatter
Quickly approaches the enemy with a powerful attack. Hold to consume all PP where you rush in and mow-down the surrounding area. Enemy attacks are nullified during the dashing motion.

VA-2MRM Nidhoggr ニズヘッグ

Normal AttackSwings a scythe-shaped weapon that performs up to a 5-hit combo. Hold to perform a wide area buzz-saw attack.
Weapon ActionUnleashes a series of slashes leading up to a buzzsaw projectile. Hold to perform "Nidhoggr Execution."
Photon Art: WhirlwindSlashes surrounding enemies with a spin attack. Hold to consume all PP and perform a spinning attack that ends up with slicing the enemy. If the final attack hits, Nidhoggr's abilities are increased for a period of time. After activating the PA, Nidhoggr's normal attack stage is maintained.

VA-3LRM Hydra ハイドラ

Normal AttackFires Photon Bullets from a canon-type weapon. Hold to gradually increase the rate of fire eventually leading to a final blow.
Weapon ActionCharges photons so that the next normal attack begins at an increased rate of fire. Hold to activate "Hydra Termination."
Photon Art:
Blessing Napalm
Fires a bullet that explodes on impact and deploys an HP Recovery Field that heals everyone but yourself. Hold to consume all PP to deploy a PP Consumption Reduction Field for characters other than yourself.

VA-4XRM Scylla スカイラ

Normal AttackSwinging this rod-shaped weapon releases photon beams from another dimension, producing a 3 hit combo. Hold to move at high speeds while firing off photon beams.
Weapon ActionReleases explosive Photons ahead of you. Hold to activate "Scylla Retaliation"
Photon Art:
Meteor Rider
Transforms M.A.R.S allowing you to move at high speeds while Photon Beams rain down on surrounding enemies. Hold to maintain the transformation until PP runs out.

Sub Armaments

SA-1HMP Fenrir

Increases movement speed and enables consecutive sidestep actions.
Performs a follow-up attack after a successful evasive maneuver

SA-2HDP Fafnir

Reduces damage taken when HP falls below 70%.
Deploys a field that reduces damage taken for a set amount of time.
Generates a follow-up attack after successfully guarding.

SA-3HFP Lindworm

Increases PP Recovery Rate.
Reduces damage received from enemies in front of you.
Generates a follow-up attack after the player lands 40 attacks.

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