February 4th Balance Adjustments

Active Skill Adjustment

Active Skill Adjustment

  • Reduced the recast time at the start of the quest.

Hunter Adjustments

Class Skill Adjustments

Class SkillsAdjustments
All GuardChanged the skill name to [Just Guard PP Gain].
War CryIncreased the Hate effect.
Expanded the range in which it grabs enemy's attention.
Massive HunterShortened the recast time.
Massive Hunter Short CycleShortened the recast time.
Hunter Arts AvengeChanged specifications so that it increases the Down Infliction (Value).
Hunter Arts Avenge PP GainIncreased the amount of PP Recovered.
Sword Guard CounterExpanded Attack Range
Increased movement distance.
Sword Guard Counter PlusExpanded Attack Range
Relaxed the Step Cancellation Timing
Crossing FeatherIncreased the amount of PP Recovered.
Vol GraptorChanged specifications so that PP recovers when the attack hits.
Assault ChargeChanged to not consume PP when activated.
Adjusted movement performance.
Changed specifications so that movement speed changes based on the distance from the enemy.
Falling is relaxed if enemies are within a certain distance.
Partisan Quick AssaultChanged to not consume PP when activated.

Sword Adjustments

  • Increased the motion speed in the 4th step of the Sword's normal attack.
  • Added forward guard points in the 4th step of the Sword's normal attack.
  • Increased movement distance in the 4th step of the Sword's normal attack.
  • Relaxed the Step Cancellation Timing in the 4th step of the Sword's normal attack.
  • Increased the power in the 5th step of the Sword's normal attack.
  • Increased the amount of PP recovered in the 5th step of the Sword's normal attack.
  • Expanded Attack Range in the 5th step of the Sword's normal attack.
  • Expanded the guard points in all directions in the 5th step of the Sword's normal attack.
  • Relaxed the Step Cancellation Timing in the 5th step of the Sword's normal attack.
  • Changed specifications so that an enemy's attack can be guarded in all directions for the Sword's weapon action.
Photon ArtAdjustments
Spiral EdgeIncreased the power and adjusted the power distribution.
Relaxed the Step cancellation timing.
Twist ZapperIncreased the power and adjusted the power distribution.
Increased motion speed when charged.
Relaxed the timing of accepting early inputs when charged.
Relaxed the attack cancel timing when charged.
Relaxed the jump cancel timing when charged.
Relaxed the Weapon Action Cancellation timing.
Relaxed the Step cancellation timing.
Relaxed the fall timing when activated on the ground.
Streak CaliberIncreased the power.
Added an effect that prevents knock backs or being launched with attacks while charged.
Relaxed the Step cancellation timing.
Relaxed the jump cancellation timing for the 1st and 2nd portions.
Relentless CleaveIncreased the power and adjusted the power distribution.
Increased turning speed upon activation.
Changed specification so that when it is uncharged, if it was performed on the ground, it will no longer be recognized as being aerial.
Relaxed the Step cancellation timing.

Wired Lance Adjustments

  • Adjusted the attack effects.
  • Increased the power with the 4th step of the Wired Lance's normal attack.
  • Increased the power with the Wired Lance's weapon action.
  • Increased the amount of PP recovered when no direction is inputted with the Wired Lance's weapon action.
  • Increased the motion speed with forward input with the Wired Lance's weapon action.
  • Increased the movement speed with forward input with the Wired Lance's weapon action.
  • Added Guard Points in all directions at the final stage of the attack under its left/right variation when holding the button with the Wired Lance's weapon action.
  • Added an effect that prevents knock backs or being launched at the final stage of the attack under its left/right variations when holding the button with the Wired Lance's weapon action.
Photon ArtAdjustments
Cutting LayerIncreased the power.
Relaxed the timing of accepting early inputs.
Relaxed the attack cancel timing of the first step.
Relaxed the jump cancel timing.
Relaxed the timing of falling.
Vane MixtureIncreased the power.
Turbulence TrainIncreased the power and adjusted the power distribution.
Decreased PP consumption.
Changed specification so that the attack will no longer be recognized as being aerial, if there was no movement, or it was activated with the back directional input.
Hellish FallIncreased the power.
Increased movement distance and movement speed when charged.

Partisan Adjustments

  • Adjusted the attack effects.
  • Made Adjustments so that you do not get too close to the enemy when attacking with the 3rd ~ 4th step of the Partisan's normal attack.
  • Increased the movement distance when inputting left and right while locked-onto the enemy or using TPS view, when performing the attack in the air with the 1st ~ 3rd step of the Partisan's normal attack.
  • Increased the power of the 4th step of the Partisan's normal attack.
  • You can now move when inputting left and right if an enemy is near while locked-onto the enemy or using TPS view with the 4th step of the Partisan's normal attack.
  • Adjusted movement performance with the Partisan's weapon action.
  • Relaxed falling when an enemy is within a certain range with the Partisan's weapon action.
Photon ArtAdjustments
Scythe RipperIncreased the power and adjusted the power distribution.
Decreased PP consumption.
Made adjustments so that you aren't moved forward when attacking, but instead will move based on the direction inputted.
Relaxed the step cancellation timing when charged.
Relaxed the jump cancel timing when charged.
Stab JavelinIncreased the power.
Fatal TornadoIncreased the power and adjusted the power distribution.
Increased turning speed upon activation.
Relaxed the turning timing.
Relaxed the step cancellation timing when charged.
Triumph ShiftIncreased the power and adjusted the power distribution.

Tech Arts Customization

Partisan Adjustment

Stab JavelinAdjusted the power distribution in Type 2.

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