M.A.R.S. Skill Tree

Garm Heat Charge

Garm Quick Assault

Garm Killing Prize

Garm Risky

Garm Beat

Nidhoggr Disempower Marker

Add Attack

Delay Action

Extend Time


Hydra Overcharge

Hydra Avoid Counter

Hydra Tactical Reload

Hydra Forceful Attack

Hydra Extend Time

Scylla Star Link

Scylla High Maneuver

Scylla Invincible Mode

Scylla Add Attack

Scylla Annihilation

Fenrir Support Action

Fenrir Double Step

Fenrir Add Attack

Fafnir Support Action

Fafnir Deband Field

Fafnir Add Attack

Lindworm Support Action

Lindworm Jammer

Lindworm Add Attack

Swift Avoid

Forward Thrust

Vertical Thrust

Power Up

Critical Rate Up

Critical Power Up


Natural HP Recovery


PP Recovery From Attacks Up
SkillGarm Heat Charge / ガルムヒートチャージ
EffectHitting an enemy a certain amount of times will fill two energy gauges.

Increases both power and HP recovered from normal attacks based on the amount of energy stored.

Activating Garm Detonation will consume all stored energy and strengthen your attacks based on the energy level.
※VA-1SRM Garm Only
SkillGarm Quick Assault / ガルムクイックアサルト
EffectSuccessful use of the Forward Thrust evasive maneuver will automatically switch the armament to Garm and perform a rush attack.

This effect will activate even if a different armament is in use as long as Garm is set to one of the main weapons.
※VA-1SRM Garm Only
SkillGarm Killing Prize / ガルムキリングプライズ
EffectRecovers HP and PP when enemies are defeated nearby.

※VA-1SRM Garm Only
SkillGarm Risky Style / ガルムリスキースタイル
EffectHolding the normal attack button consumes HP to perform a maximum of 2 attacks.

※VA-1SRM Garm Only
SkillGarm Beat Up / ガルムビートアップ
EffectHitting a downed enemy with Garm Detonation will increase the downed time.

※VA-1SRM Garm Only

VA-2MRM Nidhoggr ニズヘッグ

SkillNidhoggr Disempower Marker / ニズヘッグディスパワーマーカー
EffectHitting an enemy a certain amount of times will apply a Marker to the enemy.
The Marker has two stages, granting damage reduction from enemies based on the stage.
In addition, hitting a Marked enemy with [Nidhoggr Detonation], will cause the Marker to explode, triggering additional attacks whose power is determined by the stage.

※VA-2MRM Nidhoggr Only
SkillNidhoggr Add Attack / ニズヘッグアドアタック
EffectWhen an attack is successfully nullified, an additional attack will occur.
This effect can be triggered, as long as Nidhoggr is set to one of the main armaments, even if a different weapon is in use.
※VA-2MRM Nidhoggr Only
SkillNidhoggr Delay Action / ニズヘッグアドアタック
EffectWhen performing a normal attack, delaying the timing the next attack will trigger an additional attack.
The longer you delay the attack, the more powerful the additional attack will be.
※VA-2MRM Nidhoggr Only
SkillNidhoggr Extend Time / ニズヘッグエクステンドタイム
EffectAn enemy hit with the 5th combo of the normal attack extends the operating time for M.A.R.S.

※VA-2MRM Nidhoggr Only
SkillNidhoggr Weakness / ニズヘッグウィークネス
EffectDeal additional damage for a limited time when [Nidhoggr Disempower Marker] explosion hits an enemy.
The effect is reduced on some powerful enemies.

※VA-2MRM Nidhoggr Only

VA-3LRM Hydra ハイドラ

SkillHydra Overcharge / ハイドラオーバーチャージ
EffectThe gauge fills when an enemy is hit with attacks a certain number of times.
Once the gauge reaches its max, a certain number of normal attacks become more powerful, and while the effect is active, the natural PP recovery rate of each weapon is increased.

※VA-3LRM Hydra Only
SkillHydra Avoid Counter / ハイドラアヴォイドカウンター
EffectWhen you evade a locked-on enemy's attack via Step or [Swift Avoid], a counterattack will automatically occur.
This effect will occur as long as Hydra is set to one of the main weapons, even when utilizing a different weapon.
※VA-3LRM Hydra Only
SkillHydra Tactical Reload / ハイドラタクティカルリロード
EffectPressing the weapon action button immediately after certain attacks, such as the final normal attack, will start the next Hydra normal attack at an increased rate of fire.

※VA-3LRM Hydra Only
SkillHydra Forceful Attack / ハイドラフォースフルアタック
EffectNormal attacks become even more powerful when PP is 5 or below.

※VA-3LRM Hydra Only
SkillHydra Extend Time / ハイドラエクステンドタイム
EffectHitting an enemy with [Hydra Termination] will extend M.A.R.S. operation time.

※VA-3LRM Hydra Only

VA-3LRM Scylla スカイラ

SkillScylla High Maneuver / スカイラハイマニューバ
EffectActivating a PA with each weapon transforms Scylla's normal attack into a highly maneuverable, up to 3-stage attack.
※VA-4XRM Scylla Only
SkillScylla Invincible Mode / スカイラインビンシブルモード
EffectHaving three star figures and attacking an enemy with the Weapon Action will cause you to become invincible for a limited time.

While invincible, PP will not recover naturally and [Scylla Retaliation] power will increase.
※VA-4XRM Scylla Only
SkillScylla Add Attack / スカイラアドアタック
EffectAn automatic attack will occur if no damage is taken for a set period and enemies are within range.
※VA-4XRM Scylla Only
SkillScylla Annihilation / スカイラアナイアレーション
EffectWhen an enemy is hit with the weapon action [Scylla Annihilation], a field is generated which performs a wide area attack periodically.
※VA-4XRM Scylla Only

Sub Weapon: SA-1HMP Fenrir フェンリル

SkillFenrir Support Action / フェンリルサポートアクション
EffectAutomatically performs support attacks at set intervals.
Support attacks are strengthened after M.A.R.S. is used for a while.
Movement speed is also increased.
※SA-1HMP Fenrir Only
SkillFenrir Double Step / フェンリルダブルステップ
EffectEnables performing a step maneuver twice.
※SA-1HMP Fenrir Only
SkillFenrir Add Attack / フェンリルアドアタック
EffectEvading a hit will generate an additional attack.
※SA-1HMP Fenrir Only

Sub Weapon: SA-2HDP Fafnir ファブニル

SkillFafnir Support Action / ファブニルサポートアクション
EffectAutomatically performs support attacks at set intervals.
Support attacks are strengthened after M.A.R.S. is used for a while.
Reduces Damage Taken when HP is below 70%.
※SA-2HDP Fafnir Only
SkillFafnir Deband Field / ファブニルデバンドフィールド
EffectGenerates a field that reduces damage taken in the area where the attack hit.
※SA-2HDP Fafnir Only
SkillFafnir Add Attack / ファブニルアドアタック
EffectProduces an additional attack when you successfully nullify an attack.
※SA-2HDP Fafnir Only

Sub Weapon: SA-3HFP Lindworm リントヴルム

SkillLindworm Support Action / リントヴルムサポートアクション
EffectAutomatically performs support attacks at set intervals.
Support attacks are strengthened after M.A.R.S. is used for a while.
Increases both natural PP recovery and PP recovered through attacks.
※SA-3HFP Lindworm Only
SkillLindworm Jammer / リントヴルムジャマー
EffectProvides a jamming effect on enemies within sight, reducing the damage taken from them.
The jamming effect doesn't work on some powerful enemies.
※SA-3HFP Lindworm Only
SkillLindworm Add Attack / リントヴルムアドアタック
EffectProduces an additional attack when an attack hits a certain amount of times.
※SA-3HFP Lindworm Only

M.A.R.S. Shared Skills

SkillSwift Avoid / スイフトアヴォイド
EffectJumping and inputting left, right, or back while locked on will allow you to move at high speeds while evading attacks.
SkillForward Thrust / フォワードスラスト
EffectJumping and inputting forward while locked on will allow you to move at high speeds while evading attacks.
SkillVertical Thrust / バーティカルスラスト
EffectJumping and not inputting a direction while locked on will allow you to move at high speeds while evading attacks at the same altitude as the locked-on coordinate.
SkillPower Up | 威力アップ
EffectIncreases M.A.R.S. power.
SkillCritical Rate Up | クリティカル率アップ
EffectIncreases M.A.R.S. Critical Rate
SkillCritical Power Up |クリティカル威力アップ
EffectIncreases M.A.R.S. Critical Power
SkillHP Up | HPアップ
EffectIncreases M.A.R.S. HP.
SkillNatural HP Recovery | HP自然回復
EffectIncreases M.A.R.S. HP Recovery
SkillPP Up | PPアップ
EffectIncreases M.A.R.S. PP.
SkillPP Recovery From Attacks Up | 攻撃時PP回復量アップ
EffectIncreases M.A.R.S. PP. Recovery From Attacks