A physical print of the first volume of the ongoing Central! comic for PSO2 NGS is on sale now in Japan! A digital download is available for Global. Purchases of either will come with a code for six in-game items for their respective version.
Price: ¥1,100 / $9.99
Purchase: Japan / Global
Japanese Rewards
- Mo「待機:『せんとらるっ!』」
- St「『せんとらるっ!』」
- 『せんとらるっ!』ラン缶バッジ
- 『せんとらるっ!』リューリン缶バッジ
- 『せんとらるっ!』ロッサ缶バッジ
- 『せんとらるっ!』オランジェ缶バッジ
Global Rewards
- MTN: Idle – CENTRAL!
- CENTRAL! Ran Pin
- CENTRAL! Liu Lin Pin
- CENTRAL! Rossa Pin
- CENTRAL! Oranje Pin
The Global audience can also purchase a digital collection of PSO2Comi for an additional item code.
Price: $16.99
Purchase: Global
Global Rewards
- Manga Memory (x16)